
Creep on Creepin on

@bufonite / bufonite.tumblr.com

25 / Female / Wisconsin, USA / You can call me Alex

Gonna try and get into more VC stuff now that the weather’s warming up.

We were talking to our neighbor the other day and he was talking about how he has to go his buddies place to kill woodchucks for pest control and he was like “We just throw them in the woods for the coyotes, I mean they’re woodchucks, what can you do with them?”

And I was standing there like :3 hold on sir :3 I have an idea :3

So after a quick email to the DNR it looks like he’s 100% fine to gift them to me, there’s no possession limit so I can have as many as I want, AND I can sell the bones so 👀

I’m gonna ask him if he can immediately put them in a freezer or something after killing them and try and find some good recipes for woodchuck so I don’t have to waste the meat.


I took some pictures of my coyote skull, Dalton, to use as references for a 3D model and figured I’d upload them here in case anyone else wants to use them. Bonus picture of my dog Maxwell “helping” 🙄

And yes, I know he needs to be degreased lmao. After all these years I still haven’t figured out a good degreasing setup... He may have had canine distemper which is why some of his teeth are weird looking.


Of course my interest in doing VC stuff would return full force in the middle of fucking winter when everything is frozen solid and I can’t macerate anything lol


I have an honest question because this has come up in a lot of asks/dms I’ve gotten. How many people have been disillusioned by the Vulture Culture community or just the hobby in general?


*Raises hand*

I used to be SUPER into VC, posting on this blog all the time, active in FB groups, always buying new stuff, etc. but after a while it was just. Too much.

I think it was a combination of my own mental illness/anxiety, various incidents in the community, and the behavior of other people. A lot of the big things for me were:

  • Seeing how people react to the community or VC-adjacent things like hunting/trapping/etc. People calling collectors freaks, nasty, serial killers, etc. Especially in relation to things like the Toe Incident.
  • Someone from the DNR showing up at my fucking house. I’m pretty sure I know who reported me to the DNR (not in the Tumblr community, it was an asshole on Facebook) and it wasn’t really VC related, but it still shook me up and made me extremely terrified and paranoid about accidentally breaking a law and being fined or worse, having my entire collection confiscated.
  • The constant drama. As much as I’m a slut for drama and discourse, seeing it CONSTANTLY is just so, so draining. Things about the MBTA, domestics, ethics, etc. just ruined it a lot for me.

But I think most of it is tied to my own anxiety. Constantly worrying about “Who’s going to see this photo/post? What if I post something about skinning/gutting/processing my own pet and it gets popular outside of the community? Am I going to be harassed? Are people going to try and dox me for “animal abuse”? Are the cops going to show up at my house?”

I still do Vulture Culture related things, but I’m just... Not motivated. I don’t go out of my way to collect or purchase things to process or clean, I don’t really buy already cleaned specimens, I barely ever process anything and getting the motivation to clean out my maceration buckets is extremely difficult. I’m dreading going through my freezer.


‘Possum Peets

This poor gal got hit by a car and had blood pouring out of her mouth. No babies in the pouch (probably too late in the season). We also saw another opossum (who was alive) taking a nap in a garbage can so we put a big stick in there so he could climb out when he was done.


a rant

okay the sudden influx of vulture culture artists is officially a problem. there are too damn many of us for us ALL to be ethically sourcing. most of these people wouldn't dare go out into the woods and pick up a carcass and process the bones, instead theyre buying pre-cleaned bones from hunters and thinking the rest of us can't tell. which means there's more of a market for hunters and trappers (which i personally don't have a problem with, but I do if the animal is just being killed for its bones or pelt, and they often are). people like this are the reason theres laws in every state about bone collecting, and if this shit gets more popular and yall can't learn to find and clean your own bones, WE'RE ALL GONNA BE FEDERALLY OUTLAWED. I have been doing bone art since I was 16, and I was constantly told it was gross and weird, now everyone and their mom does it, and are gonna ruin it for us all. thanks.


I haven’t logged into this blog in like a year but I’m coming back to ask literally WHAT are you fucking talking about lmao

“there are too damn many of us for us ALL to be ethically sourcing.“

“The term “Ethically sourced” can mean 15 different things to 15 different people. You can only define ethics for yourself, no one else. To me, as long as an animal is legal to possess, was taken during an open season with the proper permits and killed in a fast, humane way, it’s perfectly ethical. So to me 99% of the bone artists are 100% ethical and no problem whatsoever.

“most of these people wouldn’t dare go out into the woods and pick up a carcass and process the bones, instead theyre buying pre-cleaned bones from hunters and thinking the rest of us can’t tell. “

...And? Are you really trashing people for not wanting to play with dead things? I have zero issues with ripping intestines out with my bare hands, but not everyone is going to go crawl into a dead animal like that scene in Star Wars.

Have you considered that sometimes people live in apartments and have no room to process entire dead animals?

Sometimes people live with parents or other relatives that forbid them from bringing dead animals into the house so they’re forced to buy already clean remains?

Sometimes people have health conditions that prevent them from doing a lot of physical labor and hauling around heavy frozen animals, sitting for hours and skinning/gutting them, and then moving around 50lb+ containers of maceration water?

Sometimes people are squeamish and have a fear of blood, gore, etc?

I’m glad that this hobby is so open to people of all walks of life, no matter if they can process things themselves or support hunters and trappers by purchasing things from them! No one should be unable to participate in something they love just because of their current life situation!

“which means there’s more of a market for hunters and trappers (which i personally don’t have a problem with, but I do if the animal is just being killed for its bones or pelt, and they often are).“

I’ve always found the whole “You can kill animals for food BUT NOTHING ELSE! LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE!” Really ridiculous. If you don’t want to buy from the big nasty hunters and trappers great, no one is forcing you to.

Would you rather they just kill the animal and toss it in a ditch? Would you rather people buy shitty plastic- I mean, ~fake fur~ instead of making garments that are actually warm and last years longer than fake fur will? Would you rather animals become overpopulated and begin spreading diseases amongst themselves?

“people like this are the reason theres laws in every state about bone collecting, and if this shit gets more popular and yall can’t learn to find and clean your own bones, WE’RE ALL GONNA BE FEDERALLY OUTLAWED.“

I’m losing my MIND what are you on about? Collecting bones is going to be federally outlawed because... People make art? What? There are already strict laws in place dictating how many animals you can take to prevent animals from becoming threatened, and poaching is literally illegal.

I very seriously doubt a few people making art with bones is going to lead to Migratory Bird Treaty Act 2: Electric Boogaloo. Laws are already in place to prevent that from ever happening again. There’s a reason people in this community always remind others about following laws properly.


I literally can’t FATHOM a reason why you would look at bone art becoming popular and more excepted and finding that a bad thing. You were made fun of as a kid for doing it but now kids today might not be! Why is it a bad thing? Would you rather it continue to be frowned upon and people be harassed for what they love?


Life update:

Lots going on. Visited my cousins this weekend and while we were down there we stopped at TWO breeders because we’re getting puppies. We were going to wait on any more pets but the house is just so... Lonely and quiet. Every time I come home I almost say “Hi kids!” before I realize that no one is here anymore besides Santana, my spider.

My parents are getting a smooth collie (name TBD) and I’m getting a rat terrier named Oliver James after a song by Fleet Foxes.

I’ve made a pet blog at @woozymitts so I can organize all my pictures of them if anyone wants to see


Yesterday the vets came over to put our dog Beau down.

He’s was really struggling with his arthritis and was getting dementia like his brother, getting confused and stumbling around and unable to get up by himself.

I wanted to keep his bones but he was more my dad’s dog and my dad chose to have him cremated. It’s going to be really strange not having dogs in the house anymore, the only pet left is my spider Santana.


Cow snoot!

We got some beef recently and the processor gave me a whole skull! It’s absolutely MASSIVE. I know cows are huge animals but actually seeing a head up close is like... Holy shit. It was the size of my torso!

Their nose was super neat. It felt like a leather chair and I couldn’t stop touching it and when I hosed them off I could see all their lil whiskers. I think they’re a black angus or maybe a mix, not sure if it’s a cow or a steer but I think I’ll name them Cyclone cause the color of their nose reminds me of storm clouds.


I know I said not to expect any VC stuff any time soon but I’m working on the house sparrows I had in my freezer!

I also had a bunch of eggs that I’m trying to preserve which is... Not working the way I wanted it to. I was going to poke two holes in the eggs and use a needle & syringe to get the yolk out but. That didn’t work. So now the eggs either have huge holes in them or are broken into two pieces. I painted the insides last night with a coat of Elmer’s glue to hopefully reinforce them? And I’ll try to glue them back together. I hope I didn’t ruin all those eggs...

As for the birds they’re mostly plucked of feathers and soaking in water to loosen up the last of the feathers so I can pull them out. I’m gonna try to clean and keep all the feathers for art or w/e

When the feathers are taken care of I’m gonna skin and gut them to get as much flesh off and then try to preserve them via the Oxidation method. I’ve used that method on my mink, Bucky, my european starling, Apus and lots of feet so hopefully it works well for the house sparrows.

Also I named the sparrows Castor and Pollux after the figures from Greek & Roman mythology! I wanted them to have matching sort of names and in the mythology Castor and Pollux were said to have hatched from eggs so I thought it would be fitting for the birds, plus they’ll hopefully (if I don’t totally destroy them) have a nest full of eggs to watch over.


Another random update

I’m sorry for not posting things much anymore, I’m just kinda... Meh about VC right now.

Ever since someone called the DNR on me (long story short: People don’t have reading comprehension and even after explicitly saying I wasn’t keeping wild rabbits as pets someone reported me for... Keeping wild rabbits as pets) I’ve just not felt like posting VC stuff

The DNR guy was actually super duper nice and we talked about bones and I showed him my mink skeleton (he actually took a picture of it to show his friends) but it’s so terrifying to me knowing that someone from the DNR/FWS/Police/Whatever could literally just show up at the house where I live at random because some dumbfuck online falsely reported me.

I have severe anxiety and every time I post VC stuff I’m terrified that someone is going to show up at my house, or the post will blow up on Tumblr and I’ll be harassed or doxxed because “Ew look at this future serial killer playing with dead animals! They have the bones of their dead pets! What a fucking freak!” 

I literally don’t think I could mentally handle that. I know I should say fuck you and keep posting my collection and things I’m working on and not let the assholes “win” but I’m just. So terrified. The DNR showed up at my house YEARS ago and still to this day when someone rings the doorbell or knocks I feel my heart racing.

I may post again some day but don’t expect much any time soon :(

Disclaimer: All native species of birds in the United States are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and are illegal to possess. This chipping sparrow was left where it was found.

Found this poor little guy on a friends farm a few weeks ago. I always forget how soft birds are until I touch one, their feathers feel almost like silk.


Also since I haven’t posted in a long time here’s some VC related updates:

  • I found ANOTHER house sparrow that died trying to get in/out of one of the air vents on the side of our house. Since they’re an invasive species they’re 100% legal for me to possess so he’s in my freezer.
  • My friend lives out in the country and they have a RIDICULOUS coyote problem. There’s barely any deer anymore because there are so many coyotes, so he’s going to be hunting them and I told him to save them for me, so hopefully I’ll get some coyotes soon to work on! Now I just... Need to find room for them...

I’ll try to work on some VC stuff soon and post pictures! <3

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