
stuck on that planet

@baevi / baevi.tumblr.com

|| aeviann's personal account! Find my art at: aeviann || she/her, 26 || This blog is mostly for reblogs! Mainly that will include Fire Emblem 9/10+16, Yugioh and the ocassional Xenoblade and Zelda posts, and of course memes

“Alexandria’s Genesis, a.k.a violet eyes (a genetic mutation).

When someone is born with Alexandria’s Genesis, their eyes are blue or gray at birth. After six months, the eyes begin to change from their original color to purple, and this process lasts six months. During puberty, the color deepens to dark purple, a deep purple, a royal purple, or a violet-blue color and remains that way. It does not affect the person’s eyesight. Those who have this mutation will never grow any facial, body, pubic, or anal hair (not including hair on their head, on their ears, noses, eyebrows and eyelashes)Women also do not menstruate, but are fertile”







i have this

this was such a classic i’m gonna bring this to tiktok and misinform the gen z girls

world heritage post 


everyone please read this and share if you can.

Brazil is going through one of the worst climatic crisis ever seen.

i live in the southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul. we have been suffering from extreme, nonstop rainstorms for a week now. the rivers are flooding, reaching 4-6 meters above their natural level. people are being rescued by helicopters, neighborhoods are being evacuated. entire cities are slowly but surely becoming submerged in water. 60 people missing and counting. 32 deaths and counting.

and this is not new. last november also had a flood like this one. 50 dead, many material losses. it happened again this january, with thousands being left without power or water for days.

three catastrophical disasters within less than a year. three disasters only a few months apart.

this is not natural.

unsustainable agricultural practices and politics led to this. a complete disregard for nature led to this. greed led to this. always greed.

when it comes to the climate crisis, i cannot stress this enough: we need to act now if we still want to live. disasters like this are going to happen more often and they're going to be much, much worse. this flood is being considered the worst climatic catastrophe in the history of my state. i don't know how long it will take for another bigger one to happen and take its place. i just know it will be sooner than it should.

links to donate (if you can't donate, sharing already helps a lot):

will update more links later. in the meantime, pray for us.


LINK - fundraiser by @badincolono on instagram, accepts donations in dollar and euro. we have reached 14mi out of 25mi!

LINK - cozinhas solidárias, to feed the people affected by the floods. also accepts international donations through a paypal linked in the page.

please share and consider donating if you can. $5 is around R$25 for us and it already helps so much.

again, thanks so so much for sharing. i wasn't expecting to reach this many people and i couldn't be more thankful for it. thank you, truly.


Hi this is the state I'm from as well!! Here ar some more links, please please share and donate if you can!

International donations:

Doações nacionais:

It's still raining in many parts of the state, but at the capital and metropolitan region it has stopped or now. That being said, the weather forecast predictions say it'll start raining again towards the middle of the week, which is not enough time for most of the water o go down. Plus the weather should get colder.

Here's the forecast for the capital city, Porto Alegre, towards the end of next week:


Ich fleh euch an. Geht wählen und wählt GEGEN NAZIS.


Wenn ihr nicht zum Wahllokal gehen wollt: Für die Briefwahl müsst ihr nur den QR Code auf der Wahlbenachrichtigung einscannen und eure Kontaktdaten angeben. Dann wird euch der Wahlzettel nach Hause geschickt!

Man darf diesmal sogar mit 16 Jahren schon wählen. Nutzt dieses Recht!

Wenn ihr nicht wisst, wen ihr wählen sollt: Der Wahl-O-Mat zur Europawahl 2024 ist seit heute online. Dort einfach bei den 38 Thesen auf stimme zu/neutral/stimme nicht zu (oder überspringen) klicken und dann kann man sehen welche Parteien zu einem passen. Dort kann man auch die Stellungnahmen der Parteien zu allen Thesen finden.

Auch wenn ihr nicht mit den großen Parteien zufrieden seid, geht wählen! Bei der Europawahl haben wir keine 5% Hürde in Deutschland, sodass auch kleinere Parteien 1-2 Abgeordnete stellen können (Nico Semsrott, der für Die PARTEI ins EU Parlament kam [wobei er dann aus der Partei ausgetreten ist], gibt einige interessante Einblicke ins EU Parlament auf seinem Youtube Kanal). Ich würde aber trotzdem empfehlen ein paar Prognosen zu verfolgen und nicht eine Partei zu wählen, die mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht genug Stimmen bekommt für mind. eine*n Abgeordnete*n.

Grundlegende Infos zur Europawahl 2024 von MrWissen2go:


Zur Info für die Auslanddeutschen: Noch habt ihr Zeit, euch ins Wählerverzeichnis eintragen zu lassen, und an der Europawahl teilzunehmen. Hier findet ihr alle notwendigen Informationen:

In BW, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheinland-Pfalz, dem Saarland, Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt finden am selben Tag außerdem Kommunalwahlen statt.

Bei beiden Wahlen könnt ihr auch ohne deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft wählen, wenn ihr die Staatsbürgerschaft eines anderen EU-Mitgliedsstaates habt und seit mindestens drei Monaten in Deutschland oder einem anderen EU-Land wohnt.

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