
Some Yellow Fox

@crazyyellowfox / crazyyellowfox.tumblr.com

arts and farts
I see that when you’re in some sort of circle you can freely dismiss and be a piece of shit to people in public because hey I guess having some sort of goddamned decorum is so gauche

Assuming you are talking about me, you are overreacting a little much to me saying I don’t like you. I was just being straightforward, I didn’t comment on you personally at all. I just wanted you to know I don’t like you, because you haven’t gotten the hint.

If you want to take this further, though, I will.

You are an obnoxious piece of shit. Your art is terrible, titled extremely creepily, and you shit it out for everyone you come into contact with so that you can make them feel guilty and draw you shit in return. Your fucking robot hands first comment on EVERYTHING bullshit is ludicrous and just furthers this guilt complex shit that you pull on everyone.

Whenever anybody expresses an opinion contrary to your own, even in the slightest, you explode into a maelstrom of incomprehensible fury. Literally incomprehensible.

You bad-mouth everyone you have ever met, probably because you desperately seek to ingratiate yourself with everyone. You have no personality of your own other than stupid ignorant shitface, so you are a complete boring tool to be around. You are the ultimate definition of a social parasite. I harp on Benchilla, but he is nowhere near as awful as you are.

You fawn over somebody one minute, then talk shit about them the next. You display your hypocrisy on a daily basis. You are a two-faced bitch. You guilt trip everyone you know. You don’t fucking stop for one minute and you don’t have any interesting or redeeming qualities.

I don’t hate you because I’m friends with certain people. I hate you because you are scum.

So in short, I think you are a massive fucking douchebag. A shit-eating fanboy two-faced hypocritical fuckwad.

I don’t know who you are, dragonmaw; but you are my freakin’ hero for making this post. 5700+ FA submission of cookie-cutter art hoping to guilt-trip-force someone into an unsolicited art trade? He’s been doing it for 11 years now, too. That has got to get old after a while.


“Zoo” (1992) - “Nick Wilde: an honest predator, a working man, a patient fox… a fox who’s had enough. After abandoning his wheel booted car on the hottest day of the year, Nick takes to the streets on foot, traversing the urban nightmare of Zootopia to make his way home - scorching a violent path of destruction against anything that stands in his way.”


Zootopia Thoughts

After five viewings, I just have to get some of my thoughts out on paper about Zootopia... Now that the movie is out in the UK, I feel like I can make this post, but just in case I'll try my best to keep the spoilers to the minimum.

I had no idea that this movie was going to be so amazing. I had no idea that this movie was going to be so relevant to the state of our society at this moment in time. I had no idea that Disney would ever- or could ever make an animated film about prejudice, racism, meth labs, affirmative action, the war on drugs, pragmatic police, privilege, xenophobia, sexism, the glass ceiling and government conspiracy. Like… if you had told me nine months ago that that was what this movie was going to be about, I'd never have believed you.

I've seen this movie FIVE times! I'm such a responsible adult, but I have a car and a paycheck. Being an adult doesn't mean you can have ice cream for dinner, it means that you can have ice cream for dinner and no one is going to stop you. To this day, I've never seen any other movie in a theater five times. If I had been old enough to drive myself to a theater back in 1994 (and had a car), I'd probably had done the same thing with The Lion King, but I wasn't even in high school yet, so I only saw TLK once in it's original theatrical run. Honestly, I've not been so "in" to a movie since TLK, but Zootopia has definitely upset that.

This movie, tho. each time I've seen it I've caught something new. I love the personality of the characters. I love that each character is presented in such a way that you can understand them and why they are convicted to act the way they do. The plot is so deep and layered and just… Wow. I always get a kick out of sitting in the back of the theater and watching half the audience jump out of their seats at the two big jump scares. And the twist is just so unexpected. If this movie isn't nominated for all kinds of awards, I'm going to be shocked. I'm already so jazzed that it's beaten Frozen's opening records.

Last June, when I was sitting in a theater with some local friends to see Inside Out, the last thing I expected to see was the teaser trailer that played for Zootopia. Yes, I knew Disney was making this movie, but I had no idea what the final character designs were going to look like, I'd only see a few pieces of concept art. When I saw that trailer, I was like "Did Disney _really_ use the term anthropomorphic in a trailer?" "Did they really make that awful be-fur pun at the end?" Of course this has been seen be-fur, I can name at least a dozen animated movies, (and even a few stop-motion and puppeteered movies) that are strictly an anthro animal cast. The inclusion of both of these things in a trailer was nothing more than a send-up to the furry fandom that they were making a movie we'd probably be interested in it. That was painfully obvious.

I know, I  know! Anthropomorphic isn't  _our_ word specifically, it's been used for centuries, it's freaking' Latin for crying out loud, but how often do you hear that word used outside the fandom? This was Disney marketing using a buzzword specifically for one purpose. Anyway… I was excited that Disney was making an anthro movie, I dug the character designs, and I was excited, but at the same time cautiously optimistic. I'd made the assumption that if Disney's marketing was lowering themselves to enticing the furry fandom, it was probably not going to be their best movie. Later in the year I affirmed that suspicion when I found that Zootopia is Disney's B-Movie for 2016, with Moana being the A-movie. My hopes for a movie this good just weren't there so I was pleasantly surprised to see just a week before the US release date that it had a Rotten Tomatoes score of 100%.

Over the past decade Disney hasn't really done the A team B team movie production thing, they've mostly been sticking to one animated film a year. Funny enough, The Lion King was also a B-movie back in 1994, with Pocahontas being the A-movie. Back when they were still the right-coast, Orlando animation team and the left-coast Burbank team. We all know how much of an A-move Pocahontas turned out to be. It's not a bad film, but it's no TLK by any stretch. I have a funny suspicion that Zootopia is well poised to upset Moana big time.

Was anyone else as surprised as I am that Disney could make this movie, that this movie is as great as this one is, and that the timing of it is just SO ridiculously perfect? This is the movie the current generation needed, it really is. I hope that it becomes as universally loved ad universally appreciated the way The Lion King has now become 22 years later. Hopefully, 22 years from now Zootopia will have at least had enough of a lasting mark on society to affect some of the issues that it addresses.

P.S.A ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL COSPLAYERS  This is why we cannot have nice things. (i took this from a post on facebook i saw someone put up that had to be shared elsewhere) “1: Broken Light Fixtures on a couple different floors. 2: Busted Exit Sign cause some fuckwad thought it would be A Good Idea to high-five it. 3: Actual fucking flooding in a room. 4: Punching a hole in the bathroom door and writing “One-Punch Man was here.” 5: Writing “Katsucon 2016” all over the stalls on the main floors.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS NEEDS TO STOP, THIS IS LITERALLY DISGUSTING.  This beautiful hotel is holding an events for cosplayers to enjoy time away and this is how you repay them? you wonder why they raise prices?. This is totally fucking immature and disgusting and the cosplayers that did this make our community look like shit  Spread this like wildfire, this is not okay stop destroying things. 

I can’t believe shit like this still HAPPENS oh my gOD

I’ll repeat what I said in my Rainfurest con report journal on FA:

A select few need to realize that their actions do put everyone else's fun in jeopardy. Just understand that the folks you are spending the weekend with, having a good time with and who's company you are enjoying probably spent a lot of time earning the money/vacation hours to get there. Doing something that is likely to get the whole event cancelled is not only selfish to them, it's also selfish to the artists who rely on their sales in the dealers room. It's selfish to the fursuit builders who poured their hard work into building the fursuits. It's selfish to the performers who get out there and give it their all for your enjoyment. and most of all, it's selfish to the constaff who spend months planning these events with the hope that they will go off without incident. Please, please, don't be that guy. Being on staff does not excuse you from being that guy. Just think about it.

Cons are meant to be a fun escape, please, if you see someone doing something stupid, don’t sit back and laugh. Do something about it. respect the hotels that host our events. This is not respectful behavior and it should never be tolerated.

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