
Not Yet In Service

@whenyouscream / whenyouscream.tumblr.com

Pat. 25☼ The girl who dreamed of flying ▲

LESS movies about the lgbtq experience MORE movies about people who just happen to be lgbtq. is it really that hard to understand

I don't wanna see another story abt a teenage boy coming out to his parents and closed mouth kissing his boyfriend at prom where's my spy thriller action heist movie w a cast made entirely of dykes and femme gay men you know what I'm fucking talkinf about. I'm tired of The Queer Struggle I struggle every stupid day I know what that's all about and honestly none of the coming out stories are cathartic or whatever to me. I don't care. I wanna see a nonbinary person fight a dragon


What does it take to teach a bee to use tools? A little time, a good teacher and an enticing incentive. Read more here: http://to.pbs.org/2mpRUAz

Credit: O.J. Loukola et al., Science (2017)


“Friend? Friend push ball? I push ball. I do good.”

Bees.  Smart enough to push a ball, not smart enough to not be fooled by a stick masquerading as a bee. 


maybe they know and they’re just being polite


Other dimensional beings are undoubtedly amazed at what human beings will accept as human beings too. “But it’s just a stick with a person on it.”


This turns up on my dashboard. And I read it and am impressed that someone writes exactly the post that I’d write, without actually reading the name of the person who posted it.

And then I’m puzzled at all the Neil Why’s, and realise that this was me in the Wayback Long-ago.

At least I’m consistent.

And, I should point out, we are no closer to being able to spot the extra-dimensional stick “people” who move unobserved among us.


It’s reassuring how tumblr-like this entire interaction is. Including not reading the url


My parents and I have wondered this for a long time.

Who writes those "about the author" descriptions for books?

I want to say it's the author but it's in third person?


Sometimes other people, sometimes the author writing in the third person. Then there's the "Odd and the Frost Giants" About the Author bit theory...


I'm afraid I don't know that theory.

From the About the Author page of ODD AND THE FROST GIANTS:

@neil-gaiman did you ever get to write those other stories about Odd?

Everyone i have been able to make read my copy loves this one. thank you.

Not yet. I've written the first chapter of the second book, in which Odd will go from Orkney to Jerusalem and back. But I need to not be showrunning...


happy national coming out day! (oct. 11th, 2021)

santana lopez (glee) patrick brewer (schitt’s creek) nia nal (supergirl) eric effiong (sex education) clare devlin (derry girls) sophie moore (batwoman) rosa diaz (brooklyn nine-nine) willow rosenberg (buffy the vampire slayer) kat edison (the bold type) elena alvarez (one day at a time)

They’re also shooting for 100% renewable plastic sources by 2030! All of the soft plant/leaf elements in sets right now and going forward are made out of bioplastic made from sugarcane, and they’re working on getting the regular hard plastic bricks out of that, too.


They’ve done it, actually! The full bricks are in the prototype stage now, and are expected to be 100% biodegradable without the need for a commercial compost facility. It’s very cool. Right now they’re testing the durability and playability of the bricks and seeing what needs to be revised/reworked on their final model.

So its that easy huh


Of course it is


Actually, this isn’t “easy” and is huge news. You see, Lego is absolutely meticulous about their quality control. Their standards for manufacturing are stupidly high, as are their safety requirements. You know that distinctive “click” when you pop two Lego bricks apart? They engineered that. That sound is so distinctive that it can be used to tell genuine Lego bricks from counterfeits and it’s a sound that would be based on shape and material.

Furthermore, one of the hard requirements for a Lego brick is that it must be compatible with any other Lego brick. If I buy a set today and pull a set from the 1980s? Those bricks would fit together perfectly. This requires a huge amount of precision engineering and controls on manufacturing quality. (I can’t remember the source, but I’ve at least heard that once the brick molds wear to a certain point, they’re pulled from the line and either melted down or turned into construction material for Lego HQ. Point being, no one is getting their hands on a worn Lego mold)

Recycled and non-petroleum plastics are different from other plastic. The chemistry is different. The timing and process to use them is different. This has been a reason why more companies haven’t moved to them, because there’s a drop in quality for material (so they claim).

What Lego just did is completely obliterate that argument. The corporation with some of the strictest quality control requirements for plastic just kicked the basic foundation of the “bad quality” argument out from under it, because if they feel confident enough to guarantee the same experience as using a brick from over 40 years ago, if they are confident enough that they can meet their own metrics at a huge industrial scale….

Nobody else has any excuse.

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