
Don't you worry! I'm fantastic!

I ❤ you and this whole world (and the world is easier to love away from Tumblr)!


i don’t want to be specific about what i mean because i would just be on the receiving end of discourse, but… you know the phrase “throw out the baby with the bathwater”? there are a lot of people who throw out the baby and keep the bathwater


tbh despite being a feminist sometimes bad feminist discourse is the most eye burning of all gender discourse. “god will send you to hell if you’re gnc” isn’t scary unless the person saying it has power over me, cause i’m secure in my belief that god isn’t real and hell is double not real, but “you’re a parasite for being bad at housework” is just based enough in things i do believe that i can’t just blow it off


Every single time I see a British person going off about something “Americans don’t have” it’s always something we absolutely do have but America is, know, huge, and they asked 4 people probably

Just saw a guy absolutely losing it bc his like 2, American friends told him they’d never seen a kettle so now he thinks Americans dont use kettles.


The dog-cat species from Treasure Planet is ... I mean, they're from their own planet, I guess, maybe, but planets are island countries in their universe. Their planet must be a broken-off piece of an anthro universe. I suppose humans came from a broken-off piece of earth. Or the humans and anthros are ancestrally from the same earth. (The dog-cat species is the same biologic species, so same origins.)


"This study showed a life expectancy in those with ASD with a cognitive disability (or a learning disability) at 39.5 years versus 70 years for the general population studied. Those with ASD without a learning disability had an average age of death at about 58 years."

I don't think words mean anything. Because I know what this means, and I know they mean me for the latter. I know they don't mean my disabilities, which is crazy because they're nothing if not cognitive. People more articulate than me die sooner. I can pass. That's what they mean. I can pass for neurotypical. Kind of. Enough to be autonomous.

I won't die in 4 years because... I won't let myself be stressed to death. Already escaped it by the skin of my fingernails this year.


So here’s the proof that abuse, exclusion and ultimately death has always been the goal of the right wing for the poor, people of colour, women, people with disabilities etc. It’s not something that “might happen” one day, it’s been happening already for decades.

I mean the life expectancy for autistics is 36. If I die in 2 years, that’s 40-50 more years I won’t be screaming into the void on tumblr or IRL about inequality.

Make no mistake. The inhumane social policies of the Republican Party in the US and the Consevative Party in Canada are exactly that - policies meant to dehumanize and ultimately dispose of inconvenient marginalized voices.

The what is what


Savannah remembered I’m bigender and lost all respect for me, ‘cause if there’s one thing she had for me, it was great gahoots of respect.

I’m tired and it’s still morning.

No great gahoots, but I think I was the one older adult in her family who had better than nothing in her eyes. She saw me as more of a big sister than an idiot designed by a cruel god to destroy her life. Which is also how I saw adults, but as a child, not as I became one, and for her it's the other way around.


Savannah remembered I'm bigender and lost all respect for me, 'cause if there's one thing she had for me, it was great gahoots of respect.

I'm tired and it's still morning.

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