
Currently Obsessed With Wangxian


♡Elsie♡: 22 |♊️| she/her | Pan | Slytherin | Loves: Skyrim•Harry Potter•Merlin•supernatural•drwho•Sherlock • MCR•BTS•musicals•webtoons•anime•MDZS•

Men when they marry a corpse


Women when they marry a corpse


ohh noooo i hope a victorian zombie doesn’t come barging into my home covered in mud and takes a shower in my bathroom and hides in my closet and murders people for their parts that i’ll have to stitch on to him and falls in love with me and uses peach rings to purpose

that would be terrible…


find a man who cherishes you enough to cut off the dick of the man who has scorned you in order to use it to tenderly make love to you after proposing with a peach ring so that you do not have to die a virgin and can instead live on forever with him while he regularly brings flowers to your gravesite and tends to your undead body's electrocution wounds as he reads percy bysshe shelley's poetry to you. do NOT settle for less.

Gwaine: You’ve been living a double life this entire time?
Merlin: I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you!
Gwaine: Is your name even really Merlin?
Emrys: Let’s not talk semantics.

Imagine if Merlin just stopped ageing when Arthur died. They don’t notice at first because, well, it’s so gradual that no one thinks about it, but after a few years - maybe even a decade or so - Merlin notices how Leon’s hair has started to grey slightly and Gwen’s got crow’s feet forming. This is perfectly normal, of course, but what isn’t normal is that he doesn’t have anything that differentiates him physically from the day he lost Arthur

More years pass and suspicions are confirmed when the others continue to age and Merlin still looks like he’s in his mid-to-late-twenties. This causes issues for him as he can’t stay in one place for too long before people start asking questions

It’s coming up to the time he usually leaves. He’s already been in this place 15-16 years which is as long as he likes to risk it. His friends - how he’ll miss them - have noticed something’s wrong and try to coax him for answers. He insists nothing is wrong, but they press on, “Merlin, something’s obviously bothering you. You’re constantly on edge. You’ve even started going grey, and we were starting to think you had some fountain of youth you were hiding.”

It was a joke, of course, but Merlin’s head snaps at his words. “I’m not going grey,” he says.

“You are,” they say. “It’s not a big deal, Merlin. I had no idea you were so into your looks”

He runs to check his reflection. They’re right. Around his ears - how had he not noticed? - were a couple grey hairs. He wonders whether they were always there, but he’s sure they’re not. But why now? After all these centuries?

He has a gut feeling he knows why. A grin almost splits his face in two

“I’m grey!” Merlin exclaims enthusiastically, practically dancing with glee

Now his friends are confused in an entirely new way. Of course they are, he’s making no sense because they don’t know, but he does. He knows and he’s so sure. He can feel it

Arthur’s home


Merlin: “my lord/sire” (derogatory)

Arthur: “idiot manservant” (affectionate)


Headcanon that Merlin keeps notebooks and writes down everything - everything - he wants to show and tell Arthur whenever he comes back

It starts off as a project. He writes down important moments, things he knows he will have to inform Arthur of if when he comes back, but one day, Gwen tells him a joke and he can’t help thinking it would have made Arthur laugh. It was a bittersweet realisation, so he wrote it down to share with Arthur whenever he saw him

Slowly, more jokes were added, and anecdotes, books he wanted to tell him about, plays and music he was sure Arthur would enjoy, and eventually films and shows

Sometimes, he writes when he particularly misses him

He keeps these notebooks on a large secondhand bookshelf, and tries to keep them in chronological order, although the earlier ones aren’t in the best condition after a thousand or so years, but he’s enchanted them to stay legible

It becomes a habit. He decides, subconsciously and superstitiously, that once he has filled the bookshelf, Arthur will return. Merlin does, and Arthur doesn’t. He buys a second bookshelf, and then a third

Finally, Arthur is back and Merlin excitedly showing him his collection and telling him there’s so much he has to share. Arthur is amazed, “you wrote all of this for me?”

Merlin realises suddenly how overwhelming it must seem. “It made it easier, not being able to share all these moments with you. It felt like I was sharing them with you in a way. It was like I was writing you a letter.” He shakes his head. “But you’re here now, it’s silly! You don’t have to read them at all. I can go over them and pick out the important parts, the things you’ll need to know and—”

Arthur stops him. They go through each book together. Merlin hadn’t realised how many good moments he had forgotten over time, and he gets to relive them with Arthur at his side, both chuckling along as Arthur asks questions, “you did what?”

They aren’t all nice stories. Merlin winces as they get to the wars. Arthur holds his hand as he recounts each loss of a friend, and Arthur hates to see Merlin grieve, but he’s glad that he made friends throughout his life because he couldn’t bear the thought of Merlin being entirely alone while he waited for him

But even if he wasn’t always alone, he was lonely. The notebooks proved as much, and sometimes Merlin still panicked if he woke up and Arthur wasn’t close. Eventually, Arthur slid into Merlin’s bed beside him, only to keep him calm. It was the best Merlin had slept since- well, he couldn’t remember

Sometimes one of them would wake up with nightmares of the wars and battles and deaths and wounds, and the other would hold them until they fell back to sleep. Merlin kissed Arthur’s forehead one night without meaning to and froze, but Arthur had only burrowed deeper and fallen asleep with a soft smile

“So that was the last book,” said Arthur as Merlin finished the final page

“Yes, I wrote that the night before you came back,” said Merlin

“I’m all caught up,” said Arthur. “There’s nothing more to say.”

“No, no more to say,” Merlin agreed absentmindedly

A silence fell over them. Who moved first, it was impossible to tell, as if they had both decided in the exact same moment that it had to be now, and they kissed, pulling each other close

“I love you,” said Merlin once they eventually parted

“I got that,” said Arthur, gesturing to the pile of notebooks surrounding them. “The longest love letter in history,” Merlin laughed before Arthur added, “I love you, too”

Edit to add: the last show Merlin wrote that they watched together was Heartstopper, thanks


Merlin in the modern day hides the fact that he is from Camelot by becoming an Arthurian legend expert. Except he is basically just using it to correct any mistakes previous experts have made and throw in random bits of lore when he wants.

'No Arthur didn't have a beard, he just thought it made the portraits look more regal but wouldnt grow one out because he said they were itchy'

'Arthur had a dragon tattoo on his hip'

'Arthur loved savoury food but had a real thing for honey cakes'

'King Arthur once tripped over the rug in his chamber and broke his nose'

And all the other experts totally think he is loony, especially when he tries to correct them with the most absurd stuff.

'Actually that was the ghost of Uther Pendragon'

'Gwaine and Pervical were lovers not friends'

'Arthur was totally bisexual. If you don't think he was sleeping with Gwen AND Merlin then you shouldn't be studying him'

But the visitors at museums seem to love him and when Arthur is resurrected, Merlin takes him to the museum so they can laugh at everyone else's very inaccurate guesses about him.


another BBC Merlin thing we were robbed of: Arthur becoming used to Merlin's batshit power levels and then holding every other sorcerer he meets to those insanely high standards. what do you mean you can't stop time with your mind or summon lightning to the palm of your hand or blast away entire armies? Merlin can! the assassination attempts don't actually stop once the magic ban is repealed because Arthur continues to piss off a different warlock each week just by being himself


Why is the ship name for loid/twilight and yor/throne princess just not twilight princess?


Some Belgian dude made a Lucifer statue that was too hot for church, so the church got his brother to make an even hotter one

At left is a statue of the fallen angel Lucifer by sculptor Joseph Geefs, for the Cathedral at Liège, Belgium. It is titled L’Ange du Mal (the Angel of Evil). It was deemed to be inappropriately alluring with an unhealthy beauty, and removed. The cathedral commissioned a replacement from Joseph’s brother, the sculptor Guillaume Geefs, (shown at right) which is titled Le Génie du Mal (The Genius of Evil). I guess the chains and the half-eaten apple made it okay.


polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:


as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.

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