
Inaccurate DBZ Quotes

@inaccurate-dbz-quotes / inaccurate-dbz-quotes.tumblr.com

Completely legit, actual things the dragonball cast said... srsly. Submissions welcome. Tag us in your fan art!

At a restaurant

Bulma: I am sorry ChiChi, I left my wallet at home.
ChiChi: Oh how fucking convenient, Bulma!
Bulma: Uh ChiChi, I’m actually trying not to curse in front of baby Trunks so if you could not eh-
ChiChi: Oh, I completely understand. What words were you trying to avoid? Is it things like hell, damn, fuck, shit, bitch, cunt, ass, cock, dick, cock face, dick face, dick head, dickwad, cocksmoker, cock sucker? What about words like tits, pussy, twatch, snatch, clitface, cuntface, thundercunt, dipshit, douchebag, dumbass, dumbfuck or dipshit? (baby Trunks giggles) I'm sure you're trying to avoid words like (ChiChi gets down to the baby's eye level) bullshit, bastard, bitchtits, buttfucker, asshole, asshat, assclown, asswipe, (ChiChi stands back up) jackass, shithead, shitface and whore, right? Are we counting words like piss, cum, cum dumpster and cum guzzler?
Bulma: Um...
ChiChi: Oh goddamit! I almost forgot about fucker, fuckface, fuckstick, fuckwad, fuckboy, clusterfuck and of course, motherfucker. Are these all the kind of words that you're avoiding Bulma?
Bulma: Uh yes I guess any of those, we are-eh, trying to stay away from.
ChiChi: Okay, well, good luck with that.
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