


[⚡] (Guys, I need to talk to you all about someone. There’s someone on Tumblr by the name thelonelychild and they’re very dangerous. They seem all ‘sweet’ and ‘nice’ but they’re really not. They do smut RPs with their OCs that are underage. Even with animals too!

Not only that, but they also draw porn of their underage characters as well as other characters from different fandoms. They even asked if someone would RP someone using tentacles to fuck their eight-year-old muse named Nicky.

Man I could really kill for tentacles to fuck Nicky like fuck him with Tentacles that suck his cutie cock and play with his body is what they said in an OOC post. Not once, but twice or more mind you!

Someone even asked them this:  Anonymous asked: Do you have rules with the people you rp with? also usually if its under a readmore and tagged most people leave it be is what i noticed.

And you know what they replied with? This.

Really? When I rped it when I first started the blog (as this is a reboot) not many people yelled at me about it. Sure there were people here and there but people left me alone on the nsfw with a child for the most part. So I suppose that I’ll be fine as long as I stay under the radar a bit. Besides I know “quality” or elite rpers wouldn’t ever follow me so I don’t worry about them.

Stay under the radar, mmm? People leaving them alone about RPing SMUT with a child? Yeah, no. That’s red flags right there. This person is very dangerous and I wish you all to block them and warns others about this person before something happens.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. And if you don’t believe me? Go to their blog yourself and dig around for a little while. You’ll find all this on it. Stay safe everyone.)


ooc: Hey Pika-chan it's Dragon, just thought I'd say Hi from this blog, lol


(Heyo Dragon! XD.

Welcome to the side-blog that I have--

Just in case I forget the password or log in to the other one--


I’m a forgetful little shit- XD)



I did a thing.

I made a new Yu-Gi-Oh blog.

It’s still a smol Yuugi from Season 0–

But I made it into it’s own blog so I could actually follow all the amazing people that I’ve met or ran into on it.


I’ll leave this up for awhile so people can see it and get to the new account-

I’m also going to go and leave the other (this account-) up and running just in case I forget my password or email to the other one. Ya know, like a back-up account.

Sorry if this is a bother to anyone–)


My muse has interacted with a dangerous object and become a monster for a thread. Send an emoji and they'll be a:

👾 : A.I.
😈 : Devil
🔮 : Wisp
🐙 : Tentacle Monster
👹 : Cat Hybrid
👺 : Demon
❤️‍ : Vampire
👣 : Shadow Person
💀 : Zombie/Skeleton
👻 : Poltergeist
👽 : Alien
🕷 : Spider Centaur
🌊 : Mermaid
🐉 : Naga
🍮 : Sludge monster

List of random M!A’s

Note: Mun has the right to decide for how long m!a will go on.

Two in one: Muse has exact copy of themselves. Only that clone hates and wants to destroy everything that muse loves.

Because I’m happy:  Muse must to be extra cheerful about everything and smile no matter what happened. They will tell jokes and will be happy to talk even with their worst enemy.

Grumpy cat: Muse is super grumpy and is rude to everyone. They will spout hateful comments to everyone, whether they liked them earlier or not.

Swapping places: Mun and muse swaps places.

A Change of Heart: Muse turns into an evil version of him/herself. (If Muse is already evil, Muse turns nice.)

Code word: Muse will kiss someone whenever they hears a certain word. (anon chooses the word)

Animal spirit: Muse will turn into an animal. (anon decides what)

Fish tail: Muse grows a tail and becomes a mermaid/merman.

Medium: Muse is able to communicate with spirits of the dead beings.

Talkative: Muse will say everything they think.

Crush it all: Muse has super strength, but can’t control it and ends up breaking things.

Chill: Muse is icy to the touch and can’t get warm in any way.

Coffee Bean: Muse is on a caffeine high and can’t seem to calm down! It’s even gotten to the point where they’re almost literally bouncing off the walls!

Doomed: Muse gets possessed by a demon.  (It can be a random one or anon can specify who it is)

Secrets: Muse must tell a secret about themselves every time someone asked them a question.

Strip: Muse has the urge to strip every time someone asks them a question.

Say my name: Muse will orgasm everytime they hear their name/Nickname.

Hall Of Fame: Your Muse thinks they’re super famous in a field of the anon’s choice. (For example: Acting, singing, science, etc.)

Wings: Muse grows wings. If muse already has wings, they will lose it.

Sloth: Muse becomes extremely lazy, they won’t get up for anything, and won’t move unless pushed or carried.

Stone face: Muse becomes emotionless.


Send me ‘SWAP!’ for our muses to switch bodies for one thread!

Bonus points if they hate each other!


Transformation M!As

Send my character a symbol to transform them into:

♧  -  An animal of the anon’s choice.

❤ - The person they love.

☠ - Something/one they hate.

☮ - The opposite sex.

☀ - A child.

♔ - Themselves, but three inches tall.

▲ - Anon’s choice.

M!As last as long as the RPer chooses.

Want a random starter?

Send me a symbol…

🎬 for me to use a line from the last movie I watched as a starter 📹 for me to use a line from my favorite movie as a starter 📚 for me to grab the book nearest to me, flip to a random page, and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter 🎧 for me to shuffle my playlist and use the first line of the next song as a starter 🎶 for me to use my favorite line of the last song I listened to as a starter 📺 for me to use a line from the last TV show I watched as a starter 💻 for me to use a line from my favorite TV show as a starter 🎵for me to shuffle my playlist and use my favorite line of the next song as a starter 😊 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in your wanted plots tag 😉 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in my wanted plots tag 💋 for a shippy starter 😡 for an angsty starter 👊 for an argument/fight starter 🌈 for a random encounter starter 🏩 for a nsfw starter 📫 for a text message starter 💀 for a dark starter 🍬 for a fluffy starter


Not-doing-too-good sentence starters

“Whoa, are you okay?”

“You took that hit pretty hard…”

“Don’t stand up yet.”

“That definitely looks broken…”

“Walk it off.”

“How are you feeling?”

“When was the last time you slept?”

“You look like shit.”

“Have you been eating enough?”

“Here, let me help you.”

“Why are you limping?”

“You’re really pale…”

“Did you just go throw up?”

“Why aren’t you eating?”

“______? You’re bleeding…really bad.”

“That looks infected.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”

“I told you you’d get sick.”

“How many fingers am I holding up?”

“Wake up–you were hyperventilating, are you okay?”

“It was just a dream, you’re alright.”

“Look at me–you’re safe.”

“Take a deep breath.”

“Are you bleeding?!”

“How’d you get a bruise like that?”

“What happened?”

“Let me help you!”

“Can you hear me?”

“You hit your head pretty hard.”

“Don’t move.”

“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”



Halloween M!As

Make sure to specify how long their muse is to stay like that ♥

  • Send “🐺” to turn my muse into a werewolf for __ hours.
  • Send “🍵” to turn my muse into a witch/wizard for __ hours.
  • Send “☠” to turn my muse into a zombie for __ hours.
  • Send “🐲” to turn my muse into a vampire for __ hours.
  • Send “👻” to turn my muse into a ghost for __ hours.
  • Send “😈” to turn my muse into a demon for __ hours.
  • Send “😱” for my muse to become easily scared for __ hours.

Please give me an M!A

The perv-test: Muse have x-ray vision for 5 days but don't know that every time they violates someone with their new gift, what they see will be showed to that person when the M!A is over.
Jack the Ripper: Muse has been attacked by something that obviously has no sense of mercy. They are beaten, bloody, and left for dead someplace abandoned. Lasts until someone comes to the rescue... Or finishes the job.
To the Stage: Self destruction is such a pretty little thing... Muse has become quite the manipulative bastard. Everyone they care about is now simply a toy waiting to be broken. How much damage can be done before they come to their senses? (Lasts for three days.)
Darkness: Muse is blind for 24 hours.
Spirit Animal: Muse is turned into an animal (Anon decides what) for 12 hours.
Flustered: When Muse sees, (anon chooses), Muse will stutter, blush, and act like a complete klutz around the so called individual, for 3 hours.
Pure: Sex? What’s that? Muse suddenly has the mentality of a three year old, and can’t understand anything ‘adult’. Anon decides the duration.
Fear: Anon gets to name something, and muse will have an extremely debilitating phobia of it for one week. Bonus points if it’s something ridiculous.
Memories: Muse has amnesia. (Anon decides duration)
Jealousy: Muse will be jealous, of (anon chooses) for a certain amount of time. Anon chooses, for what reason Muse is jealous. Also for how long.
Injury: Muse will be injured somehow (anon decides severity and injury) for ____
Gemini: Muse will split into two different versions of themself for ___
Beer: Muse will talk like a Drunk and hit on everybody, lasts 3 Hours
Answer: Muse will have to answer anything that is asked of him/her truthfully, lasts 4 hours
Noise: Muse will say everything they think, lasts for a day
Kiss: Muse wants to kiss everyone in their inbox for the next hour
Angel: Muse is and angel for ___
Demon: Muse is a demon for ___
Possession: Muse is possessed by a demon for ___
Blood: Your thirst for blood is insatiable. No, you aren't some vampire with convenient sharp teeth. You gotta find blood to eat or you'll starve; all other food and drink make you promptly vomit.
The Mirror: You become split into two versions of yourself -- your good and your evil, for ___.
Chained to You: Physically, you are chained to (anon decides) for _____ long. Include chain leeway (length).
T-Shirt: You can wear nothing but a t-shirt for ______.
Brainwashed: You will be brainwashed by the next person to say your name. Lasts for _____.
I'm Dying: I'm so...so sorry... (Anon decides of what and how long you have)
Drunk: Get Home You're drunk for _______. (Anon can specify a KIND of drunk; angry drunk, horny drunk, emotional drunk, etc..)
Artificial Heart: The muse no longer feels emotions- no pain, no anger, no rage. They simply become an apathetic shell. Can be broken early if something strong enough manages to break their "emotional inhibitor."
I'm Melting!: Muse cannot stop bleeding from the mouth, nose, or eyes (anon's choice). Muse cannot pass out from blood loss.
Frozen to the Core: Muse becomes extremely cold natured and seeks any form of warmth.
Chained up: For 10 hours, your muse will find themselves bound by chains. They can either have a savior or a torturer.
Rapunzel: Trapped in a tower, high above the world, it’s a lonely thing, and you are so bored. But it seems you’ve a visitor. Time to convince them to take you on an adventure.
Say You'll Haunt Me: Muse is a ghost, whom can only be seen if they want to be. Lasts 10 posts
Hot Lips: Aren't you the yummiest thing? Everybody who comes into your askbox finds themselves suddenly wanting to kiss you!
Mad Man With a Box: Guess who you are for a day? If you already are the Doctor, then you're now a different version of yourself.
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