
the doctor who companions GOSH zine project!


most recent release can be purchased here: gum.co/goshclara
next release is bill potts!

A little blurry preview of my piece for the @dwgoshzineproject ‚s Martha zine. There are going to be zines for each companion, one is only 3$. You can also get all of them in a bundle for 25$. The Rose zine is already out and it‘s amazing, the Martha zine will be out in a couple of days. So go and get them! 😊

the link to order the rose zine is: gum.co/goshrose

the link to order the martha zine is: gum.co/goshmartha

and the link for the bundle is: gum.co/goshbundle



This is a super tiny preview of my piece for the @dwgoshzineproject rose zine! The zine is still on presale and can be bought as a bundle with the whole set of companion zines or solo for those of you who just really like Rose (like me :^)) It’s been super fun to be a part of this project and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished composition!


i create myself–

i take the words

i scatter them, in time and space

a message

to lead myself



a li’l preview of my entry for rose tyler in the upcoming @dwgoshzineproject !

whoops does she just happen to be in pride colors well gosh gee howdy darn


Guys please support this amazing project! Here’s a little preview of my piece for the Rose zine!!


welcome to the GOSH doctor who companions charity zine project!!! 

this is a project that will feature multiple digital zines based on the new who companions and spinoffs, released monthly. each zine will have a low cost, and all proceeds will be donated to the great ormond street children’s hospital. there will also be an option to purchase all of the zines in a discounted bundle, and you will be sent every zine upon release. 

there will be 11 zines in total, each with one of the following themes: rose, martha, donna, amy & rory, river, clara, bill, one-off companions, the sarah jane adventures, torchwood, and class. 

each zine will feature 10-20 contributors, and will feature fanart, poetry, and fanfic. 

you can apply to any of the zines by doing the following: 

applications will be open until april 2019! 

the timeline for zine releases are as follows: 

rose: july 2018

martha: august 2018

donna: september 2018 

amy/rory: october 2018 

river: november 2018 

clara: december 2018 

bill: january 2019 

one-off companions: february 2019 

the sarah jane adventures: march 2019 

torchwood: april 2019 

class: may 2019 

the shop will open in july 2018! 

happy applying! 


welcome to the GOSH doctor who companions charity zine project!!! 

this is a project that will feature multiple digital zines based on the new who companions and spinoffs, released monthly. each zine will have a low cost, and all proceeds will be donated to the great ormond street children’s hospital. there will also be an option to purchase all of the zines in a discounted bundle, and you will be sent every zine upon release. 

there will be 11 zines in total, each with one of the following themes: rose, martha, donna, amy & rory, river, clara, bill, one-off companions, the sarah jane adventures, torchwood, and class. 

each zine will feature 10-20 contributors, and will feature fanart, poetry, and fanfic. 

you can apply to any of the zines by doing the following: 

applications will be open until april 2019! 

the timeline for zine releases are as follows: 

rose: july 2018

martha: august 2018

donna: september 2018 

amy/rory: october 2018 

river: november 2018 

clara: december 2018 

bill: january 2019 

one-off companions: february 2019 

the sarah jane adventures: march 2019 

torchwood: april 2019 

class: may 2019 

the shop will open in july 2018! 

happy applying! 

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