
Tinseltown Cloud

@tinseltowncloud / tinseltowncloud.tumblr.com

Angeleno Industry Nerd Know Entirely Too Much About Television Fangirl

saw a tiktok of a mother taking her very tiny daughter to an art museum and she’s just walking around going “whoooa” “woooaah” to everything but then they got to a marble statue of a nude woman lying on her back and the girl points and goes “mommy🫵” and i just immediately welled up with tears and all the comments are just laughing about it and of course it’s funny but how are you not insanely moved by the way art connects everyone on earth from a centuries-old sculptor to a toddler in 2023


Mother and baby viewing Van Gogh's Madame Roulin and Her Baby at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, US. By the Boston Herald

I’m not sure how to look at art by Lynda Barry


Eddie: Kicks the 3rd woman he’s dated out of his house because of repressed catholic guilt after avoiding having sex with her.

Buck: absolutely flailing as a baby disaster bisexual and sending his date running for the hills before they even finish their meal.

Chris, “out of town” somewhere, sitting on a curb and smoking a cigarette: Jesus Christ, these two fucking idiots…


we did NOT talk enough about "episcopalians don't have guilt, which I don't feel great about." funniest thing he's ever said.


we also did NOT talk enough about "I'm the Manchurian Catholic" like that shit is comedy GOLD

This ep was comedy GOLD. The closet line?! Bobby being God?!


If I ask nicely will people reblog this and tell me what their most common breakfast is? Not your favorite necessarily, just what you have for breakfast most frequently? 🙏🏽

I don’t eat breakfast weekdays. Weekends I go to my diner and I get: chicken breast, 2 eggs over medium, bacon and grits on Saturday. Sunday I sleep in and don’t eat breakfast.

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