

@othertale-blog / othertale-blog.tumblr.com

undertale alternative timeline an animated/comic series created by @superyoumna | comic updates every saturday
Anonymous asked:

I know you are not gonna make animations of other tale anymore but I don't care about that I just ant the story I don't care if it is even a google doc with the story written down I just want to know the story.

Me too lol

If you found it send it to me

Anonymous asked:

when are you going update othertale?

The amount of people who are asking about this is frustrating-Yet my fault for answering every and each one here and youtube

So here is what’s going on regarding Othertale…again:

-Firstly for the comics I am taking my time to collect my thoughts to continue it with ease after my graduation because basically everything has fallen down around me since then and after having a job…..not going through details but hopefully everything will get organised starting the new year 2020 with everything not only the comics update but every other kind of comics and my youtube channel.

-Secondly…speaking of my youtube channel and the animations in it let me clarify this again not for you only but for everyone else…

I am not continuing Othertale as animation please for the love of god I can’t

Other than that my channel is going to get that cleaning because Imma start clean in it …

with freaking 100k subs I hit today *ahem* oh boy

Anonymous asked:

Are there problems rising to prevent you fron updating your epicc comic once more, our amazing glorious creator? *w* ;

yeah sorry

i have finals going through right now so it’s a bet on delay

Anonymous asked:

Will you ever post your comic on DeviantArt? Did you thought about it?

I can’t really get used to deviant art though i am still thinking about it

Anonymous asked:

Where did you go senpai :c

uh sorry for the sudden update stop i had some problems but it’ll be continued soon

Anonymous asked:

Is there a reason ya don't put your stuff in the Undertale tag?

uh...no reason?

should i put tag anything here undertale? i guess that’s for search reasons...I’ll tag them undertale as soon as i can then :D

Anonymous asked:

Really the colour changing flames from Sans really amaze me, I really like the way they change colour and how they are drawn in general.

thanks a lot!

that’s one of the major changes in style i made here :D

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