
Lau ✨

@togetherwearerapture / togetherwearerapture.tumblr.com

Masterlist: https://togetherwearerapture.tumblr.com/post/648271540427882496/masterlist-ethan-ramsey-x-mc

You lie flat on the ground, wriggling your top half into the storm drain, tipping over into the dark...

...but Ethan grips your other hand, holding you tight.

“Can you reach?”

“Al...most...got it!”

Ethan pulls you back out and lifts you to your feet, dusting you off.


The unbelievably talented @ethansdique brought one of my absolutely favourite scenes from one of my favourite chapters to life; my MC Elle Valentine and Ethan. I can’t get over how gorgeous this is and her talent. 😍


On a Night Like This - Ethan Ramsey x MC

He can almost hear the bells in heaven and the riot in hell as the gentle brush immediately turns ravenous, effectively blurring the line between right and wrong.
This moment is worth any risk.

The iconic Miami scene was captured by the most wonderful and talented gem, Anna [@ dzb.art / IG] 💙💛 That soft glow emanating from their hearts was her genius idea! I’ll be staring at this masterpiece forever 😍

The quote comes from the first kiss fic I posted on ao3 last year - you can find it here.



BOOK: Open Heart (Book Two; post Chapter 2) PAIRING: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Laura Levchenko) RATING: MA WARNINGS: NSFW (contains explicit language, adult themes, and sexual references); DNI unless 18+ WORD COUNT: 2,909 words SUMMARY: After an evening full of temptation, Ethan Ramsey must face the inevitable truth – Laura Levchenko is a woman impossible to forget. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Well… and here it is. My very first attempt at writing something mildly smutty with a generous dose of pure angst! A.k.a. a passionate, tormented ode to Laura Levchenko. Ethan in denial and desperately trying to convince himself he is doing things for the greater good? That’s my jam. Fingers crossed that it feels right. Now allow me to humbly hide for eternity. A big thank you to my brain twin @mvalentine for being my beta reader on this piece! Her support means everything. ❤️


And I should have finished this about an hour ago, but my dog said otherwise needed a walk, so...


I just can't with this scene... I can't... my two fools are so in love that I can't deny them this kiss... it's just...

What happened after she left? What happened when she got home? Did they text to each other later that day? Did they talk on the phone? What did Alan say after she left? I know there are many fanfics about it... but... so many questions!

I'm just so proud of my babies!!



Ahh no matter how many times I read this I still get goosebumps. I still remember exactly how it felt to read this last year, the excitement and anticipation! After all the angst and pining and longing at the start of book 2, and the frustration that Ethan was still keeping his distance. FINALLY his resolve was broken here and he gives in and it’s just so good. One of my favourite scenes also ❤️


its so shiddy when u have to convince yourself to do your hobbies. like, its fun, you like it, why cant you just do it. do it. do it. but what if.... mindless media consumption instead....

im so sorry to the seven thousand of you so far who relate

upset at the accuracy of these tags


I hurt my feelings today and now I need to share them with you, because I’m crying 😩

I was thinking about how MC is super affectionate with Ethan, and always so open about their feelings, etc. and then I was like, I bet it startled him at first because, while alan was a great dad, I feel like Ethan didn’t get a lot of affection from him growing up, especially after Louise left. And so MC being so affectionate and unconditional about their love for him and always showing it in a million different ways was probably so startling to Ethan.

Obviously he’s been in relationships before, but clearly it’s a million times different with MC (he even said so), so I’m just sitting here crying about how our pixelated man, was probably so caught of guard by how loving MC is and how it felt so different compared to his past relationships.

I don’t even know if this makes sense outside of my brain, but I just had to share it with you.


No, but this makes total sense, Sara!

I imagine that after Louise left, Alan worked long hours to provide for them. As a result, Ethan learned to be self-sufficient and take care of himself from a young age. This, I believe, went beyond learning how to cook and find summer jobs. I think Ethan worked very hard to avoid relying on anyone (physically and emotionally.)

Which is why I also believe he was very guarded in all his previous relationships. There was always that wall he built from a young age to protect himself from the pain of being abandoned again.

When you say he was caught off guard by MC's outpour of support and affection, I believe you are absolutely right. I would also add that he was shocked that MC had somehow knocked down those defenses somewhere along the way. (Eventually and very gradually, Ethan himself began to return those small gestures of affection. I think that's the reason for all the handholding in book 2. It's his way to breakthrough his own emotional walls. )

All of this is evident by his reaction to something as small as physical touch: (Text evidence ahead because y'all know that's my favorite)

Guys you are absolutely both spot on with this! Girl you know I love me some broken down text evidence 🙌


in plain sight | Ch. 1 | Ethan x MC

Book/Pairing: Open Heart / Ethan Ramsey x female MC

Word count: 3.3k

Rating: T

Summary: After Senator Farrugia's mysterious death at the Edenbrook, an upscale hotel in Boston, Special Agent Ethan Ramsey and CNN investigative reporter Sloane McTavish must untangle a web of secrets and murders before time runs out.

Category: AU

Warnings: mention of off-screen su*cide, language

Link to AO3 (to be added)

Link to Spotify playlist (to be added)

|| || || || || || || || || || ||

Saturday, January 11, 8:34 p.m.

“They could at least shut off the car alarm,” Bryce complains as they weave through the crowd.

A sea of phone screens float above their heads, all capturing the same lousy photo of a blue-tarped Nissan Rogue. Glass from the shattered windows sprinkles the pavement, where investigators are circling like vultures in their white Tyvek suits. Police cruisers and fire engines form a protective circle around the spectacle. Though their sirens are quiet, their lights flash in bright strobes of red, blue, and amber -- more of a crowd deterrent than anything else. Clogging the rest of the street are vans from all the local stations. Reporters are scattered about the sidewalk, all vying for the best angle of the scene, all spouting the same minute-thirty soundbites for the viewers at home. One of their own, Elijah, waves at them from his spot amongst the circus.

Above it all, rows upon rows of faces press against the glass of their windows, hands covering their mouths at the sight, ignoring the officers’ shouts to close their curtains.

“No way we’re getting a peek at whoever’s under that tarp.” Next to her, Bryce pauses to readjust his bag, trying to make it look less obvious. “So, how you wanna do this?”

From underneath her hat, Sloane shoots him a grin.

I adore this premise for these two, please add me to your tag list! 😍 Do you know when you’ll be updating new chapters?

Anonymous asked:

N*FW Question:

Easiest way for Lilac to get Ethan in the mood/turn him on, and vice versa?

I imagine it wouldn’t take much 😂

I love this question so much. Anon whoever you are, I hope you find money on the ground today

You're not wrong. All Lilac really has to do is give him bedroom eyes and he's ready. She wears the workout leggings he likes so much? Bed. She bites her lower lip? Bed. Lilac stretches and "accidentally" moans? Right to bed.

Other times she just tells him what she wants him to do. Poor man never stands a fighting chance.

I don't think Ethan has to try very hard either. Eye contact is a huge turn on for her because goddamn. That man's eyes. They fucking press into you when he gives you that intense, piercing look of his. More often than not he turns her on without intentionally meaning to because have you seen him?

Their sex life is off the charts and I will never be sorry about that. I'm so happy for them


Absolution (Ethan x MC)

Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Elle Valentine)

Descripton: After the funeral, Ethan and Elle both struggle to process the aftermath of the attack. They talk about death, life, things that came so close to being unsaid forever, and the elephant in the room. Ethan realises there is something that Elle really needs to hear.

Warnings: Mentions of sex, angst, some dark humour, death and illness, but a big dose of hope and fluff. Characters and some dialogue belong to Pixelberry.

Word Count: 5.2K

P.s did I proof read this? Absolutely not 


The December drizzle has half-turned to sleet, and Ethan keeps his head low and his strides long as he hurries down the street. Delicate, twinkling lights and gilded evergreen arrangements fill every shop window. But even the warm displays aren’t enough to lessen the bite of the bitter wind against his cheeks; or quell the gnawing anxiety in his chest.

It is an unpleasant feeling- one that he is trying not to acknowledge. It’s irrational- unwarranted; but as much as he tries to convince himself otherwise, the miserable weather is not the only reason he hastens to return home.

The echoes of his confession from a few days prior ring in his ears.

‘I keep worrying that if I lose track of you…if I leave you alone…it could happen again. That I won’t have the power to stop it this time…to save you.’

The alarm bells have started to ring.


I’m so emotional that it’s ended. Thank you to everyone on here for bringing the OH community to life, and bringing so much love, passion and life to this series through your wonderful works; fics, arts and edits for the last 2+ years. You’ve all been a solace in many a dark time, and I’m endlessly grateful in awe of your talent and creativity.

Thank you too to everyone who has engaged with my fics, I have some I’m very keen to finish and post on here, and I’ll stick around to engage with everyone’s content so long as this community is alive. I hope so many of you will too. So much gratitude, love, and big hugs to all of you. ❤️

I want to give a special thanks to these amazingly talented content creators who share my love for OH and for blessing us with their works and engaging with mine, which gave me so much joy: @jamespotterthefirst @starrystarrytrouble @perriewinklenerdie @stygianflood @droppedmydamncroissant @queenbirbs @lsvdw-blog , and so many more of you. You are all so incredibly talented and I’m so, so grateful for you being part of this community. 💖


this post is nothing more than me gushing over the Miami kiss


  • MC meeting his gaze in the moonlight then touching his cheek. Ethan closing his eyes, leaning into their touch 
  • “I know.”
  • Ethan asking MC to call him by his first name at last
  • “I’ve been wanting this.” “So have I.”
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