
@butternutsims / butternutsims.tumblr.com

moved to faded-springs

butternutsims is no longer.

I have decided to start fresh, I didn’t just want a name change, I felt a new blog would be a good idea. I’ve wanted a name change for a while..

All my cc will stay up here for easy access, but I wont be answering any asks or wcifs on here. I am happy to answer them on my new blog (even if it’s from an old post)

I hope you’ll join me over there x

Anonymous asked:

you’re not the victim here. please stop acting like it. there’s more serious issues going on than people being rightfully upset with you for using poor wording/supporting & defending a racist. stop playing victim. stop posting anons that are defending you, stop trying to garner sympathy. you’re grown, act like it.

Why should I hide and not fully divulge what I’m receiving?

I am not the victim here, you are 100% correct about that. I’m not acting like I am, I think everyone needs to talk to each other and learn from each other, and not hide how they’re feeling. This is how we heal and grow. Why should I suppress that?

If you think I’m looking for sympathy by expressing how sorry I am and by being truthful and not hiding, then I don’t think you understand how healing works.

There are much bigger issues than me and how I am processing and learning, absolutely. But if I just hide out and ignore everything then what does that gain?

People have spent time sending me messages, both good and bad. I am not going to ignore friends and people that care. That’s not me.

Anonymous asked:

hey! i’m one of the more aggressive anons from earlier. i apologize for my word choice out of anger & i appreciate you apologizing as many people don’t do so. i definitely took the thugs thing to heart, as its something i’ve heard one too many times used in a derogatory way. i apologize for bringing up bad memories for you regarding bullying and i understand your perspective a bit more now. i hope you continue to learn and use your platform. have a nice day.

It’s okay, honestly. It’s a learning experience for me, and I want to do better. We all can.

Thank you so much for your understanding, it’s very much appreciated. 🧡✌🏻

Anonymous asked:

I know I said I wouldn't send more asks but I saw your last response and I want to thank you for listening, for acknowledging the core of the problem and for apologising.

Thank you anon, for letting me get my words out, and just expressing how deeply I am sorry.

Today is always going to resonate with me as the day I got told. 

I thought I was doing good but now I know I can do better.


Stay strong, you truly don't deserve all of this hate. Just don't let it get to you.


Thank you. Some of it I probably did deserve, I acted foolishly and let my feelings about bullying take over the bigger problem. I should have chosen better words. x

Anonymous asked:

2/2 People can change, if you give them a chance. I don't want to center this on me, but for example purposes, I'll say that i was a homophobe 5 years ago. I was brought up a homophobe. I'm not homophobic now. It takes time to learn, to become better, but everyone can do it, if you let them. Love, empathy and support change this world, and it breaks me to see that so many people has to give through more pain, for a chance to live happily. Stay strong and kind 💛

Thank you for this kind message. I also was brought up that violence leads to more violence and I agree, there comes a time when you need to fight back, and that time is now. 

I’m so happy that you grew!! Growth is so important. People make mistakes in life, upbringing is a huge factor in this and the fact that you faced it and grew from it, that is really strong of you. 

I hope that I can also grow from my mistakes too. I am truly trying to.

Anonymous asked:

1/? I am the kind of person who will always stand for the idea that violence leads to more violence. But I fully understand that now peace isn't an option, it can be a choice that gets you killed. So people have the right to be violent to dismantle the system that allows more violence towards them. But it's still not okay to wish someone to die for a bad word choice or wrong ideas. You don't know what a person meant behind their words, and you don't know, what's going on in their lives...


Anonymous asked:

I'm really not sure you're getting it because youe reblog is still up and not corrected. Do you not realise that by saying "if you agree with this, great" you're saying "if you agree with racism, great"? Again, you shouldn't have supported them period. Even your comment about people telling op to die is tone deaf considering the situation and that op is directly contributing to black deaths. This is the last ask I'm sending but I'm begging you to read the notes again and to actually listen.

Please know that I’ve had a long day, and it’s still no excuse because people have had much longer days than me. I have things being thrown from all sides at me and I am doing my best to address them. I really am trying to fix all of this, I hope you understand that.

I will delete the reblog, if that will help with any hurt I have caused. I came across sounding neutral and I should not have. I am not neutral. I am with you. I made a mistake in the moment. And I need to fix all of my mistakes.


You didn't deserve to be treated like that... It's sad how people think that if they disagree with someone online, that they are entitled to say bad things to them. Hope you start feeling better. Take all the time you need, and when/if you come back from the hiatus, we'll welcome you with open arms. You're a great person and a talented cc creator :)


You are too sweet, honestly.

People needed to let out some anger some place.

It was hurtful, but my focus is back on the cause.

I may come back as a creator, but I feel like there needs to be some time, other things are important


Anonymous asked:

Apparently, there are literally white supremacists out there riling shit up and destroying things, obviously not the majority of the protesters, but there are some... shitty people out there taking advantage of a just cause, which is horrible

I’ve seen this and it’s disgusting.

I hope they get brought down.

Anonymous asked:

Listen, you need to apologise not just for using that word but for your reblog itself. You shouldn't have written that or supported that person period. Their "opinion" is what gets black people killed, and it shouldn't be respected or tolerated. That post in general was INCREDIBLY disrespectful overall since they're using the victims who were threatened by the cops to defend their antiblackness. Please read through the notes written by black people and listen to their voices, you can do better.

I apologise for my words, I really do. And I have read through the comments and I stand with the message. I have stood with it from the beginning, anyone who knows me will attest to this.

But I will never think it’s okay for people to tell others to kill themselves. I won’t ever.

Anonymous asked:

Your “thug” comment was not directed at the comments as you said “Thugs in Washington” so please don’t lie. However I appreciate the apology and I hope that you learn from this situation as I don’t think people get cancelled for no reason. Anger towards viiavi’s posts are totally justified and you shouldn’t defend what is wrong. Anyways take care.

I meant the politicians, and Trump

Trump uses horrible language at reporters and democrats.. he has used the R word, and has literally told Hilary Clinton to kill herself.

It wasn’t aimed at any protestors in Washington, I assure you. I really am sorry.


You do realise people in washington were protesting peacefully. Then the police incited violence and then boom. A blackout. But sure, keep calling people thugs. People who want equal rights, keep calling them thugs. And what’s more disappointing is that you’re an adult.


Is this in response to my latest post? I think things were taken out of context previously and I am truly sorry.

I am an adult, and we all make mistakes.

I stand with equal rights, and it’s fine if you don’t accept my apology, I’ll still fight for equal rights.


Hi Jess, just catching up with the simblrverse this afternoon, and I saw that your tumblr has sort of exploded. I just wanted to check in on you and make sure YOU ok after all of that. I'm a fellow Melbournite. My inbox (ask and messages) is open if you need another ear. xx


Many thanks lovely, you’re a beautiful person to ask!

I’m fine, a little overwhelmed but I’m totally fine



I am a peaceful person at heart. It’s how I was brought up. But I need to check that privilege at the door.

Some of us don’t have the option of peace. And please know from my heart, do what you need to do to fight. There is time for peace later.

I am truly with you, please understand that I am doing what I can to get that across and fix any damage I have done.

When I used the word thugs, it was never in a literal sense, and it was towards those just leaving some horrible comments, not the actual protests and riots. I see people say stuff like “kill yourself” and I don’t think it’s justified.

I know that a lot of the property damage has been done by people not from the BLM side. I worry for my friends in the US disabled community, some have not been able to get the care they need and it’s a concern of mine. Others who are more able are out there protesting, please look out for them.

This is my last post about it, I’ll still answer some asks..

Image from kerciajane on insta.

Anonymous asked:

thank you for apolgizing about using the word thug. i sent you some horrible anons and im sorry i was just mad you called black people thugs for protesting equal rights. but you NEED to educate yourself about black issues before talking again.

It’s okay, forgiveness is not something I expect.

It’s not my place at all, but all I can offer is my solidarity and my deepest apology. Please know that I stand with you 🧡✌🏻

Anonymous asked:

I'm terribly sorry you encountered something that made you post your latest post, but I completely understand and respect your decision. Please continue to take care of yourself in whatever way you need to. Much love always

Thank you, please take care of yourself also.

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