
Words That I Made Up

@defineyourterms / defineyourterms.tumblr.com

Salutations! I am chris. Queer. Enby. This is my fandom trashcan. Feel free to ask me about stuff and things. W̲̅ᴀ̲̅ᴋ̲̅ᴀ̲̅ɴ̲̅ᴅ̲̅ᴀ̲̅ ̲̅F̲̅ᴏ̲̅ʀ̲̅ᴇ̲̅ᴠ̲̅ᴇ̲̅ʀ̲̅

the idea of public restrooms as "women's spaces" continues to confound me. you know who I hope is in a public bathroom when I go in?? no one. I would prefer no one else be in the bathroom. and if someone else is in the bathroom I am going to ignore them as much as possible. I did not go into the bathroom to connect with other women. I went into the bathroom to piss and/or shit. it's a toilet's space, not a women's space. shut the fuck up and let trans people piss and shit in peace. let's all continue to avoid eye contact with each other and any and all interaction in the toilet's space.


The Name Game: Delle Seyah Kendry

Aneela calling her Kendry is itself interesting. Kendry is Delle Seyah’s land name. Seyah is the royalty title. Arguably, the most intimate address Aneela could call her is Delle (compare to Yalena/Yala). The most formal is Seyah Kendry, equivalent to Lord Cornwall or Princess of Wales. Or, in that the land name is doubling for surname, President Washington. Pawter and Louella were Seyah Simms. However, the way that most people address her is Delle Seyah, which I suppose is their order-swapped version of Queen Elizabeth or King George (instead of Queen Windsor and King Frederick). However, the only other land head we hear addressed with this convention is in 3x06, “Kalla Seyon, of Land Trus.” Most everyone else is referred to by first name (Adaline, Pawter/Illenore, Louella), full name (Adaline Seyah Simms), or title (Seyah Simms). We never hear the “Illenore Seyah” construction. The only other other exceptions are those who don’t seem to have the seyah title for various reasons: Arune Hyponia, Khlyen, and Yalena. But maybe that’s just because in the scenes we saw them in, everyone was speaking more casually to each other, using their first names. Still, the trend for the characters not going with the regular convention were men, and especially the one other named character taking on the “Delle Seyah” construction, Kalla Seyon, was a man, as the announced matriarchs in 3x06 went with the “Adaline Seyah Simms” construction. While it seems that most of the land heads in the present were matriarchs, there is still plenty of sexism in The Quad. So it’s not unlikely that using Delle Seyah as her common mode of address is making a point about her ambitions to be better than all others. King Arthur, not King Pendragon. Meanwhile, though, she still takes offense to Gander calling her even Delle Seyah, demanding that he yet be more formal, only allowed Seyah Kendry. Anyways, Aneela calling her by land name sure is…a choice. “You’re my tether, Vietnam.” “WHERE…IS…PENNYSYLVANIA????” I mean, it would be odd if Delle Seyah reciprocated by calling her “Kin Rit.” And it’s not like Aneela calls anyone else by last name, or avoids first names/nicknames. “I love my Papa, and my sister, Izzy, and my girlfriend, Liechtenstein.” (We do hear Aneela refer to her as Delle Seyah once, in the S4 finale. )

Michelle Lovretta actually answered why Aneela calls Kendry Kendry! Here’s her answer!

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