


24 yr old Eclectic Witch. He/She/They it won't bother me which you choose. Anubis is my patron, but I work with Loki a lot too! I do free and paid services of various types-- message/ask for details! Anons always welcome and I'm always open for a chat!                                Luciferianism side blog: drippingmoonstone                                (Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/Waxingmoonstone)

I just realized I forgot to upload this to my art tumblr, gdi. Happy (Belated) Halloween!


Rep. Mark Takano, who represents California’s 39th district, has reintroduced his 32-hour Workweek Act to Congress, which, if passed, would officially reduce the standard definition of the workweek from 40 hours to 32 hours by amending the Fair Labor Standards Act.

His proposal would mandate overtime pay for any work done after 32 hours, which would encourage business to either pay workers more for longer hours, or shorten their week and hire more people.

The bill applies to non-exempt workers, who typically work hourly jobs across leisure and hospitality, transportation, construction, manufacturing, wholesale, and retail trade.

This is by design, Takano tells CNBC Make It. “The serious conversations about the reduced workweek are happening for white-collar professions. What my bill will do is spur conversation about how we democratize this norm to other sectors of the workforce so everybody benefits.”

In addition to the OT wages for hourly folks cited above, this would also make 32+ hour workers ELIGIBLE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE, because a lot of companies skirt the law by scheduling folks for juuuuuuust below the minimum number of hours to qualify in order to fuck them over and pad their profit margins.

It's not universal health care, but it's a small step closer, and helps folks who have been getting fucked over.

A lil nervous though because... like... i cant afford my rent on 32 hr work weeks... and I feel like my company is more likely to hire more people than pay OT.


A reminder that sell-buy dates or best-used-by dates are not the same as expiration dates.

I love that a food bank is providing this info as they are experts in stretching food budgets and knowledgable in shelf-stable food items

Mine has a helpful chart too.

Anonymous asked:

How're you going to call yourself a satanist when you were pink and act like a giggly girl

By worshipping Satan and being a giggly woman 😉 Satan loves me the way I am!


Translation of the anon: hrr drr... why pretty and like Satan? Not edgy?? I like Satan because I dont like to conform but how dare you not conform with my ideals of what a satanist is.


Anyone else have to get a new phone and you realize one fanfic you were reading didnt get bookmarked and now youre looking everywhere for it like was it on a03 or was it on this hellscape known as tumblr.com?


Me: -refuses to delete the Tumblr app from my phone

Also me: -never opens Tumblr-

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