

@knightlyvirtues / knightlyvirtues.tumblr.com

She/her | 26 | AroAce | It’s just animes here. Faves including: HxH, Pokémon, and Dragon Ball.

Unironically I think we need just a more powerful DS again. Dual screens fuck. The amount of creativity and interactivity and cool UI that went into DS games is literally unmatched and like those things were tough as fuck too. Please hear my wish. I get that the switch is technically handheld and thus portable but also no it is not that thang is so delicate and lacks the sophistication of just being able to shut it at a moments notice to pause everything without having to hit a pause menu. Does anyone hear me. Hello. Pokémon ranger.


we need more representation in media for people who are just dogshit at improvising snappy one liners. too many characters these days can come up with the smartest funniest thing to say in any given situation with zero rehearsal or hesitation and it's just not realistic. we need more guys who say shit like "yeah, well, um, how about you, uh, suck my dick?"


Since It’s Piccolo Day let’s remember that one time a Piccolo cosplayer went to a Toys R Us during the Holiday season and paid off every single layaway at the store.


normal again 👍

horny again 👍

normal again 👍

horny again 👍

normal again 👍

you should spend more time training instead of being horny.



hey girl are you a boy. would you like to be

oh my god this is literally just the plot of ouran high school host club isn't it


Like no offense to my friends and family but if I had the chance to abandon this timeline for a medieval fantasy land I would absolutely do it, goodbye student loans and depression hello cool magic shit and most likely an early death by the sword (as it should be)

Have fun shitting in outhouses and losing loved ones to the plague™

medieval fantasy, not actual medieval times you impudent fool

Have fun crapping in outhouses and losing loved ones to the Goblin Raiders™

That’s more the fuck like it

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