
i will never forget you

@lyriumrain / lyriumrain.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm Skip! (ง •̀_•́)ง | he/they | early 30s | posts about: my art, dragon age, and shitposts. Art only blog: @silentskipjack // Fallout sideblog: @themojaveexpress
“Lord Byron gets up at two. I get up, quite contrary to my usual custom … at 12. After breakfast we sit talking till six. From six to eight we gallop through the pine forest which divide Ravenna from the sea; we then come home and dine, and sit up gossiping till six in the morning. I don’t suppose this will kill me in a week or fortnight, but I shall not try it longer. Lord B.’s establishment consists, besides servants, of ten horses, eight enormous dogs, three monkeys, five cats, an eagle, a crow, and a falcon; and all these, except the horses, walk about the house, which every now and then resounds with their unarbitrated quarrels, as if they were the masters of it… . [P.S.] I find that my enumeration of the animals in this Circean Palace was defective … . I have just met on the grand staircase five peacocks, two guinea hens, and an Egyptian crane. I wonder who all these animals were before they were changed into these shapes.”

— Percy Bysshe Shelley on the lifestyle of Lord Byron (via timemarauder)


The Birth of Venus by Botticelli figure/bjd

Part of The Table Museum collection by Freeing

Link: |X|

It’s super breathtaking:

What a bizarre series, I love the way these are displayed

Vitruvian Man, Da Vinci

The Thinker, Rodin

The Scream, Munch

Moai (Easter Island)

Winged Victory of Samothrace / Venus de Milo

This is my favorite


men's restroom: gross but in a predictable way. shit and piss but that's it

women's restroom: an actual murder scene in one stall, the pt baby in the sink, if you use the one clean stall people will shake it violently while you try to piss, small children try to crawl under sometimes, someone has written a recipe for poundcake on the door

this isnt true lmao

??? i made this post based on my own experiences using both idk what to fucking tell you man

do you think i lied about gross shit in public restrooms for clout

girl help im getting accused of lying and hating women because of my peepee poopoo post


the whole squad


Thanks I hate it: sarcastic disdain, you don't enjoy this at all that's insufferable, I love it: prankster solidarity. A compliment for mischief. You gotta try this dude, it sucks: solidarity through communal self-flagellation It's terrible, watch it immediately: Your classic so-bad-it's-good media

Can’t forget, ‘gross, I love it’

Not to forget the iconic


How could people forget Data?


Okay let me try this one again. The Trolley Problem sets up a scenario that sucks to be in. You either kill one guy, or you kill five guys. Nobody likes these options. We all don't want this be happening. That's kind of the point. It's a moral quandary. It's supposed to feel bad.

Now, according to a recent post floating around on tumblr, choosing either of the two options demonstrates "learned helplessness" and makes you a neolib sheep. The only correct answer, the post states, is to reject the question altogether. (Or to change the parameters of the question to include an option that saves everyone, thus eliminating the moral quandary.)

It sounds nice, doesn't it? Fuck this bad situation, we control our imaginations, so let's imagine a situation that doesn't suck. Hah! Bet you didn't think of that!

Here's the problem. Even though I think most situations generally have at least one solution that is both Feasible and Not Terrible, I have to admit that there are some situations (as in, not zero of them) where all the feasible options are unpleasant. This is a natural consequence of living in a world where A Lot Of Things Suck.

But if shitty situations do exist, even if it's super super rare, then it's not unreasonable to ask, "How should we make decisions when we find ourselves in a shitty situation?"

This is the beginning premise of the Trolley Problem. It says, "Hey what if you were in an unambiguously shitty situation? There are many shitty situations, so let's imagine one that is contrived enough to get everyone on the same page regardless of political affiliation, AND really emphasizes the key parts that I want to discuss."

Tumblr says "let me stop you right there. What if instead...we imagined a different scenario that wasn't as shitty?"

Well, okay, but then we're not talking about the same thing anymore. That doesn't actually count as an answer to the problem, you're just changing the subject to a completely different thing.

Tumblr goes on to say, "Exactly. That's the only thing you should ever do when confronted with an ethical quandary. Frankly the fact that you are willing to even consider a scenario that sucks suggests that you are fundamentally incapable of considering less shitty scenarios."

I just want to say I think that's bullshit. I don't think every problem is a trolley problem, but I do think that some problems are a trolley problem. And I think that those problems are worth discussing, even though they don't feel good. The trolley problem exists as a framework to discuss those problems.

Maybe our aversion to difficult decisions has an impact on our ethical reasoning, and maybe we should actually question how our ethical standards hold up under the weight of that aversion. So maybe moral quandaries like the trolley problem are worth discussing. And if you don't want to engage with the quandary, then don't - you don't have to concoct a whole essay about how the quandary is inherently morally bad.

It's possible that what you really want to say is that it sucks when people treat certain situations as trolley problems, when those specific situations actually do contain unambiguously feasible and unambiguously perfect solutions. I would agree with that.

But like. Let's not pretend that you can reduce all of ethics down to unchallenging black and white moralism.


Bigots in leftist communities are usually not infiltrators or invaders purposefully trying to undermine your movement; they're usually just leftists with bigoted ideals from living in a bigoted society.

Framing all instances of bigotry in your community as coming from "somewhere else", from fakers or far-right agents or whatever, just lets you ignore your own bigoted ideals, the bigoted behavior of your friends and the people you like and trust, and your own complicity in it all.

"Don't let [insert bigots] piggyback off our movement!!" They aren't piggybacking, they're your friends, they're your allies, they're your community leaders, and they're you.


oh so they’re just saying the quiet part out loud? Good to know they’re just out and open now


That’s not the quiet part.

There’s something else, something they might not even be fully aware of themselves. The real quiet part is that if it was *their* child or *their* ectopic pregnancy they’d pull out all the stops to save their life or get their grandchild aborted. Planned Parenthood sees reactionaries and regressives all the time, and they are every bit the nightmare patients you’d imagine them to be. But the one thing all those patients have in common is that *their* abortion is *justified*, and the next week they’ll be outside the clinic again, rejoining the protestors for “killing their baby”.

It’d be one thing to have ghoulish principles, but the far-right have none at all.


When I was younger and had more time to waste on the internet, and spent a lot of time in various online forums getting into arguments -- on purpose -- I made up a game I called Six Degrees of Slut.

The game (which is a variation on the well known Six Degrees of Bacon) was very simple. In any discussion of abortion, see whether you could get the other side to articulate, within six back-and-forth exchanges, some variation of The Filthy Sluts Must Be Punished. Regardless of where their argument started, the goal of the game was to get them to admit that.

I never once lost a game of Six Degrees of Slut. On a few occasions the match was inconclusive - the other person left off arguing before we reached round six - but I never lost; I never once reached six rounds of debate with a prolifer without them expressing some variation on this sentiment. But what was really remarkable to me was, a lot of times, that there was no effort involved at all -- they would blurt it out themselves, with effectively no provocation.

Scratch a prolifer, and you'll find right under the surface the conviction that The Filthy Sluts Must Be Punished. I have never once yet found an exception. Sometimes you don't even have to scratch.

That's what we really need to understand about reactionaries. The degrees to which they dehumanize others cannot be overstated. It's never hypocrisy for them if they get an abortion because, see, they had valid reasons. Nobody else ever would. They are just special, they are just better than you.


My very pro life cousin once posted about how all abortion would be banned. My mom asked, "even mine?"

My mom had an abortion at six months along because the fetus was incompatible with life. My parents had already gotten the room ready and named him. This was a wanted child.

My cousin said, basically, "no, of course not, your situation was different. You were married and wanted that baby."

And my mom said, "but if you banned all abortions, I wouldn't have been able to have an abortion and would have had to deliver a dead baby."

Yeah, we don't talk to that cousin anymore.


Sandhill Cranes (Antigone canadensis), mother with chick, family Gruidae, order Gruiformes, found over much of North America

  • Crane chicks are sometimes referred to as “colts”.
  • Sandhill Cranes breed in the far north of North America, and overwinter in the southern US and northern Mexico.
  • There are small separate southerly breeding populations in Mississippi, Florida, and Cuba, as well.

photograph by Jim Ridley

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