
And Now For Something Random and Quite Frightening

@bhryn / bhryn.tumblr.com

Lunatic. Gamer. Penjockey.

Changed this one (ferai-caolann) into bhryn-illustrations and moved my rp one to @ferai-caolann

As I’m currently NOT rping, taking a chunk of time from the game, I wanted to make the distinction clear. This is my art/life/games/whatever else blog until I choose to come back.

Thank you. x


This will be my new art hub so if you follow me here, move across there as I might be deleting this one soon. Thankies ♥

Sylvanas sends her regards, Alliance scum 

(Love you guys lol)

The Banshee Queen, available as prints, shirts, stickers etc here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/bhryn/works/28828863-the-true-banshee-queen?asc=u …

My kofi link to send me tips to keep me running on pizza: https://ko-fi.com/A874EAT 

Reblog - do not repost. I read all comments and tags! Thank you guys!


hi this is my kitten Paddington who is 12 weeks on thursday and he LOVES watching me play games - he agrees I am a shitty D2 warlock and he would play it way better than me - tch, backseat catgamers...


Moon Stars Jewelry is an Etsy shop catering to the star-studded whims of people. The designer incorporates metals, glitters and glass into each piece to create a multilayered pendant or stone which becomes the heart of the collection. With an extensive career in honing her craftsmanship and eye for details in the design industry, this artist captures the transcendental skyscape in her jewelry design.

She uses glass to mold a fluid space into which she dumps glitters and tiny crystals of dazzling colors to produce a realistic galactic effect. In her studio page on Etsy, she explains the inspiration behind her work, “Like the Tibetan Buddhist monks who, during the casting process of their sacred bells, threw prayers of intention written on rice paper into the molten metal (that special moment of alchemical possibility). I also do this in my own work, realizing the importance of intention, and elements that go beyond the decorative aspect of jewelry.”

The designer creates celestial jewellery pieces that celebrate the beauty of the universe. Her products can be found in her Etsy shop.


Cu Chulainn (Alter) a.k.a Cu-chan from Fate/Grand Order.


Happy Birthday Carrie Fisher! [B. October 21st, 1956-∞]

“When I love, I love for miles and miles. A love so big it should either be outlawed or it should have a capital and its own currency.” - Carrie Fisher

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