
and andrey isn't here.


profile picture is from pinterest. call me emmy. she. an artist who really loves crutchie. my username is a mashup of Letter From The Refuge and DEH. JCLU.

Get to know me!

Send me any of these emojis!

👋🏻 What’s your name? 🎂 When’s your birthday? ⭐️ What’s your zodiac sign? 🏡 Where were you born? 😶 What’s your ethnicity? 👄 What’s your first language? 👤 What’s your gender? 🌈 What’s your sexuality? 💋 What is your romantic orientation? 👕 What’s your favourite type of clothing? 👢 What’s your favourite type of shoes? 🕶 What’s your favourite accessory? ☂️ What’s your favourite type of weather? 🐾 What’s your favourite animal? 🐉 What’s your favourite mythical/extinct creature? 🌲 What’s your favourite plant? 🌷 What’s your favourite flower? 🍎 Favourite fruit? 🥐 Favourite foreign food? 🍟 Favourite fast food place? 🍪 Favourite sweets/candy/snack? ☕️ Tea or coffee? 🏒 Do you have a sporty hobby? ⛸ Ice skating or roller skating? 🏅 What’s your best achievement? 🎼 Do you play any musical instruments? 🎨 Would you call yourself an artist? ❤️ Are you single or taken? 💛 Who is your best friend? 💔 Who has broken your heart? 🖤 Do you hate anyone? 💚 Are you optimistic or pessimistic in problematic situations? 💙 Introvert or extrovert? 💜 What do you look like?


I'm not Tumblr famous.

  • Getting asks isn’t a regular thing, I still smile when I see Messages (1).
  • People don’t reblog me ASAP. Sure, I get reblogged 20 or 30 notes, if I’m lucky.
  • I don’t get asked for pictures of me.
  • People don’t ask me for requests.
  • I don’t have a lot to offer.
  • most of my blog is 99.9% reblogs
  • I LOVE every little follower of mine 



If this could sum up my emotions on tumblr


hello friends

how are you friend? did you have a good day?

I’m okay, better than yesterday I guess.

I saw falsettos today so that was fun, it was starting late so someone behind me taps me on the shoulder and says “we are all to watch falsettos right?” I turned around and said “I though so.. late for dinner, late again.” and half the theater started cackling. so that was fun.

how are you doing friend?

that’s good, i’m glad today was better than yesterday.

i’m not familiar with falsettos, but i’m guessing what you said is a line from it? that’s funny!

i’m okay. i got to dance some today (still pretty frustrated with myself though ha) and i’m teaching myself on a little keyboard that i didn’t realize we had!

yeah thats a line from the show lol. 

ooh im glad you got to dance a little. I did a few old combos myself. 

and thats awesome! I’ve always wanted to relearn how to play an instrument :)

i figured!

yeah, it was fun, i’ve been fooling around to some of the more energetic songs from the great comet, it’s been fun because of how much energy and enthusiasm that show and the songs from it have:)

i took lessons for a little while while i was younger but i remember my parents took me out of it because i wouldn’t practice lol. (i had no dedication when i was younger, name a hobby and i’ve probably tried it). But pinterest is helping me figure it out! everything is super simple, one handed, but it’s fun, even though the keyboard is old and some of the keys are having trouble haha. I want to teach myself violin as well, but i don’t have the money to buy a decent quality one brand new, so i’m trying to see if i can find one from someone at my church or elsewhere for cheaper. :/

no please, ramble as much as you’d like ;)

I learned the basics of how to play the piano and the guitar when I was younger. I would like to relearn both, but both instruments are at my parents house and I can’t/don’t wanna move them across the country.

I get exactly what you mean, I was the kid that was on every team and in every class and club growing up.

and finally, pinterest is good for so many things :)

That's cool! i've played guitar for 10ish years but honestly i don't really enjoy it? especially in the more recent years my parents made me take lessons. But i recently learned If I Could Tell Her on my guitar so that was fun. 😂 I think that's the only reason i'm sort of being able to teach myself, because from all those years of playing i can read sheet music pretty well.

i'm sorry that you can't get to them:(

i'm so annoyed at my younger self. @ past me, get yo self together so i don't have to make up for it now

yes pinterest is great


hello friends

how are you friend? did you have a good day?

I’m okay, better than yesterday I guess.

I saw falsettos today so that was fun, it was starting late so someone behind me taps me on the shoulder and says “we are all to watch falsettos right?” I turned around and said “I though so.. late for dinner, late again.” and half the theater started cackling. so that was fun.

how are you doing friend?

that’s good, i’m glad today was better than yesterday.

i’m not familiar with falsettos, but i’m guessing what you said is a line from it? that’s funny!

i’m okay. i got to dance some today (still pretty frustrated with myself though ha) and i’m teaching myself on a little keyboard that i didn’t realize we had!

yeah thats a line from the show lol. 

ooh im glad you got to dance a little. I did a few old combos myself. 

and thats awesome! I’ve always wanted to relearn how to play an instrument :)

i figured!

yeah, it was fun, i've been fooling around to some of the more energetic songs from the great comet, it's been fun because of how much energy and enthusiasm that show and the songs from it have:)

i took lessons for a little while while i was younger but i remember my parents took me out of it because i wouldn't practice lol. (i had no dedication when i was younger, name a hobby and i've probably tried it). But pinterest is helping me figure it out! everything is super simple, one handed, but it's fun, even though the keyboard is old and some of the keys are having trouble haha. I want to teach myself violin as well, but i don't have the money to buy a decent quality one brand new, so i'm trying to see if i can find one from someone at my church or elsewhere for cheaper. :/


hello friends

how are you friend? did you have a good day?

I’m okay, better than yesterday I guess.

I saw falsettos today so that was fun, it was starting late so someone behind me taps me on the shoulder and says “we are all to watch falsettos right?” I turned around and said “I though so.. late for dinner, late again.” and half the theater started cackling. so that was fun.

how are you doing friend?

that's good, i'm glad today was better than yesterday.

i'm not familiar with falsettos, but i'm guessing what you said is a line from it? that's funny!

i'm okay. i got to dance some today (still pretty frustrated with myself though ha) and i'm teaching myself on a little keyboard that i didn't realize we had!


tonight i'm *hopefully* going to get a little costume together and dance to Balaga! the ensemble members have inspired me so much, dancing and otherwise. i'm excited, hopefully it comes out ok!

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