
@ainitsuite-agape / ainitsuite-agape.tumblr.com

[ Lù ~ Agape ] || she/her || ♌️ || 🇮🇹 🇬🇧|| Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity ||Kazetsuyo (Run with the Wind) || Jujutsu Kaisen ||Yuri!!! On Ice Main tumblr: kitsunehondo || my art || AO3|| Ask me anything || Please DO NOT REPOST my art outside Tumblr without asking first! Message me if you wish to translate my comics or post my art outside Tumblr ~ thank you!

Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 

AI companies are acquiring content across the internet for a variety of purposes in all sorts of ways. There are currently very few regulations giving individuals control over how their content is used by AI platforms. Proposed regulations around the world, like the European Union’s AI Act, would give individuals more control over whether and how their content is utilized by this emerging technology. We support this right regardless of geographic location, so we’re releasing a toggle to opt out of sharing content from your public blogs with third parties, including AI platforms that use this content for model training. We’re also working with partners to ensure you have as much control as possible regarding what content is used.

Here are the important details:

  • We already discourage AI crawlers from gathering content from Tumblr and will continue to do so, save for those with which we partner. 
  • We want to represent all of you on Tumblr and ensure that protections are in place for how your content is used. We are committed to making sure our partners respect those decisions.
  • To opt out of sharing your public blogs’ content with third parties, visit each of your public blogs’ blog settings via the web interface and toggle on the “Prevent third-party sharing” option. 
  • For instructions on how to opt out using the latest version of the app, please visit this Help Center doc. 
  • Please note: If you’ve already chosen to discourage search crawling of your blog in your settings, we’ve automatically enabled the “Prevent third-party sharing” option.

If you have concerns, please read through the Help Center doc linked above and contact us via Support if you still have questions.

by the way also, since staff's instructions aren't especially clear it's here in your blog settings (on browser select your blog and then blog settings on the right)

The screen looks like this:

then scroll aaaall the way to the bottom:

This does not apply universally across your account, you need to do this for each of your Tumblr Blogs individually.

Anonymous asked:

forget twitter, apartheid clyde is also making a deal with midjourney. your art won't be safe there

Thanks anon. Sadly I feel mine (and everyone's) art will not be save anywhere online, that's why the only option for now is using glaze with nightshade and/or artshield before posting on any social media....

But yeah, twitter is going down the drain veeeery fast thanks to apartheid clyde u_u

Anonymous asked:

What is this about the tumblr staff wanting to sell art data to midjourney?

An ex-colleague of mine mentioned yesterday that there may be contacts between Automattic and midjourney in that direction, but nothing is public yet and I don't have any more info. They probably won't have anything specific to share either, since they left the company weeks ago too. That being said:

  • I have no reason to doubt my ex-coworker word, they are a trustworthy person.
  • Tumblr's CEO has been absurdly enthusiastic (comically, even) about AI, and is a big fan of LLMs and 'AI' companies.
  • A deal with midjourney could solve tumblr financial issues (not the same company, but openAi is paying up to 5 million/year to news companies to use their content as training data... tumblr generates several orders of magnitude more content than any newspaper or any media company and it only would need a 20 to 30 million per year deal to be profitable)

So I don't have any extra info yet, but I'm keeping my ears open.


And I just got confirmation from a second ex-colleague that a deal with midjourney has been brewing since months ago. Not any extra details, just that's a real thing.

Shit, I don't see any way for this to happen that doesn't make it an apocalyptic event the size of the porn ban. Fuck.

Shit. This may be pure chance and coincidence, and it's not he is in a position to be able to talk about anything, but seeing prominent staff members announcing they are moving their original photography out of tumblr just two weeks ago seems a pretty significant cue of shit to be about to hit the fan.

The truth is that, even if you delete your profile or all the updates you did so far, they will still store your data and sell them so....you can only save your new art by not posting it here anymore, but about the old one......maybe that staff member will be saved since they can ask their collegues to delete their data from the archives, but for us mere users, we don't have this luxury.


As you can see I've been mia since the p0rn ban and I was considering slowly starting uploading things here and see how it went, but after this news, NO SIR.

If you wish to see my art, this is where you can find me:

And if you plan to stay here, please protect your art with Glaze / NightShade and/or ArtShield I'm using them on all my art ever since this AI shit started, and so far it's the only protective measure we can have against this soulless companies.

Take care ♡ 


🌟Starlit Lovers🌟 is a sapphic slice of life romance between two childhood friends who meet again after years of no contact…will they finally get a second chance at love? ✦ I’m so happy to finally show you the cover and reveal the title of the latest comic project I’ve been working on in the past months!! The story is from the amazing Lor Phoenix, a sapphic writer from the US and the art is from yours truly 🥰 ✦ The comic will debut at Thought Bubble Festival this November 11-12 ❣️ you will find me in the RedShirt Hall at table E12-B! ✦ You can already pre-order the comic & collect it at Thought Bubble or, if you cannot attend, I will ship it to you from mid November 🌟 check the link in bi0 🥰 ✦ I’m super excited for this new project and I hope you will love this story as much as I loved drawing it and plotting it with Lor! 🥰🌈


This was a project fro my graphic novel drawing class. I thought it’s finally time to post it.

This is base on personal experience and its just basically my general struggle with art school. :/

This resonated A LOT.

I could not attend art school, so I was over the moon when I found a comic course near my home town that I could attend after work. But once I joined, I received a similar treatment as the one in this comic. That time they used the world "manga" not anime and they were a lot more direct with their criticism: MANGA IS SHIT.

Despite their snobbery on anything manga related ("is shit"," it has no future in this Country, we're not in Japan!!") I finished my short comic in a very manga style and it was part of the final exhibition at the end of the course, BUT they managed to make me loose hope and courage to go further. They destroyed my heart.

I stopped drawing for a while and I threw my energies on forming an alternative metal band. I don't regret this decision because creating the band and singing/screaming my heart out was good fun (and I found my actual long term partner in the process) but keeping the band together was not an easy job, and eventually this little dream also faded.

But the band dissolving made me come back to my first love. I started drawing comics again, for myself first and foremost. Because the medium that mostly resonate with me is comic, manga, is expressing ideas with images, combined with text in the form of a sequence of panels of images, speech balloons, captions, and onomatopoeias.




1 of 2 3 SK8 The Infinity zine art reveals for @sk8graffitizine :D

uuh did tumblr just fuzz the image or it's just the preview thumbnail quality I hope

For the graffiti bg I picked some elements tied to the characters and to Okinawa (cat and pan-flavoured rainbow - a nod to his phone case - for Miya, roses and linked hearts for TadaAi, gears hibiscus and the shisa lion dog for Reki and Okinawan heritage, cresting waves again as a nod to the ocean and to the 'galloping river' [Hasegawa] of Langa's family name). Bonus bishamon kikko aka tortoise shell pattern ( longevity, happiness, good luck and strength with a slight martial touch as they're linked to Bishamon's armour too ) x sakura print on Koyomi's tee.

This was a very fun yet chill experience and filled with so many good art fics merch and cool people. I was very happy and honoured to contribute as guest artist… and I got the chance to draw both my girl Koyomi and Oka too - darlings! - in this group pic to boot, woohoo! Keep an eye to the @sk8graffitizine tumblr and twitter accounts for upcoming leftover sale announcements + more art stories and merch reveals! ^3^


Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🦄✨

Please meet Tessa 💜and Drew 💙 the two protagonist of my upcoming sapphic/slice of life one shot comic!! I’m aiming to have this one shot comic ready to be presented at Thought Bubble Festival this year (where I'll be tabling!!) so please send me all your positive vibes and good thoughts! 🙈💖

I hope you will be looking forward to reading their childhood friends to lovers story (with a tiny sprinkle of angst in between) very soon! 🥰🌈 Lor Phoenix is my writing partner and our journey has been a pleasure so far! 🥰✨ you can check her novels on https://wattpad.com/users/LorPhoenix 🌈


Not to out myself as someone that’s been on tumblr for too long, but I’m so sad to see this new trend of people saying “I like this thing, even though the show isn’t airing anymore.” Like? That’s how things work! Keep enjoying them! Art doesn’t just vanish when it’s not airing, and it wasn’t made to be exclusively viewed live! 10+ years ago, the idea of saying “Ah, I’m still here in this fandom 2 years after the show was cancelled 😳” would have been BONKERS!

All these kids saying “It’s so sad the shows gone,” no it’s not!!! I saw your fanart yesterday! Last week you told me about my favorite character’s music playlist!!! I saw them running around in your AMV!

Where’s the longevity?? It was made for you!!! Not TV!!! It was made for keeps!!! Keep it!!! Please!!! That’s how art stays alive!!!

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