

@elluts / elluts.tumblr.com

Look up at the sky and take your time
Anonymous asked:

Sweden, 7:26pm. Hi. It’s been a while. I’ve thought about you now and then, wondered how you’ve been, where the time went. I’m alive. I’m alive! What a wonderful surprise! I’m not the same person I was since I last reached out to you, and it’s relieving. The same things are happening but I have learned how to keep existing. (1/2)

Nothing will be easy again, but at least I know that now. It is terribly cold, and I float in the feeling of anticipating new music. I miss a new person but it is warm and okay, because she’ll be back with me soon enough. I hope you have changed in well ways too. Merry christmas. (2/2)

Hi, I've thought about you too, I'm glad you're okay. Yes, I do feel like I have changed a lot as well. Hopefully mostly in good ways although I think it's understandable if you get more reserved and careful as things get hard. I try to hold on to the good parts at least and I think I'm finally growing comfortable with myself. I don't know if it's something that has come with growing older but I really like it and I try to enjoy it as much as I can. It's okay to miss people, right now I kind of wish someone would miss me. Happy new year, I really hope 2022 will treat you well.

Anonymous asked:

Ms. Elluts!!! I’m happy to say that while a lot of crazy things have happened, my family and I are at least ngatve!! We had a scare since our cousin came over to visit and they got confirmed the next day TvT The good thing is that we’re all vccnted so it could’ve been worse, but it thankfully wasn’t :>

On another note, how have you been?? Anything interesting you’re working on rn?? ^^

— 🦋 Anon

Hi! Oh that's good to hear, I'm glad all of you are you okay♡ I've been good I think, right now I'm trying to make a website for myself and for some reason it's a lot harder than I thought it'd be, I just really want it to be a certain way and I don't have a ton of experience so it feels like I'm just walking around in the dark kind of. I'm also designing a business card for a friend which is a lot more fun at the moment, even though it's a bit challenging too. I'm really trying not to be too critical of things I make but it's difficult otl. I hope your cousin get better soon, stay safe♡

Anonymous asked:

Ahh the Dreamies are very silly and funny, so it’s completely understandable!! (Their dynamics make me laugh~) (⌒▽⌒) It’s nice that you have an idea in what you want to work towards!! And congratulations on finishing school!! ヽ(*^ω^*)ノ

I’ve been in a slump for a while so putting myself to work with crafts and clean up things for an upcoming garage sale helps me work through the slump!! TvT

— 🦋 Anon

Yeah they're really sweet :( Thank you! ♡ Ahh I understand, it's good with creative distractions when you're feeling down. I hope you feel better soon, lighter times are coming I'm sure ~♡

Anonymous asked:

Oh that’s lovely to hear!! I hope life hasn’t been too stressful though ^^ Is there anything that you’ve been up to lately?? I’ve recently been going through and fixing up some old stuff for a garage sale

— 🦋 Anon

Ooh that sounds fun! I recently finished school and even though I have a job I've had for years now it's not really what I want to do in the future so I'm trying to work towards what I want to do instead but it's kind of hard otl. But it's fun and I hope it will be rewarding in the end :)

Anonymous asked:

Hi!! It’s been a while since you’ve been active so I wanted to ask how have you been?? How’s life and your job and loved ones?? Is there anywhere else that we can find you?? I hope you have a lovely day~

— 🦋 Anon

Hi! Ohh I kind of miss this, it's nice to hear from you♡ I'm good, busy with life but I'm okay! I hope you are too♡ Yes, I'm on twitter. I mostly like stuff and don't really say much but you can follow me there if you want to, it's elluts_

Anonymous asked:

Hi!Can I post your edits , especially the videos in other medias???

Hi, I'm sorry for answering this late? I'm not really active here much anymore so I don't know when you sent this, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry but I don't really want you to post my videos anywhere else, I don't really know what I want to do with them right now. Thank you for wanting to though :) I hope you're having a nice day♡

anon requested:

favorite exo moments!                  ➥ too many for just one set oops + part 1/? ♡

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