

@twiggymcbones / twiggymcbones.tumblr.com

Nonsense only   -  instagram.com/tristyn_the_pease/

Me: Supports all trans people

Trans Person: breathes directly into my mouth with NO mask

Me: Supports all trans people....EXCEPT ONE


And now an earthquake I SWEAR IF ONE MORE FUCKING


Day 3 of curfew, protests have started in the Valley - I’ve never heard so many sirens and helicopters. The businesses around here are all boarded up for the night. 

So, watching Black Panther. Hoping everybody is okay out there. 


LA is under curfew, my neighbor went down for the protests today and saw cops being the instigators of violence. Shit is crazy out there you guys, and I know this quote has been thrown around a lot lately, but not for fuckin’ nothing

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