


Me trying to explain to someone that doesn’t have Visual Snow about the static that covers everything I see.

Here’s a gif to demonstrate.


Imagine that, overlayed over your entire field of vision. Even when your eyes are closed. (especially when your eyes are closed.)

*looks up from computer* now wait just one minute

This is a real thing that exists, not intrusive thought. This is the reason I have glasses. I was a little kid, thought it was normal, tried to point them out to my mom, and she freaked out and brought me to an eye doctor. Where we found out I have shit eyesight. And also apparently where she learned what visual snow was.

But. She deicded. Not. To tell me.

(Like she’s also decided not to tell me or my twin that we’re autistic)

So it literally took me more than a decade to find a word for this.

Which is why I made this post.

She mentioned casually last year to her boyfriend that she learned I had visual snow when I was little and I’m jyst sitting there, having already painstakingly figured all of this out on my own like, “and you didn’t think that was worth explaining to me even when I brought it to your atfention?????”

So ueah.

It’s a thing. If you see staticy moving dots everywhere even with your eyes closed, you’ve got Visual Snow.


I HAVE THIS!!~~ I tried asking my teacher in grade 2 what they were, and she just told me to drink water. Never went away. Wasn’t even studied until like 2013 or something. Sorta fun, mostly irritating!

i have this too! no one explained it to me i just found out from a fuckinf sixpenceee post like a fool.

i just thought EVERYONE had static and floaters in their vision. and that afterimages were that bad for everyone.

like even if im not looking into a bright light or my eyes pass over something slightly bright i get afterimages that can be blinding. when i close my eyes i always have after images of anything reflecting even a little light. i didnt realize that was part of visual snow until last year 

here’s some more symptoms for anyone curious if they have this:

(illustration by Emily Roberts)


Columbia University Student Will Drag Her Mattress Around Campus Until Her Rapist Is Gone
“I think the act of carrying something that is normally found in our bedroom out into the light is supposed to mirror the way I’ve talked to the media and talked to different news channels, etc,” Emma continues in the full video which you can watch here.
So, I just want to go into HOW MUCH Columbia and the NYPD has failed, and revictimized, Emma Sulkowitz.

What I really love about this ‘mattress performance’ is that other students helped her carry her mattress across campus.

All those people reminded her that she didn’t have to carry that weight alone. That’s amazing.

this is her at her graduation


Guys I know tumblr is western centric but why is everyone radio silent about the Ukrainian elections yesterday

Like I am not saying you’re a bad person for not talking about it just that it’s, like, legitimately one of the most baffling political events I have ever witnessed in my life.

Long story short, Volodymir Zelensky - A comedian with no political experience to speak of decided to run against Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s extremely unpopular and hated incumbent president, working largely off of his role in one popular Ukrainian sitcom called “Servant of the People”, where he plays a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington type character who gets randomly elected as president and fights hard against the corruption to be an honest leader.

Other than piggybacking off of the success of his sitcom, he largely avoided public speeches and interviews, he offered pretty much no policy platform whatsoever beyond extremely vague platitudes, and refused to state specifically what he plans to do if he got elected as president.

So despite the fact that this guy has no political experience, gave very few interviews, held few political rallies, largely campaigned only on social media and has been extremely cryptic about what his actual policy plans are, he managed to win first place with around 30% of the vote on the first round of elections, and won the second round against Poroshenko with seventy-three percent of the vote.

His landslide was so huge that he won over 90% of the vote in some districts.

Imagine being Petro Poroshenko and not only losing this hard, but losing this hard to a television comedian with no real political goals whatsoever


catfish simultaneously look like they possess infinite knowledge of the universe and like they just have the mii theme playing in their head nonstop

you see what i mean

they know everything but it all cancels out


the brazilian ones look like they just murdered their own family in a psychotic episode

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