
High Gardener

@lavenderkushkiss / lavenderkushkiss.tumblr.com


reminder that this is a pro choice blog, because access to a medical procedure shouldn’t be a debate, and if you think otherwise, fuck off


anthony bridgerton said “i am not a man of poetry” and then turned around and delivered “you are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. night and day i dream of you” all men do is lie


tumblr friendships are hard to maintain like im sorry i know i havent talked to you in 5 months but you’re still super rad and i still consider us friends im just dumb

If I have ever messaged you or messaged me and never heard from me again, I still consider us friends. I just suck

me @ everyone who has ever talked to me on this website


I’m sorry, what was that about Joe not being liberal enough for y’all?

Because me and my six figures worth of student loan debt would like a word.

[Picture ID: Tweet from @itshilarybuff, October 5th “Not a drill: Joe Biden commits to eliminating student debt for those who make under $120k. Y’all Go Vote!!!” Below that is the quote tweet from NBC News showing a clip from a town hall in Florida.]

btw, his plan, as stated here, doesn’t wipe my stupid loans, those aren’t going away shy of economic miracle, and I still love this answer. He’s talking specifically about killing loans going forward for people, and to handle the loans we already have, I copied from his website below.

From joebiden.com/beyondhs/#

  • More than halve payments on undergraduate federal student loans by simplifying and increasing the generosity of today’s income-based repayment program. Under the Biden plan, individuals making $25,000 or less per year will not owe any payments on their undergraduate federal student loans and also won’t accrue any interest on those loans. Everyone else will pay 5% of their discretionary income (income minus taxes and essential spending like housing and food) over $25,000 toward their loans. This plan will save millions of Americans thousands of dollars a year. After 20 years, the remainder of the loans for people who have responsibly made payments through the program will be 100% forgiven. Individuals with new and existing loans will all be automatically enrolled in the income-based repayment program, with the opportunity to opt out if they wish. In addition to relieving some of the burden of student debt, this will enable graduates to pursue careers in public service and other fields without high levels of compensation. Biden will also change the tax code so that debt forgiven through the income-based repayment plan won’t be taxed. Americans shouldn’t have to take out a loan to pay their taxes when they finally are free from their student loans.

That is much better than what the current set up does. Minus taxes and essential spending will be a fight over what that means depending where you live, but its a really good thing.

He also wants to help with job training so we don’t all get these degrees that don’t help us get dang jobs. And he wants to go after private for-profit universities. And he wants to better fun grant programs. and, and, and.

Most important of all? This guy listens. Sure, sure, politics is gonna politic, but millennials are the largest voting block in the country now. If we raise a fuss, it actually matters. But only if we vote.

Actually, let me just show you some math. Actual total of loans doesn’t really matter above a certain point to be honest because the interest grows faster than you can pay them, so lets say you’re on that sinking ship, where the payment amount to actually pay them off would mean paying something like 2700 a month. obviously not gonna happen. So you’re on an Income Based Repayment Plan with your borrower. You can be asked to pay between 10 and 20% of your net income (depending on many factors)

Lets say you’re a single human person, working a good job, 60k a year; after tax, you have around 45k. Under Biden’s plan, they start by taking 25k of that, putting it to the side and removing it from the calculus. Then. they take an amount off for essential spending. Don’t know what that math works out to yet, so lets assume someone awful gets to decide it, and its 12.7k a year (the poverty line for a single human) Then, they only can bill you for 5% of the remainder. So.

60k - taxes = ~45k

45k - threshold = 20k

20k - essential spending = 7.3k

$7300 x 5% = $365 a year -or- $30 a month

Sure, Strife, that’s a pipe dream, you say, what happens if the ‘essential spending’ part dies in congress? Fair point, Congress is a sinkhole of evil. But lets see:

60k - taxes = ~45k

45k - threshold = 20k

20k x 5% = $1000 a year  -or- $83 a month

Yeah, you say, but I’m a curmudgeon and I want to assume the worst because I hate politicians, what if they lose the threshold, and only get the 5% through and everything else stays exactly the same?

In that case, it will straight up cut everyone’s payments in half. Minimum. Whatever you’re paying now? Half that. In the case of the example above, that means

60k - taxes = ~45k

45k x 5% = $2250 a year  -or- $187 a month

So this guy is out here going after free college for the younger parts of GenZ and all of our kids. AND he’s going to make the loans we have into a much more bearable burden. PLUS. If you didn’t see up there? That he’d kill the taxes paid on forgiven loans? Yeah, that’s a thing right now. If you pay for 20 years, and end with 60k in loans to be forgiven, you pay taxes on the 60k all at once. Which means you owe the government around 15k. Which. Ironically. Usually means you have to take out another loan.

And this would apply to everyone, you can opt out if you wanna clear yours sooner, but you don’t have to do the jump through hoops and beg routine like you do now.

This is a really really really good plan, folks, please look at something other than tumblr and fb, please look at his website, there’s some really good stuff in there. If you don’t understand, ask for clarification, bc there is so much good.


RAYLLUM S3 MEME:  touches [4/8] 3x05, “heroes and masterminds

It’s too dangerous. We have to wait until sunrise.

I love that their animal companion is straight up smiling knowingly at the camera in the last panel like its on the Office, they ship it too ;)

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