
Entirely Unoriginal

@satinboundlace / satinboundlace.tumblr.com

I have no idea what’s going on here, and neither will you, probably.

Oddly specific. Got a deposit for 6,837 today


fuck it, i never ever do those “reblog for X, this one really works!” posts, but this one doesn’t have any of that BS, this is just straight up wishing us good things; and then the comment doesn’t even say any of that either. Zero claims on this post, all positive vibes

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love
For @snow124-art ❄️❤️

All designs here belong to her〜!You deserve a big THANKS for still being there with us!So, a heartfelt thank you for being great at what you do, and for always motivating us!

You're truly such an inspiration, not just to me but to everyone!


✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion ✨


louise glück was an tremendous poet in her own life and also taught, advised, and nurtured uncountable other poets. her picking richard siken’s crush for the yale younger poets prize is a well known fact, but she selected a number of other poets for publication during her tenure as the contest judge that i think are worth knowing.

  • peter streckfus, cuckoo (2003)
  • richard siken, crush (2004)
  • jay hopler, green squall (2005)
  • jessica fisher, frail-craft (2006)
  • fady joudah, the earth in the attic (2007)
  • arda collins, it is daylight (2008)
  • ken chen, juvenilia (2009)
  • katherine larson, radial symmetry (2010)

poetry is a community! read her—and also read the poets she wanted to promote.


i’m not like an incest shipper (although like yeah me and 10k other people shipped wincest in 2013) but the more i see people absolutely losing their minds over the concept of fictional incest the more i laugh like come the fuck on now like this trope is quite literally hundreds of years old and we’re acting like it was invented by fanfiction writers. “richard siken condones incest” “ethel cain condones incest” you mean the artists who write about the rotten and the wretched and the unhealthy and the abusive enjoy digging into fictional relationships that are just that. have you lost your goddamned minds. do you ever read anything except for steven universe fanfiction. like could you handle a 12th grade english lit module on the god of small things.

this person is over the age of 20 and has the literary analysis skills of a literal seventh grader

i hate that richard siken is mostly known for out of context snippets about hashtag gay longing when so much of his poetry is about abusive or unhealthy relationships tinged with obsessive possessiveness like obviously he is intrigued by toxic unhealthy possessive relationships and ethel cain writes more or less exclusively about abusive relationships & horrible family dynamics like fucking christ of all people you’re shocked about these people like do we need a second bryan fuller situation forreal 😭😭😭


you guys know you can get USB connectable CD, dvd, and blu-ray players right. and you can buy external hard drives with crazy amounts of space for an amount of money that would make the average person from 2009’s head explode bc of how cheap it is. and if you do this and get ripping software such as handbrake for CDs and DVDs and makeMKV for blurays you can both own a physical copy of whatever media you want and make it accessible to yourself no matter where you are. do you guys know this

lots of people are reblogging this and tagging it #piracy—i should clarify, this is not piracy! ripping DVDs and CDs to have your own copy is fully legal, because it’s your legal right to do what you will with your property individually. it only becomes illegal if you then distribute that file on the internet.


This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!

This goes for assholes, too, guys. I know a couple who went tubing once, and they had to re-air their tubes, but the guy thought it would be funny to stick the tip of the air compressor up to her bikini trunks, the air ruptured something inside her and she died within thirty minutes.



The thing about this? It’s in every pregnancy book I’ve read.


Why is it in pregnancy books but not sex ed books?

Because the men in charge only care about the health and safety of women in so far as it enables them to have babies.

Reblogging with a link because I thought this was a legit joke. Never heard it before. Like I knew you could kill a person by inserting air into a vein but still.

WHAT THE FUCL I hate how I didn’t learn this in sex Ed AT ALL

This is very true lol


Yo what the f u c k

not the normal stuff i’d reblog but, uh, this is kinda??? heckin???? important?????

I feel like I first saw this in The Joy of Sex, but it’s definitely a thing.

What the fuck



….thank you tumblr??



I legit thought this was a shitpost until I saw the rest of the comments


I first saw this in The Joy of Sex, too.

Well I never

As a general rule of thumb, do not push air into any bodily orifice, regardless of gender. It never ends well. Air compressors and the human body do NOT mix.

Not even the mouth, shit can rupture a lung.


People who drink coffee: why did you start?

I don't drink coffee and I've never wanted to, but that's obviously ~not normal~, so I'm curious why most people do start drinking it.

Additional question: People who don't drink coffee, why?

For me, it's because, as a child, I was incredibly cranky, and as soon as caffeine-free Coke was introduced, Mom had me start drinking that, and, hey, I got a lot less crabby, so that made me want to avoid caffeine. I also never really cared for the smell of coffee, either, so had absolutely no interest in drinking even decaf.

(and yes I am very aware that "it makes me feel better" and "love the way it smells" are top answers in why people do drink it XD)

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