
Some Princes Dont Become Kings

@aporetic-elf / aporetic-elf.tumblr.com

Call me Tempest or Miles. He/they pronouns. Im 27 years tired. Prince of Heart. I write fanfiction sometimes which you can find here . You can also help support me if you'd like on Ko-Fi . Anything helps. I'm saving up for top surgery. (Background photo taken by yours truly)

It's unfortunate how often the solution to a problem is just talking to people. You'd think it could be something easier like making a comprehensive chart or list, or reading everything you can find on the subject, but no, so often you can do all that and you still have to talk to people.


Okay legally I have to try this rainbow goo, right?

It seems to be trying to fill a similar ecological niche to jelly so I got waffles to eat it on

I swear to fuck, y'all, this stuff smells like children's shampoo

Well okay let's do this

The flavor is indescribable. It's like if you wanted to make lemon preserves but your only knowledge of lemons came from Saturday morning cartoon advertising. This is lemon as seen through the lens of Dr. Wondertainment of SCP fame and I'm pretty sure it fell through a rip in spacetime from their employee cafeteria. It's !!LEMON!! (with a strong aftertaste of artificial coloring and plastic from the edible glitter bits)

The texture is exactly how I always imagined it would be to eat aloe vera gel out of the brightly-colored bottle in my mom's bathroom

Overall 6/10, I'm gonna finish the waffle but fuck knows what I'm gonna do with the rest of the bottle

Update my tummy hurts

I assure you these plastics were very macro

Great news! This is how the yellow glitter junk has ended up

I threw it together with some white wine yeast and water and fermented it into...this! It is violently neon yellow and has some disconcerting hydrophobic globules suspended in it, presumably from some oil that was in the goo. It made the siphon weirdly greasy as I was bottling it, which was unnerving!

As for the taste, it's...honestly not as bad as expected? It tastes like white wine but lip-puckeringly sour and dry. If I'd backsweetened it after fermentation it might almost have been palatable. When I tasted it at racking it tasted like battery acid so this is a welcome surprise! Yeast truly are the redeemers of all culinary sin

Mostly "hm. This sucks. I wonder if it would suck less if I made it into alcohol"

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