


Multi fandom blog- but mainly lucifer
Incorrect quotes? Yes please
I write sometimes
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I’ve spoken before about how incredibly hard it is for me to find any sort of positive CF (cystic fibrosis) representation.

Hell I actually had to search around to find shitty representation because it rarely fucking turns up in media.

So isn’t it nice that one of the first times I find myself mentioned out in the wild it’s as part of some fucking ableist bit.

Omg same!! Like the seer lack of cf representation is just !! The only thing I can think of is five feet apart (which I refuse to read for obvs reasons but also cause not my jam)


Ella’s secret - 2x15 | 3x06 | 3x15 | 3x25

Okay, so when I was eight years old, I was in a really, really bad car wreck. And that’s when I saw her for the first time. And at first I thought she was just a figment of my imagination from the trauma, but she kept coming back. And- And then I thought she was just an imaginary friend, but as I got older, I realized she wasn’t imaginary, she was real, because she felt so, so real to me. And that’s when she told me she was a ghost. So I have a friend who is a ghost. Or at least- at least, I hope that’s what she is, ‘cause if it really is just all in my head, I’m legit crazy. Do you think I’m crazy?

Lucifer is a dog

He is loyal to his detective, has died for her twice and killed for her.

He is really smart and quick witted (but also like REALLLLLLLLY clueless) like how he put to and to together with Kinley and Chloe. If you betray him it’s really hard to get his trust back (unless for some reason he forgives you after apologing he will still make remarks about it). He literally over energetic and that.

In conclusion he is a golden retriever or some type of dog.

Please someone draw a golden retriever luci !!!! Pleaseeeeeee!!!!

I would but my skills are… yeah


I can tell what will happen at the end an I don’t what it too,

I know how it’s going to go I can see it but. I’m just hoping it will change.

This is a fine tragedy hoping fate will rewrite itself


Goodbye, lucifer reaction

Right these are just gonna be key things that stick out cause I need time

OF COURSE AHHAHAH!!!! Get in haha I can’t believe they’re answering prayers ha
Aww dan no. Your guilt it’s leaving trixie. O? OH NO THE KILLERS OUT!!! NONONO where is a celestial ha
BWHAHA AWWWW they spek they leap but most impressive they slep. HE JUST POPPED UP LIKE A WAKAMOLE HAHAH THE HANDS BWAHA his he ya know 💅🏻
He dances like I do to hocus pocus “I put a spell on you” haha
Oooo she looks maddddd haha “bum bud- oh good morning” hahah
Oh. Oh no. August 4th no
Haha panic room aww Rory stop insulting ya dad
Awww dad daughter day the water ballons, the cakes the necklaces, karaoke!!! They’re rolling down a hill!!
BONES OF COURSE!!! Oh no why does he look like that?
Linda! Aww Rory he’s just a baby hahah
LU LINDA! Aw that’s cute Linda is an excellent friend.
Amen an Chloe! Underrated as anything! I love their convo on being god an I think he’s going to become it!

Right it deleted the rest but I’ll post this now an later I’ll post the rest with the final ep but I wanna watch it through first to properly exerpience it. Good bye for now…


Save the devil save the world reaction #2

This is it this is the ep that kills me enjoy

Poor dan, reliving death.
Okay good, my detective ♥️
Aww idolised reaction
Awww Rory! I love you ur wings
Oh no
Chloe just scolding them but I DONT CARE CUTE FATHER DAUGHTER BOND!!!!
Linda’s arrived
THANK YOU Linda. Godsend
He’s on the throne why is it so- like that like is that why they call it the silver city?
He’s swearing in. Why’s he speaking like that
He’s back to idolising, LINDA !!!!;£:£;£;&;’&4&;&;&;bcjcjfnfnf YEAH YEAH YEAH
I m H a p p y i t s a l l g o o d
Master of the universe luc might wanna ya know HAHAHA NEVERMIND HAHAHA NEVEMIND O AGHHHH
No this is like s4 come on! What.
Huh. I mean. He isn’t god? Hmmm but atleast this is fine.
Faith, I love this damn show. This is amazing. Chloe an lucifer constantly being goals
Linda is confused hhahaha. Does this mean Amenadiel will be god? Or zadkiel?
No why is she burning it. Linda calm down. Awww if that’s the last time we see her… I would be okay with that. She has been one of the best characters.
Oh Amenadiels back back again. An he is pissed
Time for big bro show down.
Hahaha bollock

An that was that ep it was heartbreaking but ultimately wholeheartedly amazing an stuck to the theme. Lucifer isn’t perfect but he’s okay. He good. Thank you.

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