
im trying my best

@cheesefleetwood / cheesefleetwood.tumblr.com

tasha - she/her - asexual - 20 - im fleetwoodcheese on ao3 (this should go without saying but if you have a problem with trans people you have a problem with me- get out)

watched neil gaiman's new gay pandering show today and it's kind of indescribable. created by destiel king steve yockey and starring the actress who played rowena on spn. episode directed by legendary lesbian filmmaker cheryl dunye. canon fujoshi character who talks about her explicit yaoi. an amnesiac medium named crystal palace. gaiman's typical vaguely autistic hugely gay dandy who's never been kissed but also literally every man he meets wants to fuck him so bad it makes them clinically insane. also he's a ghost and died in an accidental demonic sacrifice in 1916. and he tries to confess his love to his best friend and is interrupted by being sent to hell. he then confesses successfully while his best friend is bringing him out of hell in a named orpheus and eurydice allusion. this show needs 12 seasons.


Give credit to the 30-year-old who worked on this for free and offers this service for free!


I study graphic design and my tutor recommended and used this in his classes at art college last year, it’s so good it has SO many features for free, I really recommend it, even if you’re just trying to learn the basics of PS, such a wonderful thing <3


made me think of this

[id: x/twitter qrt from user styloshka that says "I read a forum post about art once, that it's a product of the dialectic between the effort of the artist and the friction of the medium. You push on the thing and the thing pushes back on you, it has its own voice. The weight of a piano key, the tension of a guitar string." original post from user colleen_daves says "Don't you want to skip over the mindless drudgery that is making art?" I do six stand embroidery and break like 10 needles a day, would I prefer that activity didn't hurt my hands and make me angry? Sure. But that's what makes having the finished piece after so worth it to me."]


"However, success, to me, never was and still isn't about lifting off in a rocket (though that sure felt like a great achievement). Success is feeling good about the work you do throughout the long, unheralded journey that may or may not wind up at the launch pad. You can't view training solely as a stepping stone to something loftier. It's got to be an end in itself.

The secret is to try to enjoy it."

- Colonel Chris Hadfield, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth

"it's a product of the dialectic between the efforts the artist and the friction of the medium. You push on the thing, and the thing pushes back on you, it has its own voice".

I took this from the revolutionary girl style post above and I love it.

As a criminal law attorney, I like to say that my cases take on a life of their own. I tell my new clients that their case will be a very human experience, meaning go with what wants to happen in the case. Flow with all of the dynamics of the case.


Life is short, training is long. Goal-orientation gets you to a couple of places pretty fast & then fails; process-oriented mindsets can carry you forward forever.


As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:


It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.

Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.


went to a discussion led by elliot page earlier today and there were many good things said but at one point the other presenter asked him "what's a cool thing about yourself that has nothing to do with being trans?" and he said "uhh this is all I've got going for me" and then paused before adding "if anyone has three oranges, I can juggle"

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