quick question everyone !! should i keep the same url or should i switch to a new one? i’d be using a chinese one, most likely guisheji which is two words put together to mean ‘ ghost shot. ‘
hello everyone !! the holiday season & work has been kicking my butt like no tomorrow, so i haven’t been around much anywhere. i plan on archiving this blog & moving to a new one some time soon. it just feels horribly messy & it’s making it hard for me to want to return here. so, with some patience, i will hopefully be starting fresh with mey-rin again !!
hello everyone !! the holiday season & work has been kicking my butt like no tomorrow, so i haven’t been around much anywhere. i plan on archiving this blog & moving to a new one some time soon. it just feels horribly messy & it’s making it hard for me to want to return here. so, with some patience, i will hopefully be starting fresh with mey-rin again !!

semi - hiatus.

i apologize for this, but my muse for mey-rin has been extremely scarce lately. i will try to pop in whenever i do feel her, but for now, my activity will be very sporadic. as for my activity, you will most likely find me on my yumeno kyusaku blog.

semi - hiatus.

i apologize for this, but my muse for mey-rin has been extremely scarce lately. i will try to pop in whenever i do feel her, but for now, my activity will be very sporadic. as for my activity, you will most likely find me on my yumeno kyusaku blog.

semi - hiatus.

i apologize for this, but my muse for mey-rin has been extremely scarce lately. i will try to pop in whenever i do feel her, but for now, my activity will be very sporadic. as for my activity, you will most likely find me on my yumeno kyusaku blog.

I don’t know how I continuously find myself awake and alone long after everyone’s gone to sleep. Wondering just how I am constantly doing everything wrong, how nothing is ever good enough… How my best is consistently inadequate, always seeking the perfection I can never attain in my life. When was it that everything I am stopped being worthy, when did the light leave my eyes… When did I stop being enough for myself, because if I’m not good enough for myself how could I be nearly enough for anyone else. And I don’t know where the sun’s gone, because I don’t see any light in the darkness. I’m not even sure I’m alive, and if I am…. I’m not sure that I want to be. indie oc, by hades. poem credit.

    Sure I do ! Only right t’ give credit where it’s due after all and yeah, it really is. Every little bit helps. Mey - Rin ? Ah, that’s cute ! My name’s Masaomi ! 
 A QUICK CHUCKLE would erupt at the sight of her blushing. She sure was a cutie. Wonder if she was around Raira often..Maybe she needed help. It would only make sense to repay her for her efforts. ❛Hey, do you need any help by any chance ? Yanno, cleanin’ and all. You know where all the classrooms are, right ? There’s bound t’ be all kinds of cobwebs and stuff. I bet I’d be able t’ reach, no problem !  

mey-rin had forgotten the purpose of her visit to the school--that was, until he brought it up. simply imagining her clumsy self attempting to stay up on a step ladder to reach the cobwebs ( not to mention the chance of the spiders being there ) made a visible shudder pass through her. there was an extremely slim chance of nothing happening, but knowing her--everything would go wrong.

          O-Oh, that would be much appreciated! O-Only if you’re not busy that is!  

                                                                                ❛ If that is all the HELP you need, then I will GLADLY give it. If it can help lighten all of your loads then I do not see it as a CHORE. You can tell your MASTER that things were done by you; I do not need ANY CREDIT. The hospitality is more than enough. ❜

          I-I wish I could . . . but I am a terrible liar . . .  

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