
Art Forever

@reasonpeasonold / reasonpeasonold.tumblr.com

Sketches, works in progress, and finished pieces of all kinds. reasonpeason@gmail.com

El painting Annie’s face for Halloween.

I like this poor boy’s sad attempt at putting his hair in a high ponytail, baby’s got a few more months to go for it to work. XD

I had to admit defeat, I don’t really know where I wanted to take this, but it’s cute and I AM happy with the angles on El’s head +hands and Annie’s content face.


Annie finally went through my pics and says I can post this one. (●'◡'●)

He said it’s cause he looks cool but holy shit, you pull the hood off and he looks like a friggin blue dandelion, it’s amazing how he’ll still refuse to believe he’s adorable. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ


So Yellow/El has a tumblr and I been posting/reblogging to it for about 3 months now following their timeline real time. :P Decided I’d reveal it was, in fact, a character blog this way.

I haven’t done any work like this in a while but I’m p pleased with how it turned out. :3 I hope to post more like this since Yellow is a photo taking type.


And so I finished the bases for Blue and Yellow, ages 15 and 16 respectively.  Basically their default outfits without accessories or outer layer (Blue’s p partial to hoodies unsurprisingly).

The last time I’ve done a colored piece with them was apparently 2011.  I gotta say laying down the base colors for them is nice to see, especially since color is a huge part of their character (to a point I don’t even refer to them by their actual names, just their color, even in script lol).


My piece for the Sollux Zine - iinternet hate machiine

Go check it out, there’s a lot of amazing work (art, fic, and music).  I also cannot express how much I wanna get the cover as a print for my wall.

As for my piece here: This is actually my third go at this concept since 2012 and I’ve always thought Sollux’s throwing stars are tragically underused, up to and especially by him. :Y

Reminder that reasonpeasonold is my old art blog and I post all my current art to reasonpeason


Guess where I’ll be tomorrow starting at 10 am (EST). :y

I’ll be streaming, I’ll have 3 commission slots for the day (first come first serve).  I’ll also be working on Gamebound between commissions and checking out the rest of the con.


Beta Readers?


So as I continue working on updates, I thought it was about time I consider finding someone/a few someones to beta read Gamebound.  I’m gonna start slow here, so what I’m looking for is:

  • Go over basic timeline of the session for gaps and inconsistencies
  • Particularly events mentioned ir2 the dancestors (tho there are I believe 2 that I’m okay with not lining up)
  • Go over outline for coherency in flow (different from timeline in not being strictly chronological)
  • For this, I’m most concerned about explanations for mentioned events (Cronus losing faith in magic, Mituna burning out his powers, Porrim becoming a rainbowdrinker, etc)
  • Possibly: Read over text for impending updates

I would at least like to just go over the timeline of events, if anyone interested only feels comfortable with a single aspect of the above, that’s perfectly fine.

If this works out, I’ll probably want to go more in depth with the characterization, slogging through the script (logs, narration, and proposed panels to go with them), the panel-to-text flow, filling it out with some more flavor, and expanding on some areas that seem lacking (and then the last level is all the background that won’t be main comic itself but that’s another story entirely (pun intended)).  I do have a basic overview that hits the main beats on this, but I think a lot of my anxiety would go down and get more consistent in updating if I had people to defer to ir2 the story itself.

  • If anyone is interested, you can send an e-mail to: gameboundcomic@gmail.com

If I’m not going about this the right way or am being unreasonable, please let me know.  This is a first for me, so I want to be sure I’m not inadvertently being an ass about it. XD

Long time no posts.  I’ll start reblogging stuff from my new blogs here again, but I’m looking for beta readers for Gamebound.


New Years Stream 7 PM (EST)

Hey guys, I’m gonna be doing an art and RWBY stream tonight.  I’ll be playing the whole series up to the most recent episode starting at around 7 PM.

I’ll be working on the art challenge asks I got and whatever else might just come up over the course of the stream.  The series is probably around 9 hours at this point so this stream will be going until 4 AM (EST)

I’ll make a post for when I start later, mic will be on for the most part


02/29/2012 - Glub Glub Motherfucker

I think I drew this right after Meenah was introduced.  I’d tagged her as “baby condesce” so she didn’t have a name yet.

If anything looks off, I don’t think I used a reference?  Or at least I used one p sparingly. XD

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