

@viiavi / viiavi.tumblr.com

Jay // wcif-friendly

ok we're settling this discourse right now

put ur zodiac sign in the tags & if you like or dislike:

- pineapple on pizza - mint ice cream / mint chocolate - ketchup in mac nโ€™ cheese - fries dipped in ice cream


Drago is living his best life... I think?

Anonymous asked:

you give your characters to download?, if not then it's ok :)

they are very cool and hot!

Hello! At this current moment, no, I won't be sharing my gameplay sims. However, once I've completed their generation (and I remember), I'll upload their files :)

Anonymous asked:

hi there! your papillon skin is my favorite skin to use for my sims, but after the november 2021 patch it's stopped working. are there any plans to update it?

Hello! So I checked and I can't replicate what you're experiencing. It's working fine on my end. Is anyone else having the same issue?

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