


I post mostly animations and art here and occasionally whatever hobbies I get into (like miniature painting, programing, 3d sculpting, music, ect) so come join me on my art JOURNEY... journey... ⱼₒᵤᵣₙₑy

actually you will not enjoy hearing this but you literally have to abandon your self deprecating humor. besides the fact that it can drive people away you literally are only hurting yourself by constantly making jokes that further cement the idea in your head that you are not good enough. I do not care that you think its a good coping mechanism it is absolutely not and you need to start challenging negative thoughts instead of feeding into them.


a reminder to the villains:

you. yes you. this is your boss speaking. 

• get your rest. dark bags under the eyes are only to be drawn on with eye pencils, not to be acquired by lack of rest. you don’t want to be too tired to properly banter with your rival! 

• drink enough water. i don’t care if the raspy voice is part of your aesthetic. if you have a headache, you can’t focus, and then your enemy will win

• eat at least three square meals a day. or two, with snacktime positioned appropriately in between. this is fuel for your spite. 

• plan your attacks. I cannot say this enough. take the time every week to plan out when you will make your next move. preparation is key for success. I personally recommend turning off all the lights in your secret lair except for one, and planning in the dark, with the moon shining against your window, or planning while sitting across from your nemesis. 

• have your theme song always at the ready. enter every room with that song in your mind. use it to command the room. 

• wear what gives you confidence. walk with confidence, swagger, and pride. if the world does not like what you wear, even better! you have proved your greatness over them once more. 

• take care of yourself. selfishness is an evil trait, is it not? use it to your advantage. do what you love. hating everything is not a villainous trait; it is toxic. we do not accept toxicity as villains. we fight it. 

• be kind. i am not saying be good, or become the sniveling hero (god forbid). this is different than being good. good is a foolish word, used to describe the side we put in the history books. we are not good. we are kind and we are merciful because our grievances do not lie with everyday citizens. they lie only with the world and with its injustices. this is what we fight to change. we fight with strong voices and strong actions. we do not stoop so low as to be rude. 

• on that note, do not push away those close to you. the most successful villains have a well connected network. just because we are on the other side of history does not mean we cannot have close relationships. 


Pls Help

hey folks. im in a really bad relationship and im trying to move back home to my family, but i’ll have to wait because i dont have enough money for the plane ticket yet. if you can reblog to spread the word, that would be the biggest help! if you can donate, it would be highly appreciated. Please do so at cashapp: $karso or you can send it to paypal.me/karsonandre


Help us kick Bezos in the dick

Boss Baby Bezos is at it again! Amazon opened a union busting website for people to report workers unions, so lets do the world a favor and waste Jeff’s time, money, and life energy (I hope) by spamming his website with bogus reports. Eat shit, Jeff.



update: did you guys know all of les mis is online for free

did you know it takes roughly 5-10 dedicated minutes of clicking and holding to copypaste the entire thing

take a wild guess what i sent our old pal jeff 


Biden will reinstate rule protecting transgender students’ use of bathrooms on day one (...and there is more!)

Fox News  reports that President-elect Biden is prepared to sign nearly a dozen executive orders on his first day in the Oval Office, one of them will be to reinstate a federal guidance that is to protect trans students in public schools.

This means that trans teens will be allowed  to use bathrooms, locker rooms and other school facilities matching their gender identity.

After Trump revoked these “Title IX protections,” it has been left to states to make their own rules on the issue.

Biden is expected to revoke  all  the anti-LGBTQA regulations of the Trump-administration.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have given hate against LGBTQ+ individuals safe harbor and rolled back critical protections for the LGBTQ+ community. 
By blocking the ability of transgender individuals to openly serve their country, denying LGBTQ+ people access to critical health care, proposing policies allowing federally funded homeless shelters to turn away transgender people and federally funded adoption agencies to reject same-sex couples, and failing to address the epidemic of violence against transgender people—particularly transgender women of color—the Trump-Pence Administration has led a systematic effort to undo the progress President Obama and Vice President Biden made. 

The Biden administration promises to:

  • Reaffirm that the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. 
  • Support transgender and non-binary people in the workforce.
  • Stop employment discrimination in the federal government.
  • Reverse the transgender military ban.
  • End the misuse of broad exemptions to discriminate.
  • Affirm one’s gender marker and expand access to accurate identification documents.
  • Guarantee transgender students have access to facilities based on their gender identity.
  • Protect LGBTQ+ students from sexual assault, harassment, and bullying.
  • Work to end suicide among young LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Combat the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color.
  • Ban so-called “conversion therapy.
  • Expand mental health and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Increase safety for incarcerated transgender individuals. 
  • Advance an inclusive human rights agenda that promotes LGBTQ+ rights by integrating them within a broad human rights agenda.

See also: 

Photo via Kuhlmann, MSC/Wikimedia Commons


Okay but after seeing this I started doing it too and it’s amazing how many men I’ve run into bc they expected me to move

Gotta try it


I work (and walk) on a college campus. I’ve lost count of how many men I’ve smacked shoulders with.


Recently, I was standing outside my son’s classroom waiting to talk to his teacher. I stood on one side of the hallway, not even close to the center. At some point, a man came walking along. I was standing right in his path, but the hallway was empty, so I logically expected him to swerve around me. Instead he kept walking right toward me, got to me, and stopped, as if waiting for me to get out of his way. I didn’t; I just smiled politely at him. He finally walked around me, clearly annoyed that I hadn’t leapt out of his manly path.

Now I’m wishing I’d leapt aside, taken off my jacket and laid it on the floor before him, then bowed deeply and said, “My Liege!”

I also work at a college campus. I smack shoulders sometimes, but I find that if I stare straight ahead and follow the advice below, people get the heck out of the way.


Honestly this post changed how I carry myself when walking alone in public, or in a situation where I’m the one leading. People definitely move for the murder gaze.

Confirmed. I once had to rush back inside a convention hall as the con was closing in order to a retrieve a sick friend’s medication, and I didn’t understand why people in the crowd were jumping out of my way (literally—one guy vaulted a table) until I realized I was dressed as the Winter Soldier and doing the Murder Walk because that’s just how I walk in those boots. I got the meds, got out, and made a mental note.

I repeated the experiment later, wearing the boots but otherwise my usual clothing and mimicking the expression I thought I’d had at that moment. People parted like I was Charlton Heston.

I now wear that style of boots whenever possible. I recently had a man do a double-take as I walked by and ask me, politely, where I had served because I “looked like a soldier.” I’m not current or former military. I was wearing a flowy purple peasant top and looked as un-soldierlike as possible.

Moral of the story: wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you’ve been sent to murder Captain America.


It’s called the Murder Strut.

IT’S BACK!!!!!! I was searching for this to show my daughter the other day and couldn’t find it. I’m so glad IT’S BACK!! I will always reblog the Murder Strut!!

A guy on a bike went around me because he could tell I had no intention of moving. Thanks to this post.


One day and I bumped into a guy while doing the Murder Strut and he apologized to me even though I was the one who had bumped into him.

It works wonders.

In case you were wondering, yes you can do this in a wheelchair. Same look in your eyes and let ‘em know you will run them down. Just picture yourself in a sports car accelerating towards someone with the intention of flattening them.

If there’s anything more satisfying than watching Abled men leap out of my way when they realize I’m not moving for them, I can’t think of it atm.


Walk like you’ve been sent to murder Captain America.

Wheel like you’re gonna win the Indy 500 and don’t care how.

Your crutches are short swords; walk like you can see them buried in the bodies of anyone who crosses (in front of) you.

Tumblr: teaching women how to be Moses and part the fucking Red Sea with the power of their minds.


I had never seen these updates to the Patriarchy Chicken Game before and they are all a goddam DELIGHT

@phoenixonwheels what the hell kind of asshole expects someone in a wheelchair to circle around them???

Almost everyone. I shit you not.


Btw, op’s sister hasn’t collided with any people - they’ve walked into her.

Murder strut ftw


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