
Heavy Winds To World

@heavy-winds-to-world / heavy-winds-to-world.tumblr.com

Ace | Metalhead | Brony

Apparently my mere existence is enough to drive off a whole party off its party ground.

Guess that’s me. Standing in someones property all alone


Reblog if you're not homophobic

Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 

ive never hit reblog so fast

Neither have I


The USSR wasn’t just Russia, it was a union of socialist council republicS, a collection of nations of 189 peoples speaking 150 languages across 34 republics (split btwn union and regional autonomous republics), all sharing the same fundamental rights across different cultures and ethnicities, united.

A structure which considered and guaranteed the self determination of nations as peoples all the while building a socialist economy.

and not a place anyone besides the neo-bourgeoisie commissars wanted to live all at the same time

its difficult to pretend it was a paradise when it had a wall to keep civilians IN it 

The Berlin Wall was a last resort diplomatic effort to make sure the NATO countries weren’t going to destabilize the east.

Stalin sent notes to the leaders of France, England, and the USA pleading them to have Germany be reunited under the condition that it was neutral and demilitarized on ~4 different occasions, each being rejected by Western powers because they didn’t want Germany, an industrial powerhouse, to pay reparations back to the USSR. At the same time, western powers were putting ex-Nazis into positions of authority in West Germany, and putting millions of dollars worth of funding and of weapons in the country, sending all indications that the west wanted to invade or destabilize the east.

The wall was a defensive wall against a real military threat. The wall had it’s personal sacrifices, but the west didn’t want to negotiate anything that could benefit the Soviets even marginally, even something as justified as paying war reparations.

Was the east supposed to lay down with it’s belly exposed?

it did serve a secondary function of preventing escape, which many, many people attempted, and regardless, people who lived in the USSR are still alive and can attest to you that they hated living there

All of these people miss socialism. Yes, there were personal sacrifices, but that’s what happens when your country is targeted by the west for sabotage, sanction, and destabilization – there needed to be security.

Millions of lives were destroyed after the fall of the USSR and the eastern Bloc, and now live under destitution and neoliberal rule, both of which is ruining their lives and the stability of their countries.

Okay and what about the Holodomor, you know, Stalin’s attempt at genocide? Are you just gonna pretend he didn’t manufacture a famine to kill off Ukranians and Kazakhs? What about the millions of political prisoners forced into slave labor in the gulags?

The “Holodomor” is Ukrainian fascist propaganda that’s used to besmirch Stalin’s Administration, and socialism as a whole, which is where the “Socialism starves” myth originated from.

The photos of the “Holodomor” are photos taken throughout Eastern Europe during WW1. The “Holodomor” was reported mostly by a British American journalist Thomas Walter for Hearst Press in 1935 who was the equivalent of a 1930’s era Alex Jones who was financially supported by fascist Italy, who after being exposed for lying about Ukraine in his time kept selling the story to different publishers under different names like Thomas Walker and Robert Green. And Hearst Press was owned by William Hearst, a pro fascist american multi millionaire who visited and corresponded with Hitler himself.

Finally the reason it’s called the “Holodomor” is that fascists want to detract away from the actual Holocaust which took place in Europe during that time which they participated in.

There was a famine in Ukraine during that time, but it wasn’t a man-made plot magically done by the hands of Stalin, but from a combination of both bad weather conditions, crop failure, and the Kulaks, who were farmers/peasants who existed as an agricultural capitalist class who purposefully gouged prices (similar to how companies in the USA do during natural disasters), destroyed and set fire to crops, and outright killed livestock as a means to protest the collectivization campaigns.

When Stalin was informed about what was going on, he ordered for their to be a shipment of a ton of food relief to Ukraine to help fight off the food crisis, and later the admin ordered the liquidation of the Kulak class because they were obviously non-compliant and an outright threat to the stability of the peasantry.

Now for the Gulags, first and foremost they were literally just prisons, any country is going to have a prison system. But the Soviet prison system was handled differently than most countries. The focused on social rehabilitation and restorative justice, something the USA can’t even handle. Their means of punishment was community labor and attending vocational schools to help the prisoners become members of society once they got out. And they weren’t forced to starve, in fact after WW2, the govt made it a mission to increase the food supply in the prisons. And neither was it slave labor, they were paid in food and in actual money. They didn’t work for hours on end, but only 10 hours a day compared to the 8 hour work day in the USSR. The maximum sentence anyone could spend in a gulag was only 10 years. The average amount of prisoners that the Gulag ever had was ~2 million during the 1930s-1950s period, and for the most part the only people imprisoned were legit criminals like abusers, violaters, murderers, thieves, and of course fascists, war criminals, and counter revolutionaries. Please read these sources.


What the fuck, Tumblr?

Look I hate capitalism as much as the next gal, but let’s not start romantising the Stalinist regime.

I recommend looking into what occurred in (then named) Czechoslovakia after the war. Particularly 1968.

I also think characterising the Holdomor as Ukrainian propaganda is pretty poor taste.

I get alternate opinions and re-examining history and all that, but I think trying to reframe the Stalinist regieme as being benevolent and trying to defend the poor little Eastern block from the West is patronising and erasure of some significant atrocities that took place across those counties.

Stalin died in 1953, he had nothing to do with any action taken by either the USSR or Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Czechoslovakia was pursuing economic liberalization efforts which aimed to take power away from the mass of Czech citizens into the hands of the few without their permission or vote by the majority, which would pave the way for the reinstallation of capitalism and potential future meddling by Western powers against the eastern Bloc and the USSR. It was a similar case in Hungary. These were liberal coup attempts that were thwarted with the aid of Soviet intervention. You should read Syzimanski’s Is The Red Flag Flying for more context on the Hungarian and Czechoslovakian situations.

Providing context for historical events and disproving propaganda isn’t romanticism. Literally everything I said can be researched and sourced.

Look into the works by Grover Furr for example, an American historian who taught himself multiple European languages and studied solely from primary source documents, especially from the Soviet Secret Archives where they recorded literally everything that went on within the Soviet communist party, and he found out that Stalin legitimately cared for the conditions of the Soviet people and the international working class, that he was nowhere near the power mad dictator the forces of reaction make him out to be.

Recommend reading Another View of Stalin, I think it’s free on archive.org.

and this


Athena blessed her with the ability to protect herself and men beheaded her for it.

That’s actually a really intetesting intpretation of it I hadn’t thought of. Most people seem to think Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon as punishment for defiling her temple, but thinking that she did so to protect her from being abused again is interesting and I like it!

Athena’s hands were tied. Yes, she was a powerful Goddess, but she was very much a woman in a “boys club”, and the true offending party (don’t think for a moment that Athena blamed Medusa for being raped in the temple, Athena knows better) held all the cards. There was nothing that Athena could do to punish the true criminal, and she was expected to punish Medusa by everyone else. What’s a Goddess to do when she cannot punish those who need to be punished and is expected to punish not only the truly innocent party, but her most beloved follower? Use that incredible brain power she had to protect Medusa at all costs, and of course the men would see it as punishment, to be have her beauty stripped from her and sent to live in the shadows. Medusa should have been KILLED for supposedly defiling the temple, whether she truly did or not, but she was given the gift of life, and the ability to protect herself and her daughters (who she bore thanks to Poseidon). This is why Medusa’s image was used to signify woman’s shelters and safe houses.

Medusa means “guardian; protectress”, and she was.


holy shit.

Feministic mythology is what I’m here for


*Kicks down door and breaks into your house* BE AWARE OF ASEXUALITY BITCH!!!!!!

On this week, one year ago, I came out for the first time, to my best friend. Her good reaction encouraged me to be progressively more open about it ever since. Today I’m able to confidently say it: I’m ace, I’m proud, and the world can die mad about it. Happy asexual awareness week you beautiful people! Love, support and respect your ace-spec friends and relatives!!

(Click the images for better quality. This comic and this story really mean a lot to me and I’d be forever grateful if you could reblog it! Thanks!)

Love it


Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away fifteen trade-sized paperback classics! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on February 24, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!


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