
a million little perfect imperfections


"listen: there’s a hell of a good universe next door; let’s go" ~e.e. cummings

“[…] women have an affinity for horror, they always have.” Soraya Roberts

“The Linda Williams essay serves as a bridge from Laura Mulvey to Clover by positioning the woman not only or just a victim, but as a symbiotic double for the monster (monster/woman as ‘different,’ ‘freak,’ object-to-be-looked-at, victimized, etc.). Which harks back to the early horror film classics where the monsters were sympathetic figures (wolfman, Frankenstein’s monster, Dracula, King Kong, the Mummy, etc), unlike the demonized and psychologically disturbed human monsters of the modern era. The “otherness” of so many classic horror movie monsters could be seen as metaphoric explorations of different forms of ‘difference.’” Donato Totaro

“Just as these movies and stories can provide a venue for us to talk about how we feel victimized, they can also provide a way for us to walk backward into our own scary parts.” Sady Doyle

Carrie, Thomasin, Jennifer, Ginger

“I had forgotten what fiction was to me as a boy, forgotten what it was like in the library: fiction was an escape from the intolerable, a doorway into impossibly hospitable worlds where things had rules and could be understood; stories had been a way of learning about life without experiencing it, or perhaps of experiencing it as an eighteenth-century poisoner dealt with poisons, taking them in tiny doses, such that the poisoner could cope with ingesting things that would kill someone who was not inured to them. Sometimes fiction is a way of coping with the poison of the world in a way that lets us survive it. And I remembered. I would not be the person I am without the authors who made me what I am—the special ones, the wise ones, sometimes just the ones who got there first. It’s not irrelevant, those moments of connection, those places where fiction saves your life. It’s the most important thing there is.”

— Neil Gaiman, “Newberry Medal Acceptance Speech”


Still true…



People who make fun of, and think that, simply don’t want to see the illness in you. They don’t want to deal with the effects of it.

Obviously if you could overcome this, you would because it would be more pleasant.

Don’t let them discourage you, they are not worth it.


A gynecologist has published The Vagina Bible. Twitter will not allow her publishers to use the word ‘vagina’ in their ad copy. They can show the book’s cover, but the title can only appear in photographic form.a


why is “olde vampires in high school” the big thing and not “olde vampires in college”

  • everyone in college is eccentric. everyone
  • you wanna wear full on Victorian suit? the girl in pajamas who clearly hasn’t slept in three days supports you
  • everyone is too preoccupied to care as long as you’re polite and follow class etiquette
  • multiple high school diplomas? eh. same stuff. multiple BAs? Enjoy learning chemistry AND art history! All in detail!
  • wandering around campus at 3am? that’s just the lifestyle tm
  • no matter how old or young you look it’s not really that weird, there’s sixteen year olds and sixty year olds doing BAs somewhere
  • big schools are very anonymous so nobody’s gonna bother to hassle you

the girl in pyjamas is the vampire



  • If u put ur blood in a water bottle ppl will assume it’s juice and be Jealous
  • “Oh god I’m a monster” 20 students who r all procrastinating big projects say “same” simultaniousely and with the exact same tone
  • Everything is a joke so if u say “I subsist on the lifeblood of mankind” someone will go “lol what a mood”
  • It would take u like 100 years to major in everything
  • Seen sucking the blood of a fellow classmate and u r instantly the campus Cryptid and Mascot
  • Listen. If u have an ethical dilemma go find a philosophy major that believes in ethical subjectivism and they’ll make u so angry u forget abt whatever the fuck was bothering u
  • College is the only acceptable place to get into fistfights over classical literature
  • Literally all u need to do to avoid suspicion is be the guy that always has gum and a stapler
  • If u have a majestic mustache ppl will just assume ur an English major
  • Allergic to crosses? Cool. So r certain stem majors.

“never seen in the light of the sun//sleeps all day & is awake at night” “can’t eat garlic” “dresses weird” “can’t enter your home uninvited” “won’t go into churches” “drinks weird red liquid”

  • this is just a liberal arts major with a garlic allergy and social anxiety.

You guys are missing the biggest joke, everyone will actively call them “the vampire” but think nothing of it


Happy 55th Birthday to the legendary Keanu Reeves!

 (September 2nd, 1964)

But really what I’d like to start with is one of his finest qualities which is his humility. He has worked tirelessly for like, decades; and he’s enjoyed great success, great failures, great tragedy, great triumph. In all of that, he has never lost sight of the fact, of something that he said to me, “[I] know that this could all go away tomorrow”. This is one of the reasons why I tell people whenever they ask me what [Keanu] is like, I always tell people that Keanu is one of the smartest, and most intelligent, men I have ever met. He is a deeply sensitive and thoughtful person. He is also a courageous and passionate artist. - Laurence Fishburne 
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