
The Urge For Serge

@sykilik101 / sykilik101.tumblr.com

Pokeshipper, writer, fighting game player, baker. | twitch.tv/sykilik101 |  fanfiction.net/~sykilik101

“Like, guess who has a date toniiight?” Daisy sang, ruffling up Misty’s hair.

Misty groaned and swatted away Daisy’s hand. “Oh tough one,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You?”

“Well, duh,” Daisy admitted, but continued anyway. “But that’s not all! Tracy made a few phone calls and got a friend to like, join us, so you have a date, too!”

Misty blinked up at Daisy, her brain firing hundreds of questions around all at once before finally settling on “Tracy has other friends?” Which didn’t help the situation at hand, but was a damn good question as far as she was concerned.

Daisy rolled her eyes, which was fair, and all but lifted Misty out of her chair by her arm, dragging her to the bathroom to start getting ready. “I’m sorry, but you can’t just sit around, like, waiting for Ash forever.”

Misty flushed at the mention of Ash. It wasn’t like her crush on him was much of a secret at that point; Tracy would have absolutely spilled the beans had Daisy not figured it out for herself years before the two even started dating, but it didn’t mean Misty liked to hear it stated out loud like that so plainly. “I am not just sitting around waiting for Ash,” she argued.

Daisy shot her a look, clearly not buying that for even a moment, before shoving her into the bathroom and closing the door with a click, informing her she wouldn’t let her out until she was ‘like, ready’.

Later that night, they arrived at the restaurant, Daisy looking absolutely flawless as usual, and Misty looking roughly the same as always as something of a protest in being forced to be there, much to Daisy’s annoyance.

“You’re gonna totally regret not at least trying to dress up,” she had told her, but Misty pointedly ignored her and tied her hair into her usual messy ponytail.

Truth to be told, as much as Misty liked to pretend her sister was ridiculous with that ‘waiting around for Ash’ nonsense, she wasn’t… wrong, exactly. She liked Ash. Loved him, probably. He was handsome and sweet and kind and brave. He was a famous pokemon league and world champion and her best human friend in the entire world.

If she ever found someone she liked more than him, she told herself she would go for it, but the truth was that Ash was kind of it for her romantically, and she was just okay with that, even if nothing ever happened between them.

Tracy waved them down from a small, round table in a cozy corner, his mysterious companion facing him with his back to the door. Misty took a deep breath and twisted her lips into a pleasant enough smile, preparing to fake it through this damn dinner, when the guy turned around, his big, brown eyes widening as they landed on her.

“Ash?!” she gasped.

“Misty?!” Ash asked, just as surprised. Their eyes lingered on each other for a few long, long moments before Ash finally turned back to Tracy and pointed accusingly. “I knew you didn’t have any other friends!” he cried, and if Misty wasn’t too busy trying to hide her blush and glare daggers at Daisy at the same time, she would have laughed.

Oh Arceus. She was about to go on a double date with Ash Ketchum.



Anonymous asked:

I've been feeling super nostalgic lately and rediscovering my love of pokeshipping, and I just want to say I LOVE your writing! It's exactly what I'd been hoping to find. <3

Aw, this was SUPER nice to read, thank you so much! :D I've been dormant recently due to school, but my last day of class is in two days, and after that, I'm free! I'm hoping I'll be able to get back into writing, so when I post something else, I'm hoping you'll read it; it would mean the world to me!


Syk's Snippets #11

This is actually really long for a snippet, but as always with these snippets, I just kinda typed and went with it without thinking too much about the direction. Hope you like.

It was common knowledge that all Pokémon Centers locked and barricaded their doors late at night. Every trainer worth their salt knew this. Safety for the visitors and injured Pokémon inside was a top priority, and as such no one was allowed in or out, save for the gravest of emergencies.

Which meant that if someone found themselves unable to sleep, and didn't want to stay in their room, the main lobby was their only real alternative.


The drawing was supposed to be part of the pokeshipping week… I didn't have time to publish it, unfortunately. Yes, I know, the kiss on the hat theme isn't new, but it seemed nice to draw it.

Small proposal for those who like to write something, write a short dialogue or a mini story inspired by this drawing (in English, Spanish or Italian). Tag me and I will insert the link under the drawing. I'm always happy to read something about pokeshipping.


Don't worry, @myberrylove, I got you with the fanfic. (Fun fact, this is the second time I've written a fanfic based off of ya-chan's art, so this is a treat for me.)

The hand holding? Ash could get used to that. The smiles that were now underscored by rosy cheeks? No problem. The little whispers that the rest of the world would never be privy to, filled with words that scattered the Butterfree in his stomach in all directions? He could handle those in his sleep.

Kissing? Entirely different beast.


I’ll call her A.

A was always the one who, for the past few years or so, would proof my stories for me; even now, I still think that anything I write isn’t nearly as good as it could be without her telling me what’s wrong, what could be better, all that jazz. She’s the one who I occasionally make posts about, talkin’ about missing her and hoping I’ll get to talk to her again someday. She was, and still is, very important to me.

Tonight I was doing some more writing, and as I skimmed over what I’d gotten done I started wondering what A would say about this most recent section, whether she’d change a word or say something doesn’t make sense. However, I suddenly read a sentence and immediately thought “I think I know what A would tell me to do here.” It was a decently small change, but I think it helped a lot in making the section more fluid.

It was a moment that also made me realize how much of an impact she’s had on me and my ability to write. It’s been over 3 months since we last talked, and even now I still miss her; I’ll sometimes go back and read through our DM history, trying to ingrain into myself the kind of advice she had and what writing wisdom she knew to impart onto me when I needed it. I’m glad that, even in her absence, I’ve been able to hold onto some of it, despite her not being immediately there.

Forgive my middle-of-the-night musings; I’m just still really, truly hoping I can talk to her again someday.


Syk’s Snippets #10

So I saw some wonderful art from @suki90​ (out of respect, I won’t be showing it here), and it gave me a bit of inspiration, so I’ma just doodle something out and see what happens. Also, warning, this is a bit spicy (I think I kept it tasteful, though), so, y’know, be wary of reading this in public.

“One step at a time?”

Misty’s fingers tightened around the hem of her shirt, clad in only it and her panties as her cheeks matched her hair. “Yeah, one step at a time.


It’s been about 3ish months now since I last spoke with her.

Still hoping that I can talk to her again someday; at the very least, I wish I could tell her I miss her.


It’s been about 2 months since I last talked to her.

Still hoping she’ll come back someday.


Happy Little Accident

Colette watched Lloyd’s body skid along the ground before slamming against the side of a boulder. A pained cry joined the smattering of blood in escaping his mouth, his eyes narrowing as he collapsed to the dirt. He lay motionless for a moment, and fear gripped her before, with angelic eyes, she watched his body rise and fall. She wanted nothing more than to help him; every fiber of her being told her to ignore her exhausted muscles, ignore the pain, and to make sure he was alright.

The wyvern’s cry ripped her attention from him, and as her eyes went skywards the other wyverns screeched in tandem. The attack had been sudden; far stealthier than they were used to from the winged beasts. A large wyvern, likely the leader of the pack, led the group in its charge. None of their usual tactics worked against it; it fought with a speed and power that rivaled a full-grown dragon.

“Colette…get out of here…”

Lloyd’s voice was hoarse, strained as he’d somehow made his way to his feet. His legs trembled, his grip on his swords weakened. Around them, the rest of the party fared no better, all collapsed from varying degrees of damage. Raine had managed to sit up, though with the wyverns hanging above, she was in no position to safely tend to any of their injuries.

Colette pulled herself up, droplets of blood streaming from a gash in her arm down to the dirt. Her breathing was ragged; even with the angelic strength she’d been gifted with, near-lethal blows couldn’t heal right away. She scarcely had the energy to stand, let alone fight, but she had to do something.

She needed to do something, for the sake of everyone who’d kept her alive this long.

Her chakrams fell from her hands, hitting the ground with a dull thud. She weakly held out a hand, using the other to slowly, painfully, repeat a cross pattern across her chest as translucent power emanated around her.

“Thy faithful servant…asketh for thy blessing…” She knew the incantation; as the heavenly power had flowed into her upon releasing the third seal, the words had engraved themselves into her mind. She knew its power, knew that it could help her friends and empower them. She only needed a little more time, a few more precious seconds to complete it. “Honor us with the special…”

The wyvern leader’s screech, sharper than the rest, cut through the air and her words. Her attention was stolen as she watched it begin its descent, its talons outstretched as it beelined for a Lloyd who could only hold his swords out to defend himself.

The swords wouldn’t be enough. She knew he couldn’t survive the impact.


Her blood-stained hand reached out towards him, her mind reeling as time seemed to slow down. She couldn’t finish this journey without him. She couldn’t lose him.

She wouldn’t-

Suddenly, the air seemed to brighten, a holy crackle snapping around her. The sigil underneath her, half-complete from her chant, suddenly began to morph into a design she’d never seen before. The previous slowing of time had increased; even as the sky suddenly began to darken, the world around her appeared as a standstill.

Then, a white ring formed around the sigil, not dissimilar to what would have appeared had her incantation been properly completed. It hovered, for a moment, before shooting outwards, and she could feel that the strength she’d tried to offer her friends was on its way.

And then, searing beams of light began bolting down from the sky.

She had performed this spell before; it was rare, as she could never shake the fear of the attack hurting the rest of the party. However, it hadn’t ever possessed such strength or speed. For a moment she recalled the parade of shooting stars she’d watched only a few nights ago; it was as if they had returned, slamming into the earth with enough force to decimate the ground.

Along with the wyverns.

With every hit their bodies were immediately vaporized, body sections flung through the air, their cries drowned out by the piercing light. The leader’s size was now its undoing, being nothing more than a bigger target for the attack. What felt like minutes was only a matter of seconds, and before Colette could finish processing what was happening, the beams stopped.

A small gust flew by, carrying on it the sound of distant leaves and a whistle from a gap between rocks. Colette stood motionless before Lloyd reappeared in her mind, quickly turning to see the look of shock on his face. Their eyes met, and deciding that her legs lacked the power to take her to him, she allowed her wings to do the job.

“Lloyd, are you okay?”

He almost immediately knelt down; she wasn’t sure if it was pain or shock, but his swords clattered to the floor as he released his grip on them. “Colette…what was…”

“I…I don’t know.” She took his hand in hers, trying to mentally piece together what that attack could’ve been. “I was trying to cast a spell, but then I messed up, and then…that happened.”

Lloyd managed to perch himself upright, leaning back against the boulder. “Well, whatever that was, you saved us.” His fingers tightened around her hand, a weary smile splayed across his lips. “Why don’t you go check on the others? The Professor looks like she could use some help.”

He gestured off to the distance, where Raine had begun tending to Zelos’s wounds. The Tethe’allan Chosen looked like he was trying to use the opportunity to woo her; Raine looked like she wanted to whack him across the face.

“Are you sure? You’re not too injured, right?”

“I’ll be fine. I’ll feel better if I know everyone else is okay.”

She nodded, giving Lloyd’s hand one more squeeze before she fluttered to the rest of the party. As she helped tend to everyone, she couldn’t shake the attack out of her mind. She knew the others would have questions, but she had no answers to give. She almost wasn’t even sure she had been the one to do it. The sigil was different, and her incantation had failed. Perhaps it was her normal, blessed luck that had come through for her once again.

However, as she stole a glance at Lloyd, whose eyes were close as he held his hand to his stomach, a tiny smile pulled at her lips. Maybe she didn’t need an answer. All she needed was for those closest to her to be alright, and for the moment, they were.


Just something small and quick I wanted to throw together, inspired by my current playthrough of Tales of Symphonia Remastered.


Syk’s Snippets #9

So @suki90​ drew an absolutely LOVELY Pokeshipping piece that you can find here, and it got me wanting to do a really small snippet of what I kind of imagined when I saw this pic, so here we are.

She was looking at him again, he could feel it.

Ash’s chin rested in his palm, trying his best to appear calm, collected, patient. He’d watched dozens of people enter this ice cream shop from his seat, overheard at least seven discussions about what flavors people were interested in, and avoided the singular ice cream scoop that had fallen from a little boy’s cone. He rapped his finger against the table, his eyes glazed over as they stared at the clock before quickly flicking to the girl behind the counter.

She was looking at him again.


I’m SO over being sick. I just wanna write and make more Pokeshipping/Colloyd stuff; I need my body to stop wanting to kill me. ;_;


Despite being exceedingly busy lately, I’ve been super inspired to write as well, so I’ve been carving out time late at night to get some done here and there.

The problem is, I’m having an existential crisis with my writing. It feels so hard to be satisfied with anything I write, and while I normally don’t like comparing myself to other writers (because I know I offer something they don’t, even if they might be more skilled), I can tell that’s partially what’s mentally blocking me right now. I’m thinking that certain words, sentences, or paragraphs are just “telling”, or wasting the reader’s time with story aspects that don’t actually matter. I can tell that once I get past this block, it’ll be a good thing; I know this block is a learning opportunity, but it’s gonna be difficult to overcome.

Anonymous asked:

Missing who? I mean about your latest post

A very, very near and dear friend of mine. For reasons that are too complicated and personal to put on Tumblr, her and I aren't able to talk right now, but every day I hope that someday I can talk to her again.


It hasn’t even been a full month, and I’m still hella missing her.

The countdown to seeing her again doesn’t have an end date, but I’m counting anyway.


Decided to contribute a small thing for the AAML Weekend Ayushi put together just because I can’t say no to participating in feel-good events for one of my childhood favorites. (My art tag can attest to that!) I wanted to show my thanks without getting elaborate since I was also pressed for time and didn’t have a lot of ideas to pull from.

Gonna miss this guy being our main eyes and ears for the show. It’s been a long time and some of us (myself included) have been through all 25 years of it, but I know he’ll be around. I’m sure they’ll have him pop in now and again when the time comes. He’ll always be a Pokemon Master in my eyes, and my favorite protagonist to boot. Thank you, Ash, for all the fun and adventure you’ve given us. ♥

[Personal and bittersweet text under the cut. Don’t read if you don’t want your mood to be brought down a bit. Nothing graphic, just sad sentimentality.]


When I tell you all I made some indescribable noise out of sheer joy when I saw this pic, understand that I'm putting that mildly. LOL IT'S SO CUTE!


Me: “Alright, I finished the Tales of Symphonia Remastered fanfic, I can now get started on my other fics! I’m feeling motivated, this is gonna be great!”

Also me: -gets sick-


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