
beauty queen on a silver screen

@musashi / musashi.tumblr.com

| wendy/jessie/sky | they/them | 28 | seattle | dyke |
knights in shining karma
tend your flame
and, with love for armour
they'll remain


Hi all! Welcome to AAblr: Germany. A bunch of AA fans here on tumblr were unhappy with how a previous server of ours was handled, so we all fled to Franziska's (my) party mansion in Germany and now we're straight fucking chilling. And you should come join us!

Here's some cool stuff you can find in AAblr 2:

  • Channels for every single game, ship, and character you can think of! Hang out in the blorbozone, mute the character channels you hate, meet like-minded people who are insane about all the same things as you.
  • Weekly calls! We have multiple voice channels and chat daily! Don't want to be on mic? Hey, no worries, we have a TTS bot so you can still be included!
  • Member-run events! Do you wanna stream your favourite show? Are you making your way through AA and want to voice act it sillystyle with people who love it? Feel free!
  • Big voice channels as well as small, member-restricted alternatives for people who don't like crowds!
  • Constantly active chats! We have members in nearly every timezone, so there's always someone to hang with.
  • Writing/Drawing sprints! Body double with fellow creatives and make some art!
  • Kin-friendly! We actually started as a kin server, and still have a whole section for kinfolks.
  • Plural-accessible! We got pluralkit & tupperbox for you and anyone else chilling in your mind palace.
  • Free of exclusionary bullshit! All are welcome and everyone is kind. Exclusionists and discourse-brainers get flogged.
  • Open to new fans and oldies! Spoiler-conscious, so don't even sweat!
  • All ages! I said all are welcome, I meant it!
  • Tons more fun! Literally too much to list! And so much more to come!

me in 2017: I just do not like it when people compare me to ojousama types carrying whips and shit I need everyone to memorize my hyper specific whip-related trauma

Me in 2024:

Anonymous asked:

thoughts on manfreds portrayal in the inherited turnabout?

It was kind of nothing tbh. He just seemed like he normally does at work, kind of an obstructive dickhead.

The wife guy thing was adorable though. But I knew that before playing.

Also I'm answering this question in an elevator lmao


i think so much abt that time i was at work and i met a little girl named mabel and she was like 'im named after gravity falls' and i got to lean down and say 'no way! me too!'


i actually dont think there's anything funnier than people watching a show or whatever bc they heard it allegedly had gay people in it then getting upset when it includes incredibly normal genre specific tropes that they personally dont like, like maybe you should have checked that before you watched it king and then they get mad at the show for being the show that it is instead of embracing it for what it is. like I'm so sorry that axe murderer 30000 had axe murderers in it and didnt have a happy ending and was really violent but i do think there are some context clues around it that could have let you pick up on that


i am so sick of this shit like please just let me live. i am so sorry you do not like my opinions on a fake video game man but it is unacceptable to make up pedophile accusations against someone who disagrees with your fandom opinions. that is so fucked up. you need to really sit down and consider how fucked up that is, to equate traumatizing people for life with the fact that i enjoy a made up murderer.


i wasn't sexually harassed by @/musashi, ya'll are just playing the telephone game.

hi, im slushy, i'm 15 and a half years old, i keep hearing these bullshit rumours about my friend wendy, or musashi, as is their tumblr url. i'm here to go on the record to say, that did not fucking happen. unfortunately, since i got banned in the server this went down in. (ha ha. how ironic.) might be tricky but i do have, like, 10 people who can back me up on this.

so, a rundown of events. me, wendy, and a few other people are in a vc. i post a poll about what i should go as for halloween. the options are pretty skimpy but hey, i'm fifteen, going on sixteen years old. i'm nearly an adult and by the time halloween rolls around i'll be old enough to work, drive, and fuck. i'm a teenager, not a toddler.

a couple server members, i think it was around five, voted on this poll. the mods, specifically the owner, got mad at wendy specifically. they said wendy was sexualising me. wendy was obviously like "no, when i look at a teenager in a halloween costume i see a teenager in a halloween costume. slushy's 13 years my junior, im not a weirdo."

the owner proceeded to get mad at wendy and then told me i should dress up as jesus? which is an odd thing to say. it was less of lingerie and more like a bikini. which gives me a feeling that the people getting mad are the type to sexualise teenagers at the beach.

anyway, wendy, with no warning, got banned for this. the mods said they gave plenty of warning but in those "warnings" they seemed to just be making friendly requests, not mod-ly orders.

the whole claim of wendy "offering to buy" me anything is also completely and utterly false. that didnt happen dawg

anyway, i was confused, angry, and upset about this. wendy was also very upset.

anyway, you know who i was groomed by?? someone else on the server who all the mods continue to reblog from and interact with. they know she's a groomer. i've told them. wendy's told them. at least five other people have expressed concern or disgust at this person's behaviour, and yet they continue to talk to the groomer.

i also want to add that i was completely and utterly spoken over. every time i said "wendy wasnt weird or creepy!" they didn't listen to me because i'm just a minorrrr. i'm just a little girl who obviously can't think for herselffffffff.

as for wendy being a "pedo apologist", i think this just refers to wendy...not being an antishipper? god forbid wendy, a grown ass 28 year old adult with adult responsibilities not get into internet discourse? also i find it pretty gross how we put "actual fucking child predators" and "people who don't care about online drama surrounding made up ships" on the same level of bad. one is something i can scroll past or block the tag of. the other caused me trauma, pain, and having grown up way too fast. fictional characters can't experience pain or tragedy in the same way real children and teenagers can.

this post is in regards to this anon message:

you are a bunch of sick people who don't care about real child abuse. you ignore groomers and let them fly under the radar to target people who you, personally, don't agree with. you're making a real victim into a false victim, and at the time of the incident it was sexual assault survivor's awareness month.

if you're going to call someone a victim, at least fucking listen to them. a real groomer is out there living her life while my friend lost a big amount of friends due to false allegations.


jesus christ are we really doing this. ok

the members of my discord server have all been quiet about this on social media because i'm not a cop, i don't believe in callout posts, and we do not fucking waste our time on shit like this. but if you are going to start poking the bear, we literally saved tons of proof that this was all bullshit, so here you fucking go i guess, we have to fucking do this.

addressing the bizzaro anon hate first:

  1. my defunct callout post? my callout post from the callout blog that got deleted YEARS ago? my callout post that half the contributors changed their mind about and are now friends with me? or are you talking about my fucking kiwifarms thread, a website dedicated to suicide baiting, doxxing, and harassing marginalized people? that fucking callout post? that's the hill you wanna die on?
  2. the minor in question is screaming at you that that did not happen. she is being victimized, spoken over, treated as someone with no thought of her own or autonomy, and misrepresented. not a single fucking person involved in this situation--besides those of us who abandoned the shitty server it took place in--has dared to listen to her feelings on the matter.
  3. i have no fucking history of making any comments like this toward any other minors. period. you will find nothing. it is obvious that i am being maligned, and the mods of the previous server all but admitted it as such.
  5. idk which "mod team" you're referring to but i am pro fucking palestine??? as is everyone i associate with??? just because i am not doing online activism on my fandom blog does not mean i am fucking pro-isreal. i got the same shit during 2020 BLM even though i was donating to bail funds and protesting in seattle: just because i am not bragging about or showcasing my activism does not mean it is not there. being bad faith-brained like this will kill you, and you should lighten the fuck up and have more faith in people.
  6. to the bitch that responded: if you are equating serious fucking allegations like grooming and pedo shit with having a silly, harmless headcanon about a fictional video game villain, then you need fucking therapy. what the fuck is wrong with you, that you think that is an acceptable thing to say?

here is what fucking happened:

  • i was in a discord server
  • there was a groomer in the discord server.
  • i noticed the groomer grooming. constantly followed around by a little cheer team of teenagers. i notice the way she talks to them. it wigs me and several other adults out.
  • i go to the mods. nothing is done. "no proof."
  • (the proof is literally in front of all our faces. it is obvious multiple of these teenagers are uncomfortable but too scared to say anything to the groomer because she puts on a nice 'im your internet mom!' aesthetic and has serious emotional episodes whenever anyone defies her. she ignores any teenagers who are outwardly no-nonsense and gravitates towards the ones who are attention-seeking, have bad home lives, and are people looking for support often.)
  • i try to raise up the teenagers in little ways. when i see the groomer treating them like toddlers i try to treat them like people and give them an out of uncomfortable conversations.
  • the groomer notices this and IMMEDIATELY paints me as public enemy number one. mutes me in voice calls. talks over me. picks fights with me in the main channels. she talks about me to everyone who will listen, so much so that her OWN FRIENDS had to tell her to stop because it was annoying the shit out of them.
  • one of the mods of this discord literally had to step down from mod position because he couldn't remain unbiased with the groomer in his ear, and gave the admin the ultimatum that "i won't go back to it unless wendy or the groomer leaves."
  • YOU WOULD THINK THE EASY THING TO DO. WOULD BE TO BAN THE GROOMER. but she is a total kissass and literally worships the mods, got in with them early because she is fucking obsessed with power. she did not just do this to mods--she also did it to popular artists and writers in the ace attorney fandom who joined the server, and i know for a fact it made them fucking uncomfortable.
  • i continue to try and communicate in private with the mods about the way i am being treated by this person. nothing is done. what is done is small, like--
  • the admin's response was 'oh gross. we'll make her delete the group chat.'
  • mods reign tyrannically, are constantly enforcing weird rules, go along with the groomer's weird attitude toward minors where she treats them like toddlers instead of young people with thoughts, feelings, and autonomy (who, of course, also need to be looked out for by adults--but that was not what was happening here.)
  • i am autistic. i don't understand a ton of these rules. i do what autistics to--ask a lot of questions, so i can better understand, and not break the rules.
  • this causes them to brand me as 'combative' and 'argumentative' in secret. they do not communicate this to me. i am given no warnings. i am not spoken to.
  • i ask for a 'tone tag' of sorts so that i can know when mods are asking mod requests versus just requesting things as friends. they make one, DO NOT TELL ANYONE THAT THAT'S WHAT IT IS, and choose to start issuing incredibly unclear warnings to me (and i guess others?) through this method.
  • mods realize that i am more trouble than i am worth simply for being autistic and being targeted by the groomer for wanting to keep her victims safe
  • unfortunately i am well liked
  • they need to come up with a reason to get rid of me. THEY HAVE ADMITTED THIS. WE HAVE PROOF.

and you can literally see the ableism up there too. i can't stress enough, THIS is the "combative" behaviour they were talking about:

(notice how nearly everyone is pushing back here? not just me? but i was the one who took the fall for it. when the admin came in to talk to "us," she only talked to me.)

this is literally just me explaining my actions. asking for clarification. trying to understand the rule i broke. the admin sent me a ton of these screeshots (you can even see their nitro bg here) as proof that i was fighting back against the mods.

they painted me as an aggressor literally for autistic traits i exhibit that come from COMPASSION. i wanted to follow the rules, i wanted to make the server a better place, i wanted to make sure i was doing everything right, SO I WOULD SOMETIMES ASK ABOUT IT. these instances above, THESE are what the admin used against me when she kicked me without any warnings.

as slushy said, the inciting incident that got me kicked was that she posted a poll about halloween costumes. there were no pictures attached. i voted for the one that i thought fit slushy best by description alone. then, AFTER I VOTED, slushy posted pictures.

the admin came in and started slut shaming slushy. i shit you not. sexualizing her for wanting to wear clothes that showed skin, "why don't you try dressing up as jesus instead." this was in line with the bizarre way the mods in this server treated minors, and so i tried to subtly affirm slushy like i always do when they and their groomer friend do this--by complimenting the costumes further, ignoring the weirdo sexualizing kids, and trying to talk about literally anything else.

i did not offer to buy slushy anything. i did not tell slushy to dress up in lingerie. the mods and everyone parroting this are intentionally fucking using all the worst possible worst, misrepresenting what happened in the worst possible way, to fucking malign me.

the costume in question was a fuzzy bikini. and when i am looking at a teenager in a fuzzy bikini i am not fucking thinking about her sexually because i am not a fucking freak. i tried to explain this to the admin and she would not hear me. she saw the FIRST opportunity to kick me, realized she could paint me as a pedophile or a predator and maybe get the chat on her side, and did so. we know this is what happened. we have proof this is what happened.

the chat was not on her side. the server bled upwards of 20 members in a day, countless people who weren't even initially close with me were tearing them to shreds for the piss poor modding job (by the way, at least 4 of their mods were minors, which means they had access to all the nsfw channels--those are obviously not the mods i am holding accountable here, but just to give you a taste of the kind of ship they were running here) and they were timing out people left and fucking right. as the server rioted, the admin started suicide guilting the whole server.


oh, and the groomer was still in the server through all of this, while they were yelling about 'protecting children.' nearly all her victims took my side, and one of them just flatout fucking disappeared from the internet for a while. another literally was so traumatized by her treatment they developed DID. she is still following and reblogging from the admins. and now you are spreading her narrative and playing her game.


>MFW the fanserver i made for a game where you defend the wrongfully accused defends the wrongfully accused.

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