
@deevines /


It’s not that you have issues…… it’s that you have a tendency to continue using instincts you picked up in childhood that are no longer useful to you on your journey towards achieving openness and intimacy and reliability in your personal relationships w others. It’s not that you’re defective or difficult or incapable it’s just that what you learned to do to save yourself from the experience of abandonment or rejection or ridicule or failure is not helpful here anymore and you need to start thinking creatively and collaborating on better ways to cope with that instrinsic fear that you are not correct, that you are faking, that you will be found out and left, whatever it is


lovely moon sign things

aries: a reckless romantic! big hearts and funny minds. lovessss to play it cool and give away as little as possible about their funny little selves. 

taurus: remembers so many little details about people. so exceptionally clever, but in a psychological way as well as an academic way. an aMaZiNG pal

gemini: wants to tell you every detail about their day. wants the world to laugh alongside them. people fascinate them. they have a way with words

cancer: sees romance in buildings and nature. stylish & genius. want the best for everyone around them. protective hearts

leo: is always there to protect & care for those when they need it. so much wit. a talented mind. they bring a lot of light when you’re around them.

virgo: just wants to create art. a gentleman or lady. organic souls. consumes knowledge & loves learning. kind beings

libra: very forgiving, just wants to make everyone laugh. the softest being & very romantic. stands up what & who they believe in

scorpio: colorful & eccentric minds. always go for what they want & usually get it! loved by many, beautiful smiley people.

sagittarius: change EXCITES them. playful & creative. loves meeting new people & sticks by the ones they love. so much LIFE in them

capricorn: so MucH tAlent!!! beautiful minds! stubborn & sarcastic & have too many interests at once. big dreamers & chance takers

aquarius: is embarrassed about the quirks that the world loves them for. absolutely unique, you’ve never met anyone like them. beautiful in & out

pisces: just wants to save the world really. picturesque & arty, the sweetest of souls. they experience romance in every aspect they can


This heart-warming Disneyland Paris spot features a sweet CG duck who simply adores Donald Duck. It’s the perfect cure for post-Christmas blues!!!

i can’t believe disney has me crying about a goddamn duck

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