
A Spirit Keeping Witch

@serapphire / serapphire.tumblr.com

Alexandra ~ Pagan Witch ~ Angelolator & Traditional Spirit Keeper. --------------------------- I do not browse the tags. If you wish for me to see something, please tag it with @Serapphire

I want to ask spirit shops if they find this action acceptable? To me, middle man that resell other shops’ hard work and raise up price for his own gain is still disgusting and his apology doesn’t make sense. https://peopledoes.tumblr.com/post/177232225272/creature-cauldron-there-is-an-instagram-user-by#notes

(For those of you not aware, a person on instagram has been seen reposting listings of spirits from other shops on his page, and charging extra for them)

It is absolutely not acceptable in any way, shape, or form. I don’t care if he is simply submitting the applications for his “customers”, he is still cheating people out of their money and making it seem like he is the one who works with the spirit. In a way, he’s still cheating the shops out of their business. People who haven’t seen their shop won’t realize that it’s actually them doing all of the work, and instead will continue to pay him for no work at all.

Now, I have a hard time understanding his apology, and I think that he may be having trouble explaining himself fully in English, but in my opinion there is nothing he can say that will excuse something like this. He is taking credit from another shop and claiming to get the spirit to the person, but how can we prove that the spirit actually went to the companion because of him? I mean, by the looks of it, he creates a fake application using the customer’s name and date of birth in order to have it be appealing to the spirit, but where is the proof that the spirit accepted that application? What happens if the spirit doesn’t accept it? It looks as if he just asks people for their info and then “does the binding”, which doesn’t leave any chance for the spirit declining the application (ergo, he could charge someone 60 bucks when the spirit doesn’t pick them or even go to them).

I’m trying so hard not to rant right now, but I find this absolutely disgusting. There is absolutely no reason for there to be a middle man between a shop and a customer. He’s using others hard work and passing it off as his own, and that is completely inexcusable. If anything, I would report his “shop” and go to established shops with reviews. 


Interesting that this showed up in my feed. I'm not on this platform anymore, but with a recent issue I was having I was going to post about it. It seems this person -or someone similar who just happens to speak Thai and have the same posting patterns- has also been stealing listings from my shop as well (MoonSpiritBoutique). Not only prebounds, but our descriptions translated into Thai, and our exclusive conjures.

We do not allow middlemen in the slightest, as it prevents us from doing proper vetting or assisting with issues/communication between the human and entity. We ask that if you adopt an entity out to someone else that came from us, you let us know so we are Able to update our database. Because we cannot help that person if they approach us later, as we have no confirmation that they actually have the entity in question.


Notice - Temporary Unavailability

Hey all! Just a quick update here (since we do not have access to all of our current open orders at the moment)--

We have been having some hiccups with our website provider, so we are moving our domain to another platform. Don’t panic if you find yourself unable to access MoonSpiritBoutique!

We hope to be back up and running tomorrow (Monday) morning. <3 As soon as we’re back, emails with order updates will be sent out and/or packages will be shipped.


Having multiple spirit companions/ dry periods with no communication

I think it should be brought up that you shouldn’t feel guilty if you don’t talk to your spirit companions every day.

Your spirit companions are just like your friends

Is it possible to have a lot of friends and not talk to a few of them very often? Yes! Do you have to talk to all of your friends everyday? No! I haven’t talked to a few of my friends in months, that doesn’t make me a bad friend, and that doesn’t mean we aren’t friends anymore. Usually if we haven’t talked in a while I send em a message and we pick up right where we left off.sometimes we catch up and make plans to get together.

We all have lives, and that includes our spirit companions. We all get busy

Nobody is 100% available all the time and that’s when the scheduling comes in for spirit workers. You don’t always have to meet that schedule 100% of the time.

A spirit says he’s off of work on tuesdays? Cool make plans to talk with him on tuesdays!! You forget to talk to him on a Tuesday you guys didn’t make plans on? THATS A OKAY. It’s not the end of the world and you and your companion are still friends. if they start getting upset with you for not talking to them every second of everyday that is a red flag


Guide to Spiritual Energy Signatures DRAFT I

This is a guide to the energy signatures of various spiritual species. Knowing the general energy signatures of a species is important as energy signatures are a more reliable guide than appearance in identifying species.

When reading, please keep in mind:

  • THIS IS A CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS. This is not done. Nor will it ever be.
  • I am focusing only on the energy signature aspects of the species. No cultural elements will be explored at this time.
  • This will not denote mixed species at this time.
  • If a sensation is missing, that means either it is insignificant or I do not have enough detail.
  • Etc associations are things that come to mind when reading or divining, or just things that idk where to put
  • When I say “elements” assume that the element of the spirit (like, ‘fae energy’) is already included there


Sanguine Vampires:

  • Touch: Sanguine energy feels oddly physical, despite being energetic. It feels very heavy.
  • Scents: It reeks of blood.
  • Colors: Usually a dark color; red, black; purple; though can become a moderate gray.
  • Associated Elements: Blood

Psychic Vampires:

  • Touch: Has a wider range than sanguine in thickness/heaviness of energy but never becomes as heavy as sanguine. Usually feels light/airy/thin, to moderately heavy but usually not more than that.
  • Color: All and any colors, though they tend to be desaturated.
  • Associated Elements: Void and derivatives of void are pretty common; air
  • Any Vamp:
  • Touch: There’s an odd “absorbing” feeling from the energy, that it is sucking some of your energy. It feels hollow, empty in a way.

General Vamp:

  • Touch: There’s an odd “absorbing” feeling from the energy, that it is sucking some of your energy. It feels hollow, empty in a way.

Void-Based Demons

By 'void-based demons’ I am talking about certain species of demons who all had a common ancestor. These demons originated in the deepest regions of astral Hell, and all have void energy and certain appearance traits in common.

Underground Lowborn Demons:

  • Touch: Usually cool to the touch, or a strange mix of warm and cold- this is often because of the associated void energy. Can range from both very intense/heavy to very light.
  • Colors: Blues, Purples, Blacks. Usually the darker colors are more saturated, while lighter ones are unsaturated.
  • Soundwave: Low-pitch, usually harmonic or minor dissonance. Sometimes bass-boosted. 
  • Associated Elements: Void, Pitch. If from an urban area, electric. Deep, underground rock. Sex if they’re particularly outgoing.
  • Etc: Glow aesthetics; fear of open spaces; fear of heights; sunlight hurts

Deep Hellborn Demons:

  • Touch: Often very damaging/harsh to handle for those not born into the energy. Very very heavy, can create feelings of drag and pulling you downwards. Usually extreme in temperature- either super hot or super cold. 
  • Scents: Sulphur, Dust, Blood, Fire but gross things burning like bodies, Blood mixed with all of those
  • Soundwave: Very low-pitch; cacophonous 
  • Associated Elements: Aggressive strains of void; can contain traces of eldritch; arcane energy but in extremely rare cases as most if not all of the hell-associated arcane wells have been destroyed. Fire (intense; often inferno/lava/magma level). Hell-earth. Blood. Flesh. 
  • Etc: Wrath; anger; vengeance; destruction; lust; chaos; sunlight hurts 


Note: Ubi are highly influenced by their area. There is a lot of variance and in my opinion the key indicators of an Ubi are if they hail from the same kind of demon that lowborns and deep hellborns do.

  • Touch: Can range from light to very dense. Either way, energy is extremely easy to mold/form; very bendy. Often specifically programmed to give pleasant sensations. Has the characteristic “empty-like, absorbing” feel that many energy drinkers have.
  • Associated Elements: Sexual energy, Void energy

Other Demonics

Lavartum Demons:

  • Has the “hell flavor” but rarely if ever has void energy. Feels human but not; there’s an 'earthly’ energy to them but not earth-earth.


  • Touch: Dusty; light in weight; smoke-like. Iirc, in lore, all djinn are made from air/fire.
  • Scents: Middle-eastern incense and spices
  • Terminology: Dusty
  • Etc: To my current experience, Djinn often do not hail from physical realms and thus lack the 'weighty’ feeling that species with physical realms do. They are heavily skewed by the particular element their species hails from, if applicable (ex: All ifrit have fiery energies in them).


  • Touch: Furry; energy is usually weighty
  • Colors: Dark red, black, grey, usually heavily saturated
  • Scents: Similar to dogs but with Hell on them; fire/smoke are common; dust/dirt, astral Hell   
  • Associated Elements: Fire (Intense, often of the molten lava variety especially with more aggressive personalities), Void
  • Etc: Feels like a dog/wolf


All dragons, whether they’re scaley/fuzzy/etc have a particular flavor to their energy but I have no idea how to describe it. In general, dragons are heavily skewed by their breath element/elements they hail from.


Astral-origin, European Fae, General:

  • Most European Fae reek nature energy. This energy is often oriented towards temperate forests and other common European landscapes.
  • Touch: Light; airy. Has a weird feeling of spinning, confusion, dizziness.
  • Colors: Pink, pastel colors, all kinds of greens


  • Touch: Moderately heavy to heavy, and grounded. A stable energy that is resistant to change; it is inert and generally will not do damage at all unless handled aggressively.
  • Associated elements: Earth


  • Touch: Super light/airy
  • Associated Elements: Air

Mermaids, Saltwater

  • Touch: Very very similar to water, seawater in particular. Seawater energy feels a bit grittier than freshwater, and also carries a bunch of salt energy. The energy acts so so similar to water.
  • Taste: Saltwater
  • Colors: All shades of blue, green, some dark purples. If coming from the very deep, black
  • Associated Elements: VERY strong Water (Saltwater); salt

Mermaids, Freshwater

  • Touch: Very very similar to water. The energy acts so so similar to water.
  • Taste: Fresh water
  • Colors: All shades of blue but in my exp tends to be less saturated than saltwater counterparts, and more often a lighter color. Green is more common. Clear can be a common color as well.
  • Associated Elements: VERY strong Water (Fresh water)


  • Touch: Moderate to heavy energy weight range, though usually along the heavier. Part of it feels fuzzy/furry, and another part sharp.
  • Colors: Usually dark colors; gray and black are very common
  • Etc Associations: Fur, wolves

Theurgia Goetia

  • Spirits Under King Gediel:
  • Touch: Very airy/wispy. Doesn’t feel alive in the way that other nature spirits do; I’ve been told they “symbolize the air, they are not the air living itself”, whatever that means.
  • Colors: Whites, light blues; all other colors tend to be very light. Green and white seems to be common uniform colors, along with common energy sig colors
  • Associated Elements:  Air

Abrahamic Angels

About Abrahamic energy: Abrahamic energy can take many, many forms but in all forms it has a very particular flavor. Most commonly it is a searing white, however many angels are fully capable of toning this down so as not to harm humans during their interactions. In an offensive/aggressive form, it burns, it sears; it “purifies” other energies by wiping them out entirely and replacing them. In less aggressive, more peaceful forms, it may integrate with other energies moderately. I say moderate as it will mix, however it will never let itself be overrun if it can. All energy is semi-sentient, as it is the energy of God/Yahweh/etc. Different branches of the Abrahamic faith can differ in 'flavor’ slightly.


Associated Elements: Abrahamic holy; Fire; a very holy fire.  

Earthen Nature Spirits

In general, Earthen nature spirits feel very much like earth. Yeah, this description doesn’t help you if you don’t astral but #git gud. They don’t have that 'otherworldy’ feel that astral beings do. They will often feel very very similar to their immediate environment/the type of environment they hail from.


Questions/suggestions welcome! 


quiet witch aesthetic

❦ writing down and burning your spells, incantations, or intentions

❦ using meditation as a means of thanking/dismissing spirits or other powers

❦ channeling energy through memories and emotions

❦ communicating only through thoughts and facial expressions

❦ shying away from large, grandiose offerings or spells and instead opting for those that are discreet

❦ worrying that your craft is not as strong because you are not vocal

❦ lighting candles and lying crystals around the rim of your bathtub and energizing them with the sound of flowing water rather than your voice

❦ sigils are an absolute lifesaver. you can’t speak drawings

❦ your craft is personal. you keep it to yourself and rarely share your experiences with anybody but your grimoire, and maybe your cat

❦ 90% of your craft is solely based around meditation


50 Magical Uses for Roses

Roses are one of the most common flowers around. They are widely adored, gifted often and grown in many places.  If you’re anything like us - you might even have too much of them laying around. What to do with all these roses?

  1. Bathe in them to encourage beauty
  2. Carry them to attract love
  3. Add them to a sleep sachet to promote sweet dreams
  4. Make a rose massage bar to encourage love through touch
  5. Make magical rose water
  6. Candy the rose petals to give to a lover
  7. Use them to honor the Goddess Aphrodite
  8. Use them to honor the Goddess Isis
  9. Let them rot in spells to break up couples
  10. Use them to represent the planet Venus
  11. Use them to honor the Virgin Mary
  12. Use them as offerings to spirits of the dead
  13. Use them to represent The Goddess
  14. Use in a spell jar for attracting romance
  15. Use their thorns to curse an ex-lover
  16. Make rose oil
  17. Use them to represent the 5 Wounds of Christ
  18. Use them in dream pillows to cause romantic dreams
  19. Uses yellow roses for spells involving friendship
  20. Substitute them for any flower in a spell
  21. Use them in spells for healing
  22. Use them in glamour spells
  23. Make a glamour-charged rosewater spray
  24. Make magical perfume with their sweet fragrance
  25. Preserve them in candles for love spells
  26. Make a romance-attracting bath melt
  27. Make a Sabbat Rose Garland
  28. Make a Rose Petal Salve
  29. Dry the Petals and make Flameless Rose Lights
  30. Make Rose Potpourri
  31. Use them in a Goddess Glamour bath
  32. Make a love attracting rose and baby oil sugar scrub
  33. Make a rose oil infusion for future spells
  34. Make a charged rose lip balm to bring on kisses
  35. Make a magical tea to encourage sexy times
  36. Preserve them for the altar using borax
  37. Use them in romance divination
  38. Use the petals as altar confetti
  39. Use them to honor Sappho
  40. Burn them and use the ashes to break off ties with ex-lovers
  41. Freeze them in ice bowls for seasonal spells
  42. Apply them to the skin to wear on Sabbats
  43. Use the petals as confetti for celebrations & Sabbats
  44. Make a rose glamour shower steamer
  45. Use the petals to cast circles
  46. Make rose tinctures
  47. Use the stems to make a Brigid’s Cross
  48. Make a sabbat flower crown
  49. Make a rose wreath for your front door to bring on relationships
  50. Propagate the stems for even more roses!

May I ask what are all the diffrences?


Of course!

I answered a similar question here. I also have definitions here, but I’ll compile it in this post as well.

Spirit Keeper: The equivalent of "Spirit Companion". This is a human that has taken entities and/or spirits under their care with the use of vessels.Spirit Companion: Used when referring to the companion (entity/spirit) of a Spirit Keeper.Entity: Refers to any being that is living, and does not classify itself as a Living Organism within Scientific Terms. (Example. A dolphin (living or dead) is not an entity. But, a living unicorn is an entity because it is not documented within biology as an organism living on this planet.)Spirit: Any entity that is now dead. All spirits are considered "Intelligent" by MSB's terminology, and do not age, procreate, or learn new skills.Ghost: A spirit that is unintelligent. A ghost is trapped within their memories before death, and are unable to interact with others outside of the context of their memories.Binding: Work that is done by a human to enhance communication and energetic manifestations by companions.Attachment: Work that is done by the spirit/entity to anchor themselves to a physical object.Vessel: The physical object that holds a binding (Pendant, Ring, Statue, Doll, Etc)

Evocation: The ritual of bringing forth a certain quality of entity/spirit, but not having control of details or protection (Bringing forth all types of fairies, for instance)

Summoning: The ritual of bringing forth a very specific entity/spirit individual, usually with the use of a name and symbology (Goetic demons, biblical angels, deities, etc)

Conjuration: The ritual of bringing forth a certain quality of entity/spirit, with specifics to detail and protective measures (The use of conjuration circles)

We use the current "White-Grey-Black" Arts Format when classifying our companions based on moral code.White Arts: These beings will never harm creature that are innocent, and they do what they can to preserve the happiness and health of the group rather than the individual. If one person's sacrifice means ten people will survive, then they will take that route. They always tell the truth, and usually follow some kind of higher authority (Example: Angels).Grey Arts: Beings classified as "Grey" have many similarities to White Arts. They do their best to not harm innocent creatures, and they work for the group as a whole rather than the individual. However, they respect freedom from authority as long as it does not lead to violence/chaos.Dark Arts: Companions within the Dark Arts category see the needs of the individual more important than the group, but will not go out of their way to harm others to get their own happiness. They desire freedom and do not usually follow an authorititative figure, though they may still have Kings/Queens/Rulers within their society to aid in the overall group.Black Arts: Black Arts Companions put the needs of themselves the highest. They will not aid others, unless there is a mutual benefit. They do not follow authority and instead will rebel against control of any kind.


Spirit Companionship, a set of terminology mostly used on Tumblr but in recent years has started to grow outside the community, uses different terminology or definitions in order to remove perceived stigma or negative connotations from the practice.

Spirit Companion: Used to refer to both the human and the entity/spirit in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Attachment: Used instead of binding to refer to both the human and non-human work of anchoring energy to a physical object.

Often, different terms are used depending on the individual or conjurer to categorize entities/spirits based on morality or energy. The “Arts” format is seen as derogatory and racist in nature due to the use of “White” to refer to lawful beings, and “Black” for unlawful/chaotic beings.

Those who use these terminologies tend to not draw a distinction between living entities and spirits, and use the terms interchangeably.


What does traditional spirit keeper mean?


“Traditional” means that I adhere to the terminology originally used to describe the relationship between people and entities/spirits. I make a distinction between living entities and undead spirits, use terms such as ‘binding’, and also make a distinction between Evocation, Summoning, and Conjuration. Terminology such as this was coined in the beginnings of the online community, and are often used in communities outside of Tumblr. Tumblr tends to gravitate towards terminology coined on this platform, however there is some overlap in terms of definitions and terms used, so I do my best to make a distinction that I use a much different set of definitions, to prevent confusion.


You have so much more time. There are so many moments ahead of you, moments that will change everything; incredible moments that will make you forget all the bad seconds, hours, days, years.


What to do when you fell out with your practice

Because I sure as hell needed this post when I did.

1. Realize that it‘s okay. Accept that it happened. Forgive yourself for it.

Maybe life got in the way and you just didn‘t have the time or energy or possibility. Maybe something happened on your path that got you scared, frightened, panicked, or even disgusted so that you had to take a step back and retreat. Maybe your focus simply shifted. Maybe you got bored. Maybe everything just got overwhelming and you weren‘t able to juggle magick and the mundane at the same time. Maybe mental illness got in the way. No matter what the reason for your fall out was, accept that it happened, forgive yourself for it. Because it‘s okay, life happens in phases, and no matter the reason, how big or how small, it‘s part of your journey and totally fine. These things happen to the best of us, so don‘t blame yourself for it. It really is okay. Pinky promise.

2. Reconnect with your god(s) and/or non-physical friends, if needed.

If you‘re a spirit companion/have spirit friends like me or are devoted to a god or certain deity/ies, your time with them/devotion to them probably fell under the brick as well. If it did, reconnect. I promise chances are they‘ll understand. As I said, life happens, and they know that too. They probably saw what you were going through. Explain what happened to them, apologize, and move on, if they allow it. Just spend more time with them again, greet them good morning and wish them good night again, invite them to join you throughout your day again. I promise, any good relationship will hold, just show that you really are sorry and put in effort to show that you care again. I’m sure they missed you as well so it’s time to make up for the time you lost!

3. Don’t overwhelm and overestimate yourself.

Chances are the longer your fall-out was, the more your “psychic muscles” lost in strength. Your intuition may be a bit more out-of-tune, you may have more trouble hearing/seeing/feeling/sensing spirits and energies. Maybe you have more trouble programing things or adding energy to objects than before. That’s okay! It’s totally fine and normal, just don’t be surprised if it happens and know that with practice you’ll be back to old strength in no time! Until then, start small and work with what you have.

4. Start small, don’t rush it, one step at a time.

Start drawing a daily or weekly card again. Start carrying crystals with you again. Start laying them out under the moon to charge again. Do small rituals like maybe doing some bath magic before you rush head-first into a huge complicated thing again! Again, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Also, you want to build a routine again to not risk falling out again. Some ideas on what to do when building your practice up again:

  • lay crystals, items, water, anything out under the moon/sun to charge 
  • talk to plants
  • draw a daily/weekly card
  • pick a crystal to carry with you throughout the day in the morning
  • say mantras in the morning
  • infuse your tea/coffee with intent
  • send out your energetic sensers when comfortable and at home. slowly but surely
  • meditate. 5 minutes in the evening, 5 minutes in the morning. at least.
  • go for a daily walk at a certain time 
  • look through your grimoire/bos if you have one. write in it again
  • doodle little sigils in your free time
  • and many, many more

5. If needed, make a schedule.

As I said, you may want to build a routine. If those work for you, make a daily or weekly plan. Look up transits and check when you have time, then create your own magical schedule. If need be, set some reminders on your phone. Just try to be disciplined about it for a while so that you get back into your practice smoothly!

6. Reinvent your craft.

You probably changed since you last practiced, or maybe there was a reason IN your practice that caused the fall-out. If so, identify what it was. Reflect on yourself, your practice, your life. How can you make everything run together more smoothly? Maybe you want to focus more on the mundane than the spiritual, and if so that’s totally fine. Adapt your practice in a way that fits and feels good, it’s all yours so feel free to do whatever you want! Maybe you want to shift the focus IN your practice, or maybe you want to stop doing something, maybe start doing something else (instead). 

(Optional) 7. Talk to others. 

Sometimes it is so, so hard to not feel incredibly bad and like you fucked yourself or your life or your relationships up when this happens (and not just in relation to magic but other things as well). Please know that you’re not alone on this and if your own up-lifting thoughts and words are not enough, seek validation outside. I promise that’s not a selfish or vain thing to do, it’s natural and human and you deserve to be told that you’re doing just fine. Go to a trusted friend, family member, maybe blogger, anyone. If you want, you can always come to me. Talk to someone about how things are going now, talk to them about the things you just did to make yourself feel good about doing this. 

💗 No matter what, it’s all good. I promise. These things just happen and there is no reason to blame yourself - please take good care of yourself and know that you come first - magic and everything else second.  I hope this was useful to some, I know it helped me as I’m just getting out of a fall-out, too. I hope you all have a magical day~! 💗


Spirit Companionship PSA

So a lot of spirit workers like to get their companions from conjurers who can vet and safely bind the spirits for them. That’s great! Do that. Not everyone has a knack for conjuring or properly binding or whatever. Whatever floats your boat. Whether it’s a preconjured being, a reverse adoption, or a custom conjure, things usually go off without a hitch, you’re happy, your new companion is happy, the conjurer is happy that y'all are both happy, and everything is awesome!

But sometimes…things can go wrong! It might not happen often, but it can happen! Murphy’s Law and all that. Sometimes you and the spirit don’t hit it off. Sometimes you have irreconcilable differences. Sometimes things go to Hell in the metaphorical handbasket really quickly when the spirit arrives.

“But Domina, what do we do if that happens?”


I can’t stress this enough. Any conjurer worth their salt will listen to the problems you’re having with your new companion and help you to work through them. Sometimes it’s giving you some advice on ways to better bond. Sometimes it’s some intervention with the spirit to figure out any underlying problems. And sometimes it’s recalling the spirit and offering something else (store credit, custom conjure, etc.) to make it up to the customer.

The point is, if a conjurer really cares about you and your new companion and isn’t just in it for the money, they will try to make it better if something goes wrong. They won’t try to offload the blame on you. They won’t try the “oh they were just fine before, so there’s no way something could be wrong.” They won’t ignore you or try to dodge your concerns. They will help you.

So absolutely contact your conjurer if something goes wrong. Whether it’s immediately after you get your companion or several months down the line, contact them! Talk to them. A good conjurer is just as concerned for their customers as they are for the spirits they conjure.

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