



All ych photocard comm are done!!! I sent the file to the printing shop and shipping is expected around 13 April ✨

Thank you again to everyone who supported me on this batch. Thank you for letting me draw your pretty WoL > <

Anyone still interested in this type of comm? I plan to open the 2nd batch sometime this month. I'll post a heads up for the date and time here :)


I just realized Shadowbrinbers and Lightning Returns have a very similar recipe. Has someone pointed this out before? Because rn I'M IN SHAMBLES. two of my favorite game colliding ohmygod.

Well, mainly this is about Hope and G'raha. Like they both went to sleep stasis, one to the future, one to the past. They both are loved community leaders. Both ended up living in a dying realm and tried to fix it, but one failed and became God's pawn while the other thrived but was consumed by the crystal. They both did all these things for someone they looked up to.

Lightning and WoL objectives are different but they both are guided by their 'God' with the side reward of rescuing Serah and the Scions.

The Exarch reveal? It's similar to when Hope revealed his actual self and said he's not afraid anymore because Lightning was there 😭 In the end, they reunited with the person they longed for.

Angst with happy end my favourite trope 😭😭

Not to mention Caius and the Ascians (especially Emet) have a somewhat similar motivation too. Caius wants to stop time because he can't stand seeing any more Yeul die while Emet wants his 'world' and friends back. Both just want to protect and see the people they love but have to become villains in someone else's story 😭

I'm sue there are more other parallels but this is all I can think of for now. I can only take so much angst in an hour.

Also I can't unsee Snow as Vauthry lmao. Yusnaan is literally Eulmore (somewhat).

Edit: And Ardbert is Lumina 👁👄👁


The manu finished the first sample (left) for Lyna plushie!! Good news is it's overall great, bad news is they forgot her hair supposed to be long lmaoo.

I'm gonna ask them to make her face details slightly smaller and the ears slightly folded at the bottom.

Also they gave her human ears lol that has to go.

Any other inputs are welcomed!


The photocard will arrive next monday! Hopefully the prints look great so I can put them in my shop soon T^T

As for these ych comm, I'm afraid it'll have to wait because I unexpectedly got the apartment I wanted far earlier than planned thus I have to move out in 2 weeks :'3

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