
i might move blogs all together if im being quite honest. i wanna keep this blog as a relic and proof of my existence and a memory of how i used to be (used this blog since the ripe age of 13, when i was 15 and worked a grocery store and remember how i would sit and reblog things on my break or when it got slow, and now my age at 17, almost at that homestretch of my final days as a "youth")

i would appreciate if my friends on here would follow my other blog once ive made it and shown its me, but also a clean slate would be nice. but i do want a Few of my mutuals to be kept.... specifically P i love you you're a joy and you're the reason i like coming back to tumblr to browse and you always rb the best gyaru stuff

erm.. i guess thats it then ! ill still likely rb here n there until i remake but. yeah^^ ill pin this i think


the way some of you draw adam and lawrence as skinny twinkified anime boys irks my soul a bit. i think you guys should take the opportunity to maybe try and steer away from skinny twinks and draw lawrence and adam how they really look.... idk....... food for thought


anyways i think the next splatfest theme should be the perfect valentines gift: chocolates, roses, or stuffed animal ? idk who would be on each team but i think this should be the theme. it would be cute


hiii adam enjoyers 👋 been trying to get the hang of drawing on an ipad so of course this guy is my test dummy

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