Chantry Brother

@brother-sebastian-vael /

Open RP-blog for Sebastian Vael || multi-ship || multi-verse || DA-verses-only || semi-selective || canon-divergent || Read Rules and About before interacting || Icon-art by soulmarshal || written by Kai-mun

Meiilan's birthday OC card commission - LIMITED TIME OFFER

Want a pretty card of your OC in this style!?

Want to help this artist afford some nice birthday gifts!?

Boy, do I got an offer for you! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Until my birthday June 7th 2021, I offer to draw a card in this specific style of your OC for 9€. If you have two OCs, you want cards of, I'll do it for 15€. Heck, you got three??? 21€!!!

All I need is some reference pictures. Pinterest board is cool, but at least a faceclaim would be nice... (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

If you want to buy one, just send me a dm. I accept paypal and ko-fi (allows credit card) for payment.

So here's all the info summed up again:

  • 1 OC => 9€, 2 OCs => 15€, 3 OCs => 21€ (if you got even more, we'll discuss a price <3
  • you get one card per OC
  • if you want 2 or more cards of one OC, I'll calculate the price, as if each card was an individual OC
  • Any OC is fine, either related to an existing franchise, or all of your own, Dnd, Roleplay, Writing project, etc...
  • not for commercial use
  • no furries/antros/robots (still can't draw those `(*>﹏<*)′ )
  • no nsfw cards
  • payment in advance
  • accept paypal and ko-fi
  • offer only valid until June 7th 2021 20:00 CEST

Sebastian + breakfast. Fic, headcanon, whatever you fancy. Just.... Breakbastian. With or without company.


I’m sorry; this is a pretty sad fill, but I had to get it out of my system. Imagine young Sebastian who’s only been in the chantry for a year or so. 

Elthina has a specific smile that says “thank you, but it is time for you to disappear.”

It is on her face now that Sebastian is done serving the Mothers and Sisters their breakfast. The dining hall tables carry many a dish he has worked on since before the first rays of dawn, and he suppresses a yawn now that he is finished. Water breaks out in his eyes despite the effort, and he takes a step back, joining the line on the wall, settling next to Brother George. He ducks his head; it is time to meld into the grey stones behind him and wait for his turn.

If he thinks on it a little, it is not too different here than how it was at home; Father, too, expected obedience and invisibility from him - and it was as impossible to satisfy his wishes as it is to please Elthina, but for different reasons. He shifts his weight from one leg to the other, clasping his hands in front of his hips; were he to cross his arms on his chest, he would be seen again and earn a scathing look from the Grand Cleric.

He has learnt not all attention is desirable. That is one of the things that are different here; a mere year ago his spine tingled upon the prospect of being yelled at - for being seen at all was a miracle - but now his spirit deflates upon any signs of disapproval. It is better to focus on prayer and fulfill his tasks, rather than leave space for commentary.

The meal continues as the women chatter and eat at a leisurely pace. Boisterous laughter carries from the table of young Lay-Sisters, but he doesn’t turn to look. He resists the urge to press his hands flat on his stomach, but the churn of hunger is becoming quite obvious; it may attract Elthina’s eyes - those steely orbs that make him want to kneel and apologise before his crime is given voice.

He shuts his eyes and prays for the pangs to subside - at least until the Mothers and Sisters have gone, leaving them with whatever remains of breakfast. A quiet breath leaves him and he opens his eyes again; Lay-Sister Petrice stares at him with a peculiar expression on her face. She smirks and chews on her piece of bread with obvious enjoyment before turning away and poking Sister Mariah next to her: they both break out in muffled laughter, stealing glances at him.

Elthina doesn’t scold them. She dips her spoon in the soup and knits her brows, but only briefly.

Sebastian casts his gaze on the floor and bites his lip, shame burning hot on his cheeks. Was it he that annoyed her? Perhaps this is yet another thing he can’t succeed at; it seems that despite his best efforts, he can never truly turn invisible.


In Germany Pride2019 stretches over several months. And where I live the next parade won’t be until July. But with so much happiness already going around, how could I not join with at least a lil sketch of one of my most precious Dragon Age OTPs!? 8D 

And since I got literally nothing to do at work today, I decided to doodle a little bit, while I’m watching the place. ^^”

Anonymous asked:

You still active on here? I miss you.... ;~;

Hey there nonny,

I’m sorry for going silence for so long, but life is being keeping me hella busy atm. I will always return to this blog, when I have a quiet moment to focus on roleplay, rest assured. But at the moment, i just don’t have those moments. ^^”

Either way, this blog is not dead, just on permanent semi-hiatus.

Sorry about that.


Anonymous asked:

this is the closest thing to an RP chantry positive blog I can find on this whole tumblr fandom. Bless you, thank you for having this Sebastian positivity visibility ❤️

Hey there nonny,

I’m not sure, if “chantry positive” is the right term here. I’m very much Sebastian positive, but still also very Chantry critical and so is Sebastian, if one goes by the canon evidence.

However, as a Sebastian roleplayer, I know to make the difference between a religious person and an institution that weaponizes that religion. Sebastian’s deep devotion to Andrastianism does not automatically contradict the fact, that he got some major issues with the chantry as a whole and with certain chantry representatives in specific. It just serves to highlight, that religion is not equal religious institution and that is especially true in Sebastian’s case.

Either way, I’m glad my blog brings joy to people and I have no intention to ever stop spreading Sebastian positivity. ^^



So I was reading the world of thedas and got to the part about Sebastian. And it just broke my heart. Oh seb. “She became the mother he’d always wished he had - someone who valued him for the person he was, rather than his political usefulness.” I - I think I’m gonna go cry now.

the worst thing is that elthina was absolutely soulless enough to just view seb as a political prop but deceived him into thinking otherwise. he just can’t catch a break


random (sad) thought about Sebastian:

I think the main reason (among quite a few) why I’m sore about how Elthina manipulated Sebastian is, that she totally fucked up his salvation.

I mean, let’s be honest, Sebastian grew up under parents that treated him with ignorant neglect at best, and with emotional abuse at worst. Had he stayed in this household, he would have grown up totally fucked up. He would have been convinced to be the worst and not worthy of anyone’s love and appretiation. He would either have worked his ass off to gain some sort of parental approval, that would have never come. Or he would have finally succumbed and fallen down the path, he had already been starting to tread on, before his parents send him to Elthina. He would have become a useless drunkard, who seems to live in a brothel, waisting the royal copper on cheap entertainment and booze. As much, as I love Sebastian and despite all his good character-treats, I see no other outcome for him. Not when the only support-system he had since birth, refused to even acknowledge him.

So, considering all this, being send away to the chantry could have actually the best thing to ever happen to him. During his live in service, he could have built himself a new, a healthy support-system among his brethren. His virtues could have flourished, which they partially did and he could have finally, eventually broken free from his parents influence, from the constant noose of worthlessness, they had hung around his neck.

Instead he ended up with another abusive parental figure, which might have built him up significantly, but also forced him into a situation of emotional dependancy, from which he could not break free. Simply for the fact, that he just doesn’t know that it should be differently.

So yeah. Elthina took his one chance for freedom and used it for her own benefit and I’m very sore about that.

Since, I just talked with some folks about it again: Don’t consider this blog to be Elthina-positive. Elthina was a self-righteous bitch and the only thing, I regret about her death, is that Sebastian didn’t get a chance to properly break free from her emotional abuse, before she died and now probably forever suffers survivor’s guilt over a woman, that had tried to thoroughly fuck him up.

Every once in a while, I get the urge to draw pictures of my muses, that I could use for blog-icons. And it’s always when I got a shit-ton of other things to do. Like, prepare the soup for lunch, work on my commission, or actually answering some of my drafts.

But no, my monkey brain ignores all that and goes: Draw Dorian, so you have a self-made blog-icon for @vivere-mendacium. Anyways, I’m online. I’m not sure, if I’ll get to actually work on my drafts today. But if you wanna creep into my inbox and bother any of my multiple muses, feel free to do so. I’ll be online on all accounts today and I’ll answer as many asks, as I can get to. Might even throw in some drawn replies for extra goodies, here and there.

If you want an extensive list of all my muses, so you know whom to bother, you can go on @kai-mun-index. Also, if any of the links on there ain’t working, pls lemme know. SO I can fix it right away.

I’m back from hiatus, I said, and then I disappear again after one day of activity. I’m really sorry bout that, RL has been rather hectic. But i intend to be roleplaying again this weekend.
Also hello to all new followers, pls note that I am not mutuals only and do not perform follow back. So if you want to interact with me, don’t wait until I follow you back, because unless we already have plenty of interactions, it won’t happen. Just hit me up via ask or IM and let me know your down to mingle with choir boys. ;3

“Did I tell you you’re beautiful, today?” - Teagan


Sebastian chuckled softly, rolling his eyes at Teagan despite the faint blush riding high on his cheeks.

“Och, let me see. Ye only told me this mornin’ and then during breakfast and before th’ midday service...”

Lacing his fingers into Teagan’s he said  a little softer: “But I dinna mind, hearin’ it again, if it comes from you.”

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