


they/she. chinese/white mixed race usamerican

You know this is going to be bad

“The difference between our glorious American Monroe doctrine and their barbarous Middle Kingdom oriental power bid is that the countries we declared our vassal states were (are) insignificant shitholes”

Three different layers of racism condensed into barely more than two sentences

Thanks to the proxy war in Ukraine, every nazi and all their pals can breathe a little easier and loosen their belt a couple of notches.

also the Chinese characters on the backs of their shirts read 正義, which means, Justice 😪

the rising sun flag is actually just still used by various parts of modern japan's military and navy. doesn't make it better imo just that it isnt them suddenly doing this. i will say the consistent translation of "zhongguo" as "middle kingdom" is a deliberate tactic to portray china as a backwards, medieval country. guo just means country. it's in the mandarin names for most countries. the united states is "meiguo" meaning "beautiful country."



click for hq

i’m just gonna put it out there that this is a criteria diagnosticians look for and actively use against people trying to get approved for hormone therapy  so. ya know


yeah i know right isn’t it fucked up that autistic trans people are singled out so they can be denied bodily autonomy bc of ableist bullshit.


ur telling me batman (a hero whose power is like 65% fear 35% money) has a villain who is all about weaponizing fear and he’s not the main villain? ur telling me batman (man with a secret identity so strong that there are questions of who the real person is at the end of the day and whose entire creed is about stopping One Bad Day™️) has a villain who is his childhood friend that has physically separated his dual violent-nonviolent nature and is all about duality and chance and he’s not the main villain? ur telling me batman (man with strong ideas about the Right Way to stop crime and who emerged from the destruction of his own family structure) has a villain who is his undead son/former sidekick who he couldn’t save and now disagrees with the way to address crime in gotham and he’s not the main villain? ur shitting me about this clown guy right


sometimes harvest mice sleep in tulips. here are some that will make you happy

thanks. Have a great day

Hey op this had a tremendous positive effect on my anxiety are there more?


here u go


hot take uh

dont get mad at trans ppl for using the “wrong”/out of date terminology to describe their own experiences like

if a trans dude says “back when i was a girl” or “i was born in the wrong body” just. let them. if they feel it describes their experiences the best, then it’s good for them

as long as theyre not using it to describe other people who may not be comfortable with, it’s ok

THIS. i have had people correct me when i say things like “back when i was a girl.” say things like “no, you were never a girl, you just didn’t know it at that time.”

you are not the arbiter of my lived experience.

i know who i was then. don’t tell me i wasn’t because it doesn’t fit the narrative you want it to. it’s not your damn narrative.


military recruiter: so what got you guys interested in the marine corps

enormous horde of hagfish, ispods and bottom-feeding crustaceans: oh. uh. is that how you pronounce it


had this guy come into the store todayy and he had a full on coughing fit in the aisle he was wearing one of those blue generic masks and he was coughing so bad he was turning red and he came to the till and in between coughs and eye waterings he said ‘its not covid i picked this mask up off the floor and i think it has cat hair in it’ and then his card declined and he left


You shouldn’t date or become serious friends/partners with someone if you can’t stomach the thought of being stuck in a car or train with them for 16 hours.

Here’s my logic:

  • You should be able to work together to solve unexpected problems like fixing a flat tire or getting lost in an unfamiliar station
  • You should feel comfortable and safe enough around this person that you can sit in comfortable silence
  • You should be able to keep each other interested and deal with each others boredom in a healthy way
  • If you’re gonna form a long term partnership with someone you should probably be able to tolerate each other while locked in a small box for a few hours

These tags are hilarious even though I don’t think you intended them to be.

*pulls European closer* The most populous countries in the world are China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Brazil in that order, with these seven nations alone making up 48.16% of the world population. You may note with the aid of a map that many of these nations are quite large, and would take several days of travel to go across either in cars or on boats. Almost half of the world's population lives in places where you can travel in a cramped vehicle for days and still be within the country. Your worldview is limited and Europe is a tiny outlier in travel time and standards for international relations.

It can take a 16 hr train ride to go from California to a different part of California


Love this! Stay safe folks (x)


I suggest changing that to: “I am invoking my right to remain silent. I am invoking my right to an attorney.” Current phrasing leaves too much room for you to get lawyer dogged.


Her name is Joely Proudfit, a descendant of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians

As a reminder, talking about native people like they are dead and gone is just as damaging and reductionist as those caricatures. Joely Proudfit is not a descendant of the Pechanga. She is Pechanga, because the Pechanga are still here. Native America is not a thing of the past. If you’re saying it like this, you’re either doing it because you unconsciously think of it that way, because you are dramatizing and romanticizing native people and their struggles, or both. Neither are good, and you should examine your words.


I think it's extremely telling that when TERFs come to insult me and tell me I don't look like a woman, they attack my fatness. My "disgusting double chin", me wearing something that's just slightly too small for me being contorted into "evidence" that "women's clothes will never fit my fat manish body", and calling me a "disgusting neckbeard" (despite having no facial hair) for daring to have a gut. These are all things I've heard from TERFs, multiple times. The double chin thing especially, apparently women aren't allowed to have double chins, even though lots of women (trans or cis) do.

Why does being fat make me less of a woman? Sure, you can say it makes me unattractive or even ugly to you, but why is my womanhood contingent on your attraction to me? Why does being "ugly" (which I'm not btw, I'm literally so cute, sorry you can't appreciate me) disqualify me from being a woman? They call us misogynists all the time for the simple act of existing as a trans woman, but then turn back around and act like textbook misogynists. And they don't care. Because this isn't about fighting "dangerous men" or "combatting misogyny", it's about HATING trans women for any reason at all.


"I wanted to draw a fat person in this, but I just didn't know how to draw them, so I made all of the characters thin. Drawing fat people is hard."

So you were born out of the womb knowing how to draw thin people and hands and detailed machinery and animals and everything else that you draw? You never had to learn how to draw something and practice it?

-Mod Worthy

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