
An Abstracted Collective

@abstractedcollective / abstractedcollective.tumblr.com

A platform to act as a collective for all my thoughts and readings, as I journey through life, in an attempt to discover what personal growth really means for me.

“Life doesn’t always introduce you to the people you want to meet. Sometimes, life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet to help you, to hurt you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.” — Unknown Author

Anonymous asked:

Travel essentials/hacks

This post has a ton of my tips on international travel, airports, study abroad, etc. and this post has a huge packing timeline that I follow when I’m going on trips!

I would say my top travel hacks are:

  1. Have a folder or large wallet that you can store your passport, boarding pass, and any paperwork in 
  2. Always carry a pen. If you’re traveling out of the country you’ll need to fill out one of those little papers that says what you’re bringing back into the country
  3. Buy mini versions of your favorite makeup products or use some creative storing hacks: use a pill container/contacts container to store different foundations, concealers, etc. Get a mini brush set. If you’re going somewhere for an extended period don’t bring full size items like shampoo/conditioner, lotion, razor, etc…just buy it when you get there.
  4. Always bring a scarf and socks on the plane…it gets cold and the scarf can double up as a blanket or pillow 
  5. Get a universal power adapter for international travel 
  6. Wear your heaviest items on the plane…they’ll never tell you that you can’t carry a huge coat and hat, but in reality youre just saving suitcase space
  7. Rolling your clothes saves space but only for items that aren’t super thick
  8. Take a photo of your luggage before checking it. If your bag is ever lost this will speed up the process
  9. Get a small translation guide for whatever country you’re visiting…you know just terms like hello, thank you, how are you, do you have… Personally I think it is so disrespectful to travel to another country and just assume they can understand you and not even put an effort into speaking their language. At least ask if they speak english first…when I was in Paris the first thing I asked to everyone I was speaking with was “parlez vous anglais” before proceeding to talk in english 
  10. Carry an empty water bottle with you through security and fill it up once you’re through

I’m sure there is more but I can’t think of any right now…If anyone has suggestions feel free to add them!Hope this helped:)

Anonymous asked:

Hi Emma! What can I do to have a productive summer? I usually just melt away in the heat and become an unorganized mess (more so than usual) when school starts again.

Hey! I have a break coming up too so I’ll list some things that I’ll be doing during the holiday and then some other random ideas:

  • clear out my desk - I’ll usually do this properly every holiday. I’ll tidy up all my drawers, organise used/unused stationery, collect things that can be stored. I’ll go through my pens/highlighters/etc and throw out ones that don’t work. I’ll make a note of things I need to replace for the new semester too. I will recycle any bits of paper I don’t need any more as well.
  • organise my computer - I’ve become a bit of a clean freak with my laptop and like everything to be filed, in place, or deleted if unnecessary. I’ll clear my desktop. Refile or rename documents that are randomly placed. Things I definitely don’t need I’ll either trash or put onto an external hard drive. I also will go through my history, clear that and any additional caches/cookies/web data that doesn’t need to be there. Another one is going through all your emails, social media, etc and deleting or unsubscribing from things you are no longer interested.
  • back up my (old) computer - this is on my list because I recently got a new laptop. I’m planning to back up all my files from my other laptop and transfer anything I need to my new one. I’m going to make some note of all my login information, etc. I’ll make sure to back up my phone too.
  • sort out my bedroom - I’m in the process of designing how I want my bedroom to look so that something I’ll be sorting. Whilst this happens, I’ll be going through all my drawers, boxes, magazines, etc. I really need to just part with things I’m never going to use. I’m a bit of a sentimental hoarder with things so I need to be ruthless :’-)
  • clear my wardrobe - since I’m redoing my wardrobe too I’ll be going through that. Probably just donate some of the things I never wear or don’t want any more. I’m planning on doing an eBay sale of some unworn/unused things! Otherwise, I’ll donate them!
  • work on my hobbies - blogging is my hobby so I’m planning to do that. Hopefully getting my YouTube up and running (if I tell enough people, I’ll be forced to do it and get over my nervousness haha!). You could spend the holidays doing something you enjoy, or learning a skill.
  • prepare for the next school term/year - obviously holidays are the perfect time to organise the previous term and get organised to start again. Go through your files/stationery/etc, make a list of what you need! It’s best to make a list that you can add to and cross off once you’ve purchased it. It will also prompt you to get things before it’s too late. For each semester, I’d type out my timetable and place it in my notebook. I’d print binder covers for each of my subjects. Next term, I’m going to do a semester outline as @bookishandbright did, as seen here. It will show my weekly readings, when things are due, reminders, etc. I’m debating whether to print and bind all my readings at my local Officeworks so I don’t have to print them myself each week.
  • find out a planning method that works for you - this is probably a good time to switch between planning/organisation methods if you’re not happy with your current one. You can test out bullet journaling for a few weeks, using a time planner for a week or a digital calendar/bullet journal. You can see which one holds you most accountable and improves your efficiency.
  • boost your resume - see if you can volunteer somewhere, work with your parents for a little bit, get a part time job at the local store, or work experience/internship in a field you’d enjoy. This obviously isn’t necessary - especially if you’re very young - but if the opportunity arises, it’s a great place to start!
  • read something - this could be a book that you’d have your eye on, the next one in a series you’ve read, or just something that might help in another way. I recently read ‘13 Reasons Why’ and enjoyed it! I’m thinking of reading either ‘It’ or ‘Before I Fall’ over the holiday. I was given the career code by Katherine Power/Hilary Kerr for Christmas since I was interning for their company but in Australia and thought it would be really interesting. My dad has recommended ‘Getting Things Done’ by David Allen for years so I’ll maybe read that too.
  • relax - the biggest thing to do in the summer!!! You’re allowed to have days where you sit around and do nothing. That is what holidays are for, right? Take time to do things you don’t always get round to when school is on. Catch up with some friends. Go to the movies. Spend the day exploring somewhere new. Start and binge a series (I can recommend loads if you want!). 

Hope you have a fun, but productive, summer!! x



  • break up your paragraphs. big paragraphs are scary, your readers will get scared
  • fuuuuck epithets. “the other man got up” “the taller woman sat down” “the blonde walked away” nahhh. call them by their names or rework the sentence. you can do so much better than this (exception: if the reader doesn’t know the character(s) you’re referring to yet, it’s a-okay to refer to them by an identifying trait)
  • blunette is not a thing
  • new speaker, new paragraph. please.
  • “said” is such a great word. use it. make sweet love to it. but don’t kill it
  • use “said” more than you use synonyms for it. that way the use of synonyms gets more exciting. getting a sudden description of how a character is saying something (screaming, mumbling, sighing) is more interesting that way.
  • if your summary says “I suck at summaries” or “story better than summary” you’re turning off the reader, my dude. your summary is supposed to be your hook. you gotta own it, just like you’re gonna own the story they’re about to read
  • follow long sentences w short ones and short ones w long ones. same goes for paragraphs
  • your writing is always better than you think it is. you just think it’s bad because the story’s always gonna be predicable to the one who’s writing it
  • i love u guys keep on trucking
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