
- miskak -

@miskak / miskak.tumblr.com


TIL anyone who's going to overwinter in Antarctica has to have had their appendix out. Because removing an appendix that's not causing any trouble just as a precaution is way better than having one that's about to burst when you're on the ass-end of the planet with no way to be rushed to a hospital if shit gets real.

No, by the way, we absolutely did not think of this ahead of time. A dude named Leonid Rogozov got appendicitis in Antarctica. Fortunately, the expedition's doctor diagnosed him quickly and knew how to remove an appendix. Unfortunately, our man Leo was the expedition's doctor.

What did he do? Well, he set up a mirror, gave his belly a shot of novocaine, presumably told a colleague, "hold my vodka," and he removed his own fucking appendix. He survived.


ugh who do i talk to when i'm mad at my boyfriend


My math prof puts this on the instruction page of all his exams

[ID: screenshot of black text on white background saying “an exam is just another means of communication between you and me to help me understand what you have learned so that I can provide you with guidance on how to improve. It is not a measure on your worth as a person nor your intelligence or aptitude as a student. Just give this your best try. END ID]


Sometimes you gotta stop worrying about being the smartest and funniest person in the room and just enjoy being in a room with smart and funny people

I really implore y'all to stop letting the need to prove yourself get in the way of just enjoying life and the people you share it with. I'm using the word "implore" so y'all know I'm serious about it, btw

This must resonate so much cause like. Either we all need to hear this or we know somebody who really does


An interesting demonstration of how the human brain works.

But also something of a lesson regarding perception, and the unreliability of subjective perspective versus objective reality.

You can be extremely certain about how you perceive the world, your "lived experience," that which you "feel it in my heart." But that doesn't mean it's actually true. And it doesn't mean we have to endorse it, or ignore or outright deny objective reality.

That's a "you" thing, not a "we" thing.

Source: twitter.com
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