
SniperScout Ship Week uhhhh


(to participate, posts can be tagged, submitted, or messaged to this blog!)

thank you everyone for participating in the ship week! as with last year, late entries are always accepted--just be sure to tag the blog so your submissions will be seen! hope to see you next year!


@sniperscout-ship-week I GOT THERE EVENTUALLY

Day 2: Spot

(no warnings)


“No, seriously, you’re gonna love it!” Scout insisted, adjusting his bag on his back before starting to haul himself up the rocks before them. “Climb’s only, like, twenty more minutes.”

“Didn’t you say that ten minutes ago?” Sniper asked, staring doubtfully at the rocks Scout seemed to so effortlessly scale and wondering where he should even start.


After Normandy (Sniperscout Week/Father-Son Bonding AU)

This was a request from @everyone-loves-everyone! They wanted protective Dad!Spy finding out Scout had a hickey. Given the prompt, it really fit the AU. Also apparently it’s @sniperscout-ship-week? I’ve literally never written this pairing before, so go easy on me.

It was unbearably hot, unsurprisingly. The New Mexico desert in the dog days of summer tended to be. Scout had been to Borneo, Egypt, even Hell at one point, thanks to whatever fuckery Soldier had with Merasmus. Yet Teufort in summer eclipsed them all. He tugged on his collar, groaning. It was time to grab a cold drink and hide in the dark for the rest of the day. 

Except a hand grabbed his shoulder. Scout sighed. “What’s up, Spy?” 

“You have a mark,” he commented, revealing himself fully. Scout knew his father was a professional, but seriously, how was he not sweating in that suit? “On your collarbone.” 

“Huh?” Scout paused for a second, before shrugging. “Prolly just a bruise or somethin’, I’ll go see Medic in a bit.” He started walking again, but Spy still had a vice grip on him. “Dude, it’s just a mark.” 

“You are not as good a liar as you think you are, son,” Spy replied in French. “You think I wouldn’t recognize a hickey when I saw one?”


day 1 let’s fuckin’ go. everyone listen to butterflies by samsa

Day 1: Pursuit

“You seriously don’t have any better games than this?” Scout complained, looking back down at the board, doubtful. “Not even, like, a deck of cards? To play poker or somethin’?”

“Rather not play two-person poker, and I don’t like gambling anyways,” was Sniper’s reply, not glancing up from shuffling the cards.

“I mean, maybe Go Fish then, or Old Maid, or—or somethin’, not fuckin’… Trivial Pursuit.”

Sniper seemed to mull that over for a moment. “If you don’t want to play,” he started to say, hesitant, and Scout sputtered to cut him off before he could finish that thought.

“I, I mean, I didn’t say that,” he managed, still half-glaring down at the board. “Just, y’know.”


[ID: An infographic on a red and blue spattered background, titled SniperScout Week 2021, subtitled September 19th through 25th. To the left, a can of Bonk atomic punch and a coffee mug labelled #1 Sniper in blue and red respectively. To the right, in alternating red, blue, and purple are the prompts.

Day 1: Pursuit

Day 2: Spot

Day 3: Contact

Day 4: Free space

Day 5: Sense

Day 6: Court

Day 7: Recall. End ID]

Year 2, new poster, new prompts! This year, the theme is homonyms!

To participate in this ship week, all you need to do is make content centered around Sniper and Scout (platonic or romantic, it’s up to you) and tag this blog! If you need ideas, there is a prompt list included by day, but freeform entries outside the prompt list are also accepted!


1. All forms of art are accepted - SFM, fanart, fanfiction, edits, moodboards, playlists, etc.

2. Any artists used in edits/moodboards/etc. should be asked for permission, linked to, and credited accordingly.

3. Please tag any violence/weapons/gore/not safe for work content, or any other potential triggers as they occur.

4. Late entries/submissions are absolutely accepted!

(hosted by @thetriggeredhappy)


Day 3, Distance/Touch, sniperscout week

(Como dije antes, doy gracia a que existe la regla 4 y se puede entregar tarde ToT)

Aquí no habría historia que contar, o al menos nadie vivo para compartirla…

Esto sucedería (muchos años después) cuando un grupo de jóvenes intentaría colarse dentro de la base abandonada en busca de “emociones fuertes”. Durante su visita, verían la escena que dibujé.

(As I said before, I am grateful that rule 4 exists and it can be delivered late ToT)

Here there would be no story to tell, or at least no one alive to share it…

This would happen (many years later) when a group of youths would try to sneak inside the abandoned base to look for “strong emotions”. During their visit, they would see the scene I drew.


It’s the last (official) day for the ship week, and a big thanks to everyone who participated! Submissions are still going to be accepted even after today (in whatever order you’d like), and hopefully if there’s interest we can do this again next year! Thank you so much!!



Day 2: Meet cute, sniperscout week

Me motivaba muchísimo hacer este dibujo de ambas… Me imagino a Sniper regalándole a Scout un perro para su cumpleaños o aniversario de pareja. Scout se pondría tan feliz que sonreiría de oreja a oreja, y Sniper le devolvería la sonrisa.

Quiero llegar hasta el final de la semana, aunque vaya tarde.

¡Muchos ánimos al resto de participantes! ^-^

I was very motivated to make this drawing of both… I imagine Sniper giving Scout a dog for her birthday or couple anniversary. Scout would be so happy that she would smile from ear to ear, and Sniper would smile back.

I want to make it to the end of the week, even if I’m late. Much encouragement  to the rest of the participants! ^-^


sniperscout day 5 motherfucker

[[Day 5: Healing | Hurting]]

(warnings for mild, moderate, AND severe injury and major character death)


“Ow,” Scout mumbled.

“Shut up,” Sniper mumbled right back, shooting him a look before turning his attention back to the needle and thread in his hand.

“No,” Scout said, just enough joking in his tone to make Sniper roll his eyes.

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