
& full of life & full of love

@kirbyross / kirbyross.tumblr.com

rea + 19 + infp + buddhist + game grumps + rt + pretty things
im only semi-active

Me, when I buy 24 roombas and an amazon alexa

Me: Alexa, unleash the roombas

*24 roombas emerge slowly from under my bed, consuming everything in their path*


listen if you think someone is cool and you dig their energy you just have to tell them, because that’s the kind of stuff you remember a thousand times longer than somebody complimenting your hair or whatever. tonight I told a girl from my theory class that I like her analytical approach and she bounced back at me saying she digs my feminine energy and how she gets the vibe that, to my core, I exist to uplift women and I damn near cried. tell people what resonates about them. be real. help each other feel seen.


Mariana Sarraute (Argentinian, b. 1971), El nacimiento de una bestiola [The Birth of a Beast], 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 195 x 186 cm.

via mrkiki


You know when you’re going to sleep and it feels like you’re about to fall, so you wake up? What if you never woke up? Where would you fall? And that was kind of the most harrowing idea to me. And as I’m writing it becomes clear that the sunken place is this metaphor for the system that is suppressing the freedom of black people, of many outsiders, many minorities. There’s lots of different sunken places. But this one specifically became a metaphor for the prison-industrial complex, the lack of representation of black people in film, in genre. The reason Chris in the film is falling into this place, being forced to watch this screen, that no matter how hard he screams at the screen he can’t get agency across. He’s not represented. And that, to me, was this metaphor for the black horror audience, a very loyal fan base who comes to these movies, and we’re the ones that are going to die first. So the movie for me became almost about representation within the genre, within itself, in a weird way. — Jordan Peele


yall need to stop acting surprised when some shit gets popular and some of the people who like it do some shitty stuff and then being like “the fandom ruined this thing”, like yeah im sure theres some serial killers who really liked the beatles but does that mean they ruined the beatles? no. the beatles already fucking suck

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