The Lost Med Student (who is now an MD)

@thelostmedstudent /

- GP // Global Health Fellow -
Slowly finding myself through this journey called medicine

You know it’s a toxic environment for vulnerable patients when...

Your patient tells you: “you’re the only one who actually listens to me and doesn’t judge me.”

You overhear multiple medical staff complaining and saying judgmental comments about your patients.

When a nurse from the floor hears I’m in addictions and tells me : “if you could discharge all your patients, you would make my life so much easier hehehe”.


Friendly reminder from your neighborhood family doctor:

You don’t need to see a specialist for every body part you have. Believe it or not, primary care doctors can treat your arthritis, your high blood pressure, your depression, AND manage your birth control. And we consider the how a medication affects your whole body when we write a prescription rather than fixing one part to the detriment of other parts.


Anonymous asked:

like your blog but no offense how are you on Tumblr in ur late 20s?

Good question anon! Here’s my secret: the old folks home lets us out for an hour of water aerobics every day and while the other residents are huffing and puffing like a bunch of suckers I’m off to the side of the pool with everything I need for posting quality content to Tumblr Dot Com.


“You actually enjoy studying, don’t you?”

This comment by my friend made my mind twirl a bit.

My immediate answer always feel like : “No!  Of course I dont LIKE studying.  It’s an obligation.” 

I feel like there’s almost a taboo to enjoy studying.

But when I actually take a moment to reflect.

I realize... I do actually like studying.

Not necessarily the moments before exams.  Not the cramming.  Not the few hours of sleep it gives me.  That’s not the moments I enjoy it most, I’ll admit.

But I do enjoy it for these reasons.

It has always been my escape.  My meditation, sort of speak.

From when I was young, I could give it my undivided attention.  No stress or anxiety of the outer world could bother me, because I was focused on the task at hand.

It gave me excuses while growing up for why I didn’t participate in some activities.  “Sorry, I need to study” was always there for me when I needed it. 

It let me be by myself.  

Headphones on.  World out.  

Dancing to good music while reciting texts.  

Excuses to go to cute coffee shops. 

It let me give all my focus towards something rewarding.

It cured my boredom (ironic, I know). 

And I see these things more clearly now that I’m at the end of my university (10 years later, you know...) 

Because when I feel bored, have nothing else to do...  I tell myself “maybe I should study”.

And I do.  And I get lost in the mix of it. 

It’s been such a crucial part in my life. 

And I will say it proudly now. 

I do enjoy studying.

It gives me joy, in some weird way.

And that, I will definitely embrace. 


Why is no one talking about what happened in São Paulo yesterday?

The sky turned completely black around three in the afternoon partly because of smoke coming from the Amazon rainforest, WHICH IS 2300 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM THE CITY, where the government has greatly increased the amount of land being burned for profit. People are getting sick, animals are dying, native territory is being lost to the flames.

This is what the sky looked like in my city yesterday, in the early afternoon.

It got so dark so fast the city had to turn on the lamp posts and night lighting.

Please talk about this. Reblog this post, non-brazilians especially.



Why do I have to do a goddamn « security module » that lasts 2-4 hours for every. single. hospital. I work at?!? (Aka once a month)

And whyyyyyy are they always so horrible?

With horrible cheesy videos?

You would think that if I’m a doctor and already did it once it would be enough?

But noooooo.

Waste 4 hours of your weekend AGAIN to learn basically nothing new AGAIN.


Real Life USMLE Question

Wayfaring: Wow, your blood pressure is still pretty high.

Patient (who is Austrian): Ja, Ja, I don’t know why is all of a sudden going higher but it is better today. Last week it was higher.

Wayfaring: Has your diet changed? Do you eat a lot of salty food?

Patient: No, maybe little more since coming to US but not a lot.

Wayfaring: I’m going to increase your blood pressure medication to this.

[later during encounter]

Patient: So I was eating a lot of - I don’t know how you say but it is black candy? We call lakritz? And it made my stomach hurt so I quit a few days ago.

Wayfaring: Wait, LICORICE?

Patient: Ja, you know it?

Wayfaring: How much licorice?

Patient: A LOT. I really like it.

Wayfaring: It’s the licorice!! I never thought I’d have to know that piece of information from medical school!


Wayfaring: Your blood pressure! You gotta cut back the licorice. It’s raising your blood pressure!

Patient: Is zis a real thing?

Wayfaring: Yeah! It was on my board exams! But I never thought I’d need to know it in real life.

Oh man, this is the SECOND time I’ve heard of a real life case where black licorice caused health problems. Nice catch Dr. Wayfaring!


Was just talking about this with a colleague the other day, and we were like “haha yeah it’s technically a cause but we never ask”.

Maybe I should really ask now...!


Quote from my staff

“Being pregnant can make you have crazy things....

As much as doing crazy things can make you get pregnant”


Question for medblr

Is it more appropriate to say, “do you want a flu shot today?” Or “you need your flu shot today.”

I think closer to the latter but maybe something in between. Hbu?

Pgy-2 update: “left arm or right arm?”


When asking my patient about his ETOH consumption...

Patient : “I never drink alone! Only sad or mental people drink alone.”

Me, thinking of what I’m going to do when I get home:

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