

@bmysterys / bmysterys.tumblr.com

A place of mystery and a world of fiction. A safe haven for all.

Just a Bite

Just a little something I decided to write before I’m unable to do anymore writing until the new year. You can read it in parts here on AO3 as I separated the POV changes into chapters. Otherwise please enjoy my one and only contribute to Hauntober with this Hak x Yona fic

Yona’s POV

The rain fell heavy that day. It was already becoming a busy and long one as I made my way to my second job. At least this one, I actually looked forward to: The Hiryuu Animal Rescue and Recovery Center. The founder was a big proponent of helping animals in need whether they were pets, strays, or part of the wild. His dream gave a sanctuary for all living creatures in need to find help. The staff is mostly made up of volunteers, much like myself. My hope was to stay on long enough to make it into a career to replace my current- and boring- day job. Stuck in an office all day staring at a computer screen was not where I thought I would find myself after years of schooling, but at least it pays the bills and I didn’t have to worry about needing a roommate to help pay the rent. Plus, the recovery center was close to where I lived so I could easily walk there on the days of my shift. Even on rainy days like this one, I didn’t mind the walk. With an umbrella in hand to help shield me from the brunt of the downfall, I walked along the sidewalk heading to the clinic. That is, until I saw something small and dark lying in the grass next to the edge of the sidewalk. The closer I got to it, I could tell it was a small, fuzzy animal, but it wasn’t until I was nearly hovering over it did I recognize it to be a small bat! With a gasp, I unraveled the scarf from my neck to gently pick up the small, delicate creature and swaddled it to protect from the cold chill of the rain. 


Our Soulmate Chapter 2!

It’s finally here. If I remember correctly, forgive me if I’m wrong, but I believe @doginshoe @mccnfairy @kaychawrites @shadyhydrathesnekqueen had requested quite eagerly for the continual and now here it is. Hope you lovelies enjoy!

For the first part you can read it here on Tumblr or check out my AO3!

Gray and Natsu set the blonde, Lucy, on her feet and try to steady her.

“Umm…what exactly did you mean?” Natsu was the first to ask.

Lucy looks down at her feet for a curiously long time, then takes in all the sights around them, including the numerous people forming a crowd around them to see the girl that came to life from a statue.

“Yeah… And how exactly are you alive right now?” Gray adds on as the blonde seems more interested in the sights than what either man has been asking.

“I suppose I should explain, shouldn’t I?” Lucy muses to herself before her eyes widen and shimmer with glee.

Before either could ask her anything more, Lucy bolts to her feet and hurries past the pair, through the crowd, and towards the landing as she leans over the granite railing. Her pale, slender hand covers her eyes from the glaring sun as she looks out over the city.


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Uraraka Ochako’s Parents, Sensei | All For One Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, First Love, Enemies Summary:

This is Day one for Kacchako Week. Prompt Villain AU


@inukag-week​ Desire prompt

Inukag AU, modern setting, nsfw   collaboration: I wrote the non-smut parts & @bmarvels​ wrote the smutty smutty below the read more  ;)

Kagome was barely conscious by the time her husband walked in the door that evening.  The man worked long hours as a detective with the Kanagawa police department and today was no different than most.  The clock located on the nightstand showed 11pm.  She rolls over in bed to see him standing near the doorway of their bedroom undoing his tie.

“Rough night?” she queries, still blinking away the half-sleep in her eyes.

“Yeah,” he groans, “that case I was telling you about with the Kumo clan is starting to really piss me off.  I swear to Kami if we don’t find some concrete evidence on their leader Naraku, that bastard is gonna get away from us, again.”

As her husband Inuyasha talks about the case, Kagome just stares and nods at the appropriate times.  She was used to this routine of letting him ramble away about a case and get it off his chest.  It was better to let him vent rather than hold it in and turn into a grumpy hanyo.  Of course, in reality what she was really doing is ogling her husband as he disentangled himself from his work suit.

The night had been a warm one as they moved into the spring months, and her beefy husband had rolled up his shirt sleeves, showing off his solid biceps in the process.  If only every day was a warm one because she could never get enough of the pleasing sight.

“…Miroku thinks he’s got a lead.  One of his snitches is supposed to meet us tomorrow to let us know where the next shipment of drugs will be dropped…”

Slowly, one by one the fabric pieces unfurl.  First, his chest is relieved of its bindings as button after button from the collared shirt is opened, giving her a peak at the firm muscular anatomy beneath it.  Next, his belt is pulled away from his waistband and tossed aside into the soon to be growing pile.  Unconsciously, Kagome risks licking at her dry lips to rehydrate them.  She really didn’t like it when he left his clothing tossed about only for her to pick up after, but tonight…. was worth making an exception.

He strips off the shirt, tugging when the sleeves catch onto the muscles in his arms.  Not that she was complaining, but maybe she should buy him the next size up for clearly this one is getting tight.  Kagome almost slips a giggle, ’my beefy hubby.’  Inuyasha balls up the shirt and tosses it near the belt.  For a moment, he pauses in thought, just stands there like a glorified model posing in some ad.  Kami, her heart.  The cock of his hip, one hand rested against it while the other scratches at his scalp…

“Now that I think about it, the snitch’s name seems…  familiar.  I think I’ve dealt with her before in the red-light district, some kind of madame of high-end geisha consorts.  Pfft, figures Miroku would have a snitch from that area.”  Inuyasha shrugs and continues stripping off his slacks. “Guess if she’s willing to snitch, I don’t care what she does with her body.”

Kagome peels her eyes away, thinking for a moment that she’s heard of this person too.  “Sounds like you’re describing Madame Kagura.  I remember Sango mentioning her business at the community center.  Some of the girls go to them for help getting out of that life.”

“Yes!  That’s her!”  He finishes peeling off his slacks and throws it into the growing clothes pile.  “I’d heard rumors the Kumo clan had its hands in the escorts.  That woman is probably snitching to get out from under their hold.”

“Mmhmm…” she agrees, “that would make sense.”

Her thoughts drift away from the case once more, training in on her husband’s scant attire.  Only clad in a pair of snug boxers, she watches him walk through the room to pull fresh clothing from the dresser.  She nibbles at her bottom lip while admiring the view.  ’Such a beautiful ass…’ His muscle hewn cheeks, flexing with each step, show through the thin fabric.  His thick thighs, those powerful pistons able to chase down bad guys or make her see stars.  Oh yes…  ’I see you peeking,’ she muses at the bouncing bump that calls for attention as he walks.  He pauses, giving her a full-frontal view.

“Hey Kagome?”

Her eyes shift upward to her husband’s face and that’s when she realizes, by the knowing smirk plastered on his face, she was busted.  Kagome clears her throat, pretending that nothing was amiss.  "Yes?“ she coos.

"Did you forget I can smell your scent changes?”

“W-Well… you can’t blame me for appreciating my husband’s assets.”

“Tch,” Inuyasha grins wider and saunters over beside the bed, resting a knee against the frame as he leans in.  "You know our anniversary is tomorrow…“


“Maybe I should give you a gift early.”

“Oh?” she sits up and leans closer to him.  "And what would said gift be?“

"Hmm, one option is something you’ve wanted to have for some time, but I was too scared to give you.”

Kagome pulls away, her eyes widening. “Really??!!  I-I mean I don’t want to push you if you’re still unsure….”

Inuyasha takes her hand, kissing the back of it.  "I’m sure.  We’re stable enough financially… and I realize, it would be great to have a little rugrat of our own.“

"Yes! Yes!…  wait how can you be so sure?”

He leans next to her ear whispering. “Your fertility is peaking, a high chance of getting pregnant.”

As the full brunt of realization hits, Kagome’s eyes mist over from the overwhelming emotions.  Motherhood was something she’d always wanted to attain, but she loved Inuyasha enough to be understanding of his fears.  He’d lost his own family at a young age only to be raised by a cold and emotionless older brother that resented him.  So, he feared that if they were to have kids, especially with his chosen profession, what if something happened to him, to them?

“But what changed your mind?”  She questions because she wanted to make sure he wouldn’t resent his decision later.

“It wasn’t one thing really.  Seeing Miroku give up his philandering ways for fatherhood.  And I’ll admit the twins grew on me…”

She giggles.  "They do love their uncle Inu…“

”… But the biggest was seeing my brother, of all people adopt a little girl, then watch him dote after her like a… like a…“

"A father?” Kagome finishes his sentence.

“Yeah!  I never thought I’d see the day, and a human child at that!  So… if Sessh could do it, then so can I.”

“Sit,” she pats the bed beside her.  When he complies, Kagome wraps her arms around him and rests her head against his shoulder and chest.  "I know you are going to be an amazing father Inu, so please don’t worry.“

Inuyasha returns his wife’s embrace, burying his face against her shoulder and neck.  "And you’re gonna be an amazing mother to our pups.”

Kagome sniffles. “Did you say ’s’ as in plural??”

That makes him chuckle and pull back to gaze into her eyes.  He places a chaste kiss upon her lips.  "One for now, but who knows,“ he smiles, “we’ll play it by ear.”

“Mmm, speaking of ears,” Kagome reaches up and rubs her husband’s sensitive fluffy appendages, sending a rivulet string of shivers along his whole body.  "I think I’m ready to receive my gift now.”

A heated growl takes Kagome by a split-second surprise from the way her husband has her pinned against the bed before she could even blink.  "You know I hate it when you rub my ears, wench.“

She sticks out her tongue, teasing him.  "No, you don’t, you love it, you just hate that it makes you feel vulnerable.”

“Oh, the only one vulnerable tonight is you,” he smirks and gently runs a claw along her cheek, then down her neck until it snags at her collar.  He pulls at the offending fabric.

“Don’t you dare ruin my-!”

Too late as she hears the tearing sounds of her t-shirt being ripped down the front of her body.

Kagome narrows her eyes at her husband. “I could have just taken it off.”

“Where’s the fun in that?  Now you’ve got 10 seconds to wiggle that cute little ass of yours outta them bottoms before I shred it.”

Kagome lets out a squeal, desperately trying to work her cotton shorts and panties off as Inuyasha counts the seconds down.


She fidgets and shimmies for all she’s worth, working the offending fabrics down her legs.


“Eep!” Almost there! The shorts were easier, but the elastic of the tighter underwear bunches up and snags at her knees. This would have been so much easier if she wasn’t pinned below him!


With seconds to spare, Kagome manages to get it down to an ankle where it hangs stuck until with the help of her toes, yanks and flips it off the bed.

“Well?!” she gazes up in defiance at her laughing husband. “Hurry up and strip too!” She pulls at his waist band. “You are so lucky I don’t have claws!”

“Patience woman, no need to rush…”

“Patience?! From the one who ripped-”


Divine Punishment

It’s been a long time coming! I’m finally glad to have my contributing piece finished! My greatest condolences for all who have been waiting; but, without further ado, here is the next piece to Heavenly Bodies! AO3 link here

Lucy gets the house ready for Natsu to return home. He had been on a long mission trip and was due back today. Normally she would join him on these longer missions, but after being married for a few years she had trouble focusing on her book. They were finally in a comfortable place where they could do their own thing and be happy for the other. Natsu and Happy were given chances to be together and go on missions just the two of them while Lucy could enjoy the peace and quiet at home to get back into her writing. This was one of those times, but she also wanted to treat Natsu since he usually is tired and, of course, hungry after lengthy missions. Hopefully, he wasn’t too tired, though. Tonight, she has big plans for them.


Careful, You’re Extremely Hot!

“Thanks for coming! Have a grand day!” Yona smiles as she hands the customer their coffee with a small note written on the side. ‘Have a brew-tiful day!’ She knows it’s just a quirky little pun but if it can brighten someone’s day, then she would be happy with just that, even if it’s just a small smile. Mornings can be rough for anyone who’s in a rush and in dire need of caffeine to jump start their day. So, Yona was resolved to make sure she added a kind note to each order when she worked.

The Dragon Cafe. Known for its stellar customer service and legendary coffee. The staff always knew how to keep their customers happy and coming back for more. A smile here, a kind gesture there, and to top it off, sweet notes written on their drinks. Yona looked over at the register area where Jae-Ha took the next order. His way of charming the customers always astonished her. He was a natural. The ladies loved him, the men admired him, and even some felt empowered by him. He always knew the right thing to say to a customer, no matter the situation. His self-confidence was one of the things Yona admired. She didn’t envy it, despite her own wishes to have a fraction of it, but it was just part of what made him who he is. And she wouldn’t change it for anything. Jae-Ha had become one of her closest friends working together at the cafe, despite all his charms and teasing he likes to save for Yona to make the girl flustered- a favorite past time of his much to her displeasure. But most of all, it was when he would visit the cafe that Jae-Ha liked to tease her even more. And today was going to be one of those days…


I feel it coming on,

something is changing us.

And when the sun goes down, 

we’ve got nowhere to run.

Pain; every shallow breath felt like hot ash going down my throat. It was agony. I knew the first time would be bad, but I had clearly underestimated the extent of what I could handle.  
I could feel it coming, and the fever was only the beginning. Tonight, was the full moon, and with it, my first transformation. The sun had long ago set, but the fever had only recently skyrocketed into the inferno that was every nerve ending in my body; my heart was beating so fast I was sure it would burst from my chest at any moment.
The first bone breaks and it takes everything I have not to scream, to instead clench my jaw tight and hope to God it ended soon. When the next few bones followed, I couldn’t take it anymore and the sobs morphed into a mixture of screams and groans. The wind chose that moment to pick up and the howl of it through the trees was like music to the agonized ringing in my ears. It was cold, but I couldn’t feel it. It was raining, but the drops did little to quell the fire raging within me, and as each bone snapped and reshaped itself inside me, the fire only seemed to grow hotter.
To put it lightly, it was hell. The snapping of bones and ligaments, the tearing of muscle and tendons. Each shift had my skin crawling and moving and it was almost sickening to hear underneath my screams. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of agony, the pain faded, but the heat stood fast, washing over me in torturous waves of molten magic as I felt the strange sensation of fur sprout. It was everywhere all at once, itchy and uncomfortable before everything within me shifted.
At long last, it was over. The only downside, was that this was just the beginning. 
This is who I am now, I’ve got nowhere to run.

I feel it coming on, 

the dark before the dawn.

And when the sun goes down,

we’ve got nowhere to run.

Just a little something that I couldn’t get out of my head. Hope you enjoy. sorry its trash haha.

Source: Spotify

Building Our Own World


Just a little something I collab-ed with an artist. She had two OCs for the BNHA world and we worked together for a server event so here’s they little story I wrote along with it. Click here for the link to AO3.

The warm sunny rays shine through the window and down on Rinne Furuya as her family makes their way across the prefecture and away from her childhood home in Nagoya. Aren’t you excited to be closer to the big city? And now you’ll be able to train under the top heroes of the country! Her mom excitedly tried convincing her. Doesn’t she know how hard it’s going to be on her? Moving to a new school after everyone has basically grown up together? U.A. wasn’t the only school she had applied to after all and got accepted into. The choice was ultimately up to her where she wanted to go, or so she thought. Once her parents caught wind of her acceptance into U.A., all other options went out the window. Her father requested an immediate transfer and her mom quickly got to working on packing up their home to move so their “little girl could attend the school of legends and make a name for herself.”

More like put our family’s name on display, Rinne thought solemnly to herself. Everyone wanted to be recognized nowadays, but she never cared for the spotlight. She was rather content being on her own, fading into the background, maybe become a sidekick for a hero if anything which she could achieve at any school. Her only true friends were her golems after all.

The small little rock figures stumble in her lap and open palms as the car drives down the bumpy road. A smile quirks at her lips watching them. They always seemed to do that. Her eyes gaze back out the window as more cities pass by wondering what her first day at U.A. will be like.


Atmospheric Escapades

Note: Since Libra is not one of Lucy’s keys, this will be a Concubine AU fantasy using the idea of a transformation magic.  Prince Natsu of Kelekona has come to prize his favorite concubine.  Lucy provides everything he needs both in and out of bed.  But after 2 years, Lucy fears he is growing tired of her company and devises a way to spice things up and lighten their bedroom activities… literally…

Heavenly Bodies

Artist @jmoart  Thank you so much for the beautiful cover art!

100% Server Collaboration.  One book, 12 writers, 12 individual stories Coming Soon!

Heavenly Bodies

Summary:  Well this is one way to spice up their love lives. Follow along with our Fairytail golden couple Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia as they have a little fun with the Star Dresses. Imagine all the possibilities! Extra strength from Taurus, maybe a little whips and chains from Virgo, or how about something wet ‘n wild from Aquarius. Let’s see what our authors come up with! Enjoy the stories!

Chapter One: Natsu’s Author’s Note.

Hey There Readers!

So, I was thinking it would be really, really cool if I could write something just like my wife Lucy but since I’m not the most imaginative, wordy kind of guy I figured, why not write about stuff that happens in our life or a fantasy thrown into the mix.  And who doesn’t like a good naughty story, am I right?!

You’re gonna love this!  My idea was to write a book about each of my wife’s star dresses and what we’ve done with them.  Yeah, you guessed right, sex, smut, the hanky panky, whatever you wanna call it.  Isn’t it a great idea?!  Wouldn’t you love to hear about our naughty exploits in Star Dress form!  Whew, it’s making me horny just thinking about it!  

Anyways, Lucy went out on a mission with Levy so here I am stealing her papers and pens trying to come up with stuff.  Gah!  I had no idea that titles were so hard to figure out!  Key of the Horny Heavens?  Too naughty?  Lucy Banging in the Sky with Dragons?  Oh, sorry too blunt, okay.  Um, how about Exploring Lucy’s Celestial Realm?  I kind’a like that one!  Alright, alright, yeah maybe those are kind of iffy.

Oh, who am I kidding, I can’t be a writer like her, but I so wanna put our fun-loving activities into a book!  So, what do I do?  Wait!  I know just what to do!

Since I’m not the greatest writer I’ve called in a few friends to help out.  So, get ready for the smut feast!

12 Ways to Fuck Lucy, by Natsu Dragneel

Co-Authored by (BearPlusCat, DancesWithSeatbelts, dark0angel13, Phoenix_before_the_flame, Sketchy788, Superfreakerz, Rosicamarica, Bmarvels, RayhneATess, Rougescribe, Petri808, YukiMC, created by Rando29, and cover art by Jmoart)

Open Gate of Lucy’s Legs!

Huh?  That title’s too raunchy?  Okay, okay hmm, how about…


It Started With a Touch

Finally got this baby done for our server exchange in @kuroshironekoserver for the dearest @rosechi 💕 I sure hope you like this dear and it was a pleasure writing for you even though we both know I grumbled a lot through the hardships of getting it done 😂😘 enjoy!


“Hey Tsu!” Ochaco Uraraka shouts to get her friend’s attention. The frog hero turns around to see her cheery friend running to catch up with her.

“Hey, Ochaco-chan. What’s up?” Tsuyu asks just as her friend catches up panting through deep breaths with her hands braced against her knees. She holds up a finger as she catches her breath then stands back up, her cheeks flushed from running through the crowded sidewalk.

“Whew! I was hoping I’d catch up with you,” her face beaming with a subtle glow. “I saw you outside the window while I was shopping with the guys. Well, we were talking and decided to plan a get together with some friends for the holidays. So, what do you say? Please, come! It’s been forever, and it wouldn’t be the same without you,” The burnette grins with pleading eyes. Her bubbly personality never failing to bring a smile to her friend.

With a smile, Tsuyu replies, “Wow, thanks, Ochaco. Ribbit. That sounds really great. Count me in.”

“Great! I’ll text you the details. Talk to you later, Tsu!” She bounds back the way she came waving goodbye. Tsuyu waves to her bubbly friend then turns back around to head on home.

I wonder who else they plan on inviting… the frog hero can’t help but wonder walking through town.


Tsuyu arrives at Ochaco’s apartment carrying an apple pie to help contribute to their Friends-giving night and knocks gently on the solid door before her. A few moments later, she’s greeted by Izuku Midoryia with his usual bright smile. It was no wonder how him and Ochaco got along so well to be roommates. Although, she couldn’t help but still wonder if there was more between them. Everyone back from UA had expected them to get together at some point.

“Tsu! You made it!” He opens the door wider allowing her through. “We’re so glad you’re here.”

Tsuyu passes the green haired hero seeing a few others had already arrived before her standing around talking. All from their class back when they were attending UA, before they all went on to become heroes.

“Thank you both for inviting me, Deku-chan. Ribbit. It’s really cool of you and Ochako to host this for everyone,” she replies as he closes the door behind them then leads her in.

“Yeah, we thought it would be a good way to see everyone again since we’ve all been busy with hero work lately.” He sees the pie in her hands and his eyes glow excitedly. “Wow, Tsu! Did you make that?”

He takes the pie from her hands as she nods. “Ribbit. Yeah, it’s apple pie. I hope that’s alright.” She scratches at the corner of her mouth nervously.

“Of course!” Izuku’s bright smile growing wider. “Wow, this is great! It looks delicious!”

He turns to take the pie to the kitchen just as Ochaco comes bouncing out from around the corner.

“Tsu! You’re here!” The rosy cheek hero hugs her fiercely.

“Hey, Ochaco-chan,” she smiles sweetly hugging her friend back. Ochaco hooks her arm around hers, dragging her further into the apartment.

“Let me show you around!”

She’s led around the spacious apartment to find out Iida was also a roommate of theirs. During their tour, she managed to catch up a bit with a few of her old classmates that were already there. It wasn’t long before more arrive as the space quickly begins to fill up. When Ochaco had mentioned inviting a few friends over, Tsuyu didn’t expect to see everyone from class 1-A to arrive. Yet, here each of them were. All heroes brought together for the sake of friendship and food.

“Great!” the bubbly hero announces, getting everyone’s attention. “Now that everyone’s here, we can eat! If everyone will find a seat at the table, we will start bringing the food out to everyone.” She let’s go of Tsuyu’s arm, giving her a gentle push towards the table meant to fit everyone.

Choosing a spot between Momo and Mina, the frog hero takes a seat looking at everyone. Kirishima and Bakugou seem to be as close as ever. Jirou and Kaminari apparently started dating sometime after school. A few of them seemed to still have stayed in close contact with at least one classmate, and all of them still a close friend to the residents they currently visit for this feast. A smile curls at her lips, glad to see them all again as if no time had truly passed. Sharing stories and laughs fill the room as more platters of food cover the table. Once all the food had been brought out, their gracious hosts finally seat themselves with their guests. They give thanks to the food as well as their hosts before digging in. Conversations continue around full mouths much to Iida’s displeasure trying to correct the ill-mannered guys sitting across from him. No one else gave it much thought, finding joy in the nostalgic interaction. Next thing they knew, Bakugo shoots out of his chair and onto his feet, slamming his hands on the table yelling at Kaminari.

“What did you say?!” He demands from the blond but as his hands came down on the table to show his aggravated state, part of his hand hit one of the side dishes next to him and spraying those on his other side with food. The room falls eerily quiet as they watch. Kirishima looking down at his shirt as cranberry sauce chunks slides its way down into his lap and Sero picking up a chunk already in his lap. Both men look at the explosive man who caused the mess, but it was Kirishima who acted first. Holding the pieces that splattered on him, he throws it back at his friend. A wet slap as it hits Bakugo’s face. His scowl deepens as Kirishima bubbles with laughter and Kaminari immediately joining in. A few snickers surround the table while others still stare in shock, not wanting to draw attention to themselves. Bakugo glares past the cranberry pieces now dripping from his face and directly at his red headed friend who was still clutching his sides from laughing so hard. The explosive blond glances at his plate and quickly decides to grab his baked potato and throws it at Kirishima in retaliation. Kirishima ducks as it comes flying in his direction, past Sero, and manages to hit Todoroki on the side of his face as he sits there quietly eating his food. Then...all hell broke loose.

Food starts flying in every which direction. Some giddy with laughter at the sight of their fellow friends being drenched in food pieces while others becoming quite competitive in this all-out food fight. Tsuyu decides to quietly slip out of her chair to hide under the table, clear of the path food was flying in. With a soft sigh, she hugs her knees close to her chest and smiles to herself. “Some things never change,” she whispers to herself as clattering of dishes ring above her.

“No matter how old they get, they still seem to be as reckless as ever,” a voice nearby startles her. The frog hero flinches and turns toward the low voice to see none other than Fumikage Tokoyami sitting next to her, hiding from the chaos ensuing above them as well.

“Tokoyami-chan! I-I didn’t see you there...ribbit,” Tsuyu gulps almost embarrassed by her lack of perception but the man didn’t seem bothered.

“It’s fine, Tsu. And please, Fumikage is fine,” he smiles at her when she nods then pulls out a bag of chips from under his cloak. He opens the bag and takes out a chip to munch on before offering to her. “Want some?”

Tsuyu gapes at him, surprised to see him so calm about the situation. Did he know this would happen and came prepared? Tentatively, she reaches out and take a chip for herself. “Thank you,” she tells him. He nods his head appreciatively then grabs another for himself just as Dark Shadow appears next to him asking for a bite as well. Fumikage feeds the shadowed being attached to him then looks at Tsu who seemed to be watching.

“I try to always keep snacks on me for him. He always gets hungry and can be very rude in asking others for their food,” he explains. Tsuyu covers her mouth with her hand trying to hide a chuckle at the visual.

“Does he try taking their food or does he try convincing them to feed him?” She asks curiously. Fumikage sighs and shakes his head.

“A bit of both honestly. I feed him usually to keep him from devouring everything whole. Otherwise, I’d never get my own share,” he chuckles. Tsuyu smiles at the pair, then scoots closer.

“May I?” She gestures to the chip bag and looks at Dark Shadow. Fumikage looks from her to his companion, then back at her seeing the sincerity in her eyes. He holds the bag out to her, inclining his head.


She reaches into the bag, grabs a chip, then holds it out the shadowy figure. Dark Shadow hovers over her seemingly to leer at the chip in her hand. It was only a few seconds longer before he gently takes it from her hand and quickly eats it. Tsu couldn’t help but chuckle, then reaches out to pat the top of his head. She wasn’t sure what she had expected him to feel like, a bit surprised just how corporeal he really was. He was cool to the touch and soft like velvet. She felt him flinch in surprise at her sudden touch, but as she pets him, he couldn’t help but relax into it letting her continue a little while longer. Fumikage sits there stunned as he watches, knowing Dark Shadow typically didn’t like being touched by others or treated like a pet no less. He could recall several times being almost scolded by the shadow reminding him how he was not to be treated like some house pet but a powerful entity. It was an ego and pride thing, something Fumikage learned to respect and better understand. He began to relax as the tension left his body once Tsu had stopped petting the figure, who retreated back behind him to take more chips from the bag in his hands, and to his guess probably to also keep a little more distance from being pet again. They settle into a silence as sounds of the food fight could still be heard overhead. It was Tsu who finally decides to break the silence.

“Is that what you feel like, too?” she manages to finally ask, curiosity had been gnawing at her after petting Dark Shadow. Stealing glances at Fumikage’s feathers each time she grabbed a chip from the bag he shared with her, each time wondering what they felt like. Did it feel like petting a crow or a raven? Or was it softer? Was it soft at all?

Tokoyami nearly chokes on the chip he was munching on from her question. What could she possibly be asking? “I don’t understand what you’re referencing to, Tsu.” he replies, his tone a bit curious but trying to remain impassive.

“When I was petting Dark Shadow, I didn’t realize how soft he would feel. Not like fluffy soft, but smooth, a bit like velvet, maybe. Cooling to the touch, which makes a bit more sense now that I think about it,” she explains with her forefinger tipped at her chin as she thinks for the right descriptive words. “The temperature is typically cooler in the shadows or at night so it only stands to reason he would feel that way, especially with his sensitivity to brightness.” Tsuyu continues to ramble in her musings.

The jet-black hero clears his throat trying to determine how best to respond. Instead of trying to explain or compare himself for her, he looks at the sweet frog hero. She always was one of the few female classmates he got along well with. Nothing against the others but when they were happy or beaming with positivity, it was a bit overwhelming for him while Tsuyu had a calmer demeanor that was more comforting to him. He glances down at his lap where he holds a half empty bag of chips, his voice a bit quieter than before.

“Would you like to feel for yourself?” He tries to keep his voice neutral. If he had looked at her while asking, he didn’t think he could keep his composure. The question felt strange even as he spoke it, yet even his curiosity began to grow. Her big round eyes blink at him a few times and a soft ribbit leaves her lips. She scoots a little closer and slowly reaches her hand towards him. Fumikage closes his eyes, unsure of how to react in this sort of unprecedented situation. He takes a deep breath and then he feels it. Her hand gently stroking the feathers on his head. Her touch so light it was actually quite soothing. She pets a few times along the vanes and before he knew it, she withdraws her hand almost too soon for his preference, shocking him. He peeks through one eye to see her sitting back down where she was previously and her hands folded in her lap. Opening his eyes, he turns to her. “Well?” he wonders curiously. She smiles that sweet signature grin of hers with a slight tilt of her head.

“I think you’re softer and warmer than Dark Shadow. I’m not surprised though, ribbit,” she says almost cheerfully. He couldn’t help but smile a little, relaxing his muscles he didn’t realize were being held tense and exhaling a soft breath he apparently had been holding. A soft silence settles between them as laughter and shouts from above still ring out loud and clear.

“Hey, Tsu,” he starts softly, “would you like to go grab a coffee or something? I’m not sure how long they plan to keep this up and…” he pauses to rub the back of his neck and takes a deep breath. “I would like to talk more with you, but maybe not cramped down here under the table. If you’re hungry, we could grab a bite while we’re out.”

A soft blush dusts her cheeks as she swallows past a nervous lump in her throat. “I would love to, Fumikage. That sounds lovely,” Tsuyu replies with a smile. Seeing him smile back at her sends butterflies to her stomach just before turning to crawl out from underneath the dinner table. They dodge the flying food and dishware, covertly making their way out of the boisterous apartment.


Got any nalu and Endlu fluff canons ❤️? No pressure!


Hope this works well enough for you! It’s the best I could come up with for just a small drabble 😅 let me know what you think @millennial-star-gazer 💙💙💙

Just Beneath the Skin

Fire. Everything was on fire. Burning. Brighter and hotter, the flames kept spreading. Lava seemed to burn through his veins, claws scratching at his skin as if something trying to break free. Screams surrounded him but all he could see was darkness. Where was she? He couldn’t find her. Where was he? He didn’t know. He tries to scream out loud against the pain but no one can hear him.

A mighty roar erupts from deep inside him, a monster trying to break free. He could just make out it’s razor sharp teeth and blood red eyes that seem to burn into his soul. Heart pounding faster, the blood rushing loudly through his veins. It was deafening. This had to be a dream, he thought to himself. No such monster could truly exist. His eyes darted around looking for someone, something, anything that could potentially help him. Nothing but darkness and fire could be seen. It was a nightmare…and it was only just beginning.

He falls to his knees as his hands rush to hold his head. His flesh rips to shreds as scales appear, his head feels as if it’s split in two as horns grow from his skull, deep lacerations tear down his back releasing dark, leathery wings stretching widely behind him. His scream is replaced by another roar as pain fills his mouth, teeth elongate into sharp fangs growing and pushing aside his smaller teeth. He couldn’t seem to close his mouth without piercing his tongue or lips with the new set of teeth. Suddenly, the flames disappear as the scene changes before him replaced by a cobblestone pathway, blue sky with the sun hanging high, and then he sees… Lucy. Her name barely a whisper on his lips. His feet try to carry him forward but a force kept him planted where he is. Trying harder and harder to go to her, Natsu called out to her but she couldn’t hear him. She was holding a large, old-looking book, her gaze fixated on it.

The scene flashed forward, dark spidery veins covering her one side as Lucy screamed in pain. Natsu roared, hitting against the invisible force keeping him in place. He needed to help her. He couldn’t stand watching her in pain. And then she collapsed, fire erupting around her. Tears streamed down his face and somehow he’s looking down at her still form in his lap. Blood coated his throat and covering her body, her brown eyes no longer shining with life as he was used to seeing, she laid there lifeless before her.

Natsu shoots up in bed, his hair plastered to his face drenched in sweat. His heart beating erratically as his eyes dart around him. He was in Lucy’s apartment, in her bed, and sleeping beside him was the blonde herself. Soft, even breaths cause her chest to rise and fall. The fire mage sighed in relief. It wasn’t real, he reminds himself. Taking a deep breath, he slows his heart down to a steady beat then wrapped his arms around Lucy’s sleeping figure to lay back down next to her. She hummed a little with the adjustment, partially waking up.

“Natsu?” Her sleepy voice was soft as she tried turning to look at him over her shoulder. She saw his hair was wet against his forehead and he was lightly shaking. “Are you okay?” She asks concerned, waking up a little bit more, ready to listen if he needed to talk.

“Just a bad dream. I didn’t mean to wake you, go back to sleep, Luce,” he smiled at her and nuzzled against the back of her shoulder, cuddling closer. Lucy turned over in his arms to face him then brushed aside his bangs from his eyes. Her doe-y brown eyes gazed into his, her smile reached her eyes filled with her love for him.

“Well, whatever it was, it was just a dream. I’m here, Natsu. Everything is okay,” she assured him then stretched up to kiss him. Her lips feather soft against his before tucking herself under his chin, snuggled close against his chest. “I love you, Natsu.”

His arms around her tightened as he kissed the top of her head. “I love you too, Luce.”


We all start somewhere. Small, with an open mind for what the future may be like. Some of us with big dreams and means to accomplish them, many with an idea of what they want to become, and few already on that path knowing without a doubt who they are meant to be. Then, there are the few that never gave it much thought. Going through the motions, hoping something will reveal itself to them on what to do next, never truly quite fitting in but able to blend in wherever they land. Not the prettiest, not the smartest, not the favorite, but still alive and breathing just like everyone else. A blur in the background, noticed by a select few who dare to approach with no other reason but out of sheer curiosity drawing them in closer, closer…

Still small, still with no plan or idea of what’s next, still undefined…but somehow none of that matters as much anymore. Beauty may not define me but I learn to accept it as a part of me. I am still small with an open mind but now I’m grasping at opportunities. Plans may not work out but I’m learning to let the current’s flow to keep me going forward instead of going under. I enjoy the ride while I’m still here, not wanting to miss any of the good parts. Wonder, life, and beauty surround me, but that doesn’t mean I have to only be a spectator anymore. I can walk the forest’s path and immerse myself into a new adventure rather than just pass it by, another missed opportunity. 

A small flame burning within hungry to grow. A passion lying dormant waiting to be let loose and free. An inferno the two can become together. Will you put out the fire?


Not sure if you’re taking requests but how about a Nalu fluff fic where they’re cuddling during horror movie on the lacrima and Nastu comforts his Luce? (Original universe) or Nastu tending to his after a hang over from a guild party? He found her inebriated Antics endearing— but lightly chided her for not being more careful out of protecting Concern . Oh and he could have a bone to pick with Max and Warren after challenging Lucy...


Sorry it took so long! @millennial-star-gazer But here it is! I do hope it’s to your liking and what you were hoping for ☺️ thanks so much for the request! Let me know what you think!

Natsu makes his way back to the guild, guided by the setting sun after an easy mission. Happy flies overhead munching on a fish treat he’s helped himself to while his partner’s stomach growls in protest.

“Man, they might have been easy to beat but it’s still left me starving! I hope Mira’s still working.” Natsu grumbles.

“Mmm, aye sir! Maybe she has my favorite fish!” Happy chirps eating the last bite of his fish.

“I dunno what you’re complaining about since you’ve been eating the entire time!” Natsu points out with a grimace and another growl of his stomach.

“Flying makes me hungry,” the blue exceed states, justifying his need for more fish.

Natsu opens the door to the guild still glaring at his partner, about to give another retort until he hears his name called in a singsong voice.

“Natsuuuu!” a certain blonde cheers, her face flushed a bright red as she sways on the barstool she sits on. “Hey, guys! Natsu’s back! Yaaaay!”

Happy lowers himself behind Natsu’s shoulder to whisper in his ear. “What’s wrong with Lucy?” The fire mage sees an empty, overturned stein in front of Lucy and his body runs cold at the realization… Lucy’s drunk. He groans at the memory flashing through his mind the last time the guys found the girls drunk and how clingy Lucy gets. “Oh great…she’s drunk. I bet Cana-” He stops himself as he doesn’t see any of the other girls around. His eyes fall on the guys around Lucy, two currently passed out on the floor next to Lucy with similar flushed faces- Max and Warren. His blood boiling through his veins, knowing somehow they’re the reason for Lucy’s current drunken state, he narrows his gaze on his guildmates and makes his way over to the celestial wizard.

Just as he reaches her, she attempts to jump towards him while still in her seated position at the bar, making the stool wobble and her topple over. Natsu’s arms catch her before she hits the floor while the stool clatters, wood against wood.

“Hehe, I fell for you, Nat-shuuuuu!” Her tongue slurring his name as a fit of giggles rack through her body. He fights the urge to roll his eyes at her, hearing snickers from the remaining few still drinking. His gaze narrows on them with a sharp glint in his eyes, piercing them from where they sat.

“Oh, come on, Natsu,” Macao speaks up. “It’s not like she was forced to drink with us. She was feeling a bit bummed that all the girls and you were out busy, so Max and Warren thought they would offer a challenge.” He barks out a laugh. “The two thought they had a chance against her since Cana wasn’t here, but Lucy sure showed them.” He takes another swig of the amber liquid as Natsu’s gaze travels back to the two men passed out on the floor by the bar. Lucy’s incessant giggling brought his focus back to the blonde still being held up by his arms. With a frustrated huff, Natsu tries righting Lucy back on her feet, but her unstable and wobbly legs proved useless as she kept swaying back against his solid, steady frame.

“Come on, Luce. Let’s get you home,” he tells her decidedly as he picks her up cradling her body in his arms. Ignoring the snickering coming from the guys at Lucy’s excited antics from being carried, Natsu walks back out of the guild- food far from his mind now.

The fire mage debated to himself whether he should take his blonde partner to her place or to his being closer to the guild. Carrying her as she throws her arms and legs around was bound to bring attention to them from passerbyers, not to mention she wasn’t making the job any easier on him either. He heads towards the path to take them to his humble abode. Walking along the dirt pathway through passing the tall trees of the forest, Lucy became silent and more still in his arms. The girl tucks her arms close to her as she snuggles her head into Natsu’s chest, mumbling softly. Listening carefully, he could pick up what she was saying: “warm…comfy…so sweet…love..

His brows quirked up surprised at that last word. Love? Love what, exactly? Natsu shakes his head trying not to think too much about it. She was drunk after all. Last time he saw her like this, she didn’t remember a thing that happened much less anything she said. It had to be the booze talking…right? Reaching the door to his home, Natsu carefully reaches for the doorknob with his hand keeping Lucy’s legs draped over his arm. He lets the door swing open as he side steps through to not disturb the sleeping girl. Looking between his hammock and the couch, he chooses to lay her on the cushioned furniture, slightly concerned if she rolled around too much while still drunk sleeping on the hammock. Natsu sets her down gently letting her curl up against the backside of the couch still mumbling incoherently before finally getting comfortable and silent. With a soft sigh, Natsu sits on the edge of the cushion next to her, watching the way her nose slightly twitches as she falls deeper into slumber.

“What am I going to do with you this time, Luce…” he murmurs to himself but can’t help the small quirk of a smile. The sun shining through the window casting a brilliant glow to her golden tresses, a few loose strands fallen from her tied ribbon now hanging loosely across her face. Natsu reaches out gently moving the strands aside, no longer obstructing his view of the sleeping beauty before him. He wasn’t a complete dolt to not notice her good looks, but that’s never been what has drawn him to her. Even knowing how much Lucy cared to keep up her good appearances, always making sure her hair was done just right or her clothes showing off her curves perfectly. None of that mattered to him. It was the way she cared for everyone- her friends, her family, no matter their history she always believed in giving them a chance. It was the way her brown eyes would light up excitedly to see him and their guild mates, especially after a long mission of being away. The softness in her eyes as she would be lost in thought and staring out into the distance with a small smile on her lips. The curve of her lips creating every smile that always reached her eyes, genuine, playful, compassionate. Her weird tendencies to get upset over the smallest stuff while handling bigger problems with confidence and ease and her silly reactions anytime he’s just being himself, varying between bouts of laughter and annoyed yelling.

Natsu catches himself smiling at his thoughts roaming over the many parts that make Lucy…well, Lucy as tracing the side of her face. He pulls his hand back, a bit embarrassed he hadn’t realized he was doing that all this time, but Lucy turns his head towards him and barely opens her eyes to look at him.

“Don’t stop, please..” her voice soft and drowsy. He freezes for a moment to make sure he wasn’t imagining it, but she wouldn’t turn back over until his soft touch lulled her back to sleep. Tentative at first, he continues the same path he traced along the side of her face and sure enough she turned back fully on her side with her eyes closed. His fingers gently caressing her skin then traveling to her silky hair as he lets out a breath he hadn’t realized her was holding until now. He stays by her side for several minutes until he hears her deep, even breathing. Smiling, he gets up to find a blanket for her and sets a glass of water on the table next to her. Taking one last lingering look at the celestial mage’s sleeping form, he leans over her and softly lays his lips on her temple.

“Get some sleep, Luce.”


Fear seizes her heart. Each breath sharp and shallow as if a tiny dagger threateningly prodding inside her chest. Her mind becomes muddled, too many voices echoing within becoming nothing more than static. Impossible to comprehend.

What’s happening? A single thought pushes through. Her mind races, heart beats erratically. She claws at the invisible hands around her throat threatening to close off her airway.

What was I doing before this? No answer comes. Her hands shake. She can’t breathe. Nothing can help her now. Sounds fade as silence envelopes her. The beating of her heart thuds harshly against her chest. She holds her breath. The pain subsides and her mind clears but stars begin to dance in her vision. Darkness overcomes and now she breathes again as everything comes rushing back like a tidal wave pulling her out to sea. She’s tumbling, drowning, can’t see the surface. Which way is up? She’s pitched into darkness, suspended in motion with no direction of solace. She’s alone, trembling, her chest aching from the pressure. Is this the end? Her eyes close as she breathes in but no water enters.

The sweet ecstasy of oxygen filling her lungs. Her mind calms, her heart slows. The fist around her chest releasing its grasp as she breathes again. Slow and steady. She’s back where she was as if nothing had happened. Sitting quietly in the peace of familiarity, nothing new to threaten her. Yet, her heart ached. Why? There was nothing to stimulate a reaction. No fleeting thoughts for her to worry over. Yet, her body seized as if it was being threatened, clinging to life. And it was.

The ghost of anxiety is always watching.

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