
faerie liqhts and moonlit nights


ezra ~ they/ze/xem ~ 18 ~ animator ~ fandoms n such ~ ✨ account for art: @iemonzzest
Anonymous asked:

Homophobic Pearl

im like 99% sure you mean pearl from ace attorney because of my latest drawing, but I didn’t realize that until after the power of these words made me black out and make this comic in under 10 minutes , so…

So uh. Here you go i guess.


im laughing so hard because no matter what song you listen to 


spiderman dances to the beat

no matter what song ive been testing it and lauing my ass off for an hour

hey guys do you want to circulate the heirloom dancing spiderman again i feel like we could stand to do that

Yeah, we could stand to have Spider-Man dance for us; maybe it’ll help

Yeah, we could stand to

have Spider-Man dance for us;

maybe it’ll help

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Marcille is so funny to me. she's such a bait and switch. when we're first introduced to her you see this cute girl who's totally distraught at everything Laios does and you think she's gonna be the tropey token girl in the party who does the healing and stays out of the fights and has to be the designated Team Mom. but that's not Marcille at all. she's only on healing duty because Falin isn't around. she's a frontline attacker and she's constantly thinking about murder and explosions.

dungeon meshi really said "so there's this incredibly powerful black mage whose signature spell is "explode your skull" and she loves necromancy and is wanted in 5 countries. she can heal in a pinch but when she does it, it hurts, because there isn't a gentle bone in her body" and then she looks like this. i love her so much


My Good Pizza Great Pizza oc!

Faye "Fennel Seeds" Nel

Zazoom rider/mechanic

Heavily accident prone- built like a carrot.

Hadn't posted in awhile and here we are!

Just cookin something up >:3

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