



Happy N7 Day! (insp)

RSD check
  • Your friends don’t secretly hate you
  • You’re not a bad person for things you did and said months or years ago that you now recognize as bad
  • You aren’t cringe for being excited about things
  • You don’t talk too much
  • If you feel sick from intrusive thoughts/rsd please sip on some water, get a blanket or plush to cuddle, put on some music or a video that makes you feel happy
  • You are loved <3

I just wanna say rick made a good choice there

who else agrees with me??


whew chillay



So that is a video of a woman like, literally piece-by-piece, word-for-word-ing, what her husband's trip to the grocery store for their household is going to be. And I saw another creator stitch this video talking about - I mean they had a really dope word for it and I can't remember it right now, but it's about performed incompetence, and how actually what this husband is doing is exaggerating their own incompetence and exaggerating their own incapability to force the labor that they don't want to do - this husband - onto their partner, right? That their wife will hopefully be like, "Oh my gosh it's just easier for me to do it myself, so I'm gonna do it myself. You're good."

And now they're absolved of the need to contribute to the household. So actually, that performance of incompetence is an investment that that husband is making for his future self. You feel me? It is like a patriarchal investment. And it's two-pronged, right? So you don't have to - One, you don't have to do the thing that you don't want to do, which is go to the grocery store, but two, you've set the expectations for your own capability so low that whatever you end up doing is incredible.

So, now I'm going to do my favorite thing which is to make it about race, and I'm actually going to say that in a parallel sense, like that is a patriarchal investment that the husband is making into his future self, but I think that actually, in the same way, mediocrity is a gift that whiteness gives to its own future. You know what I'm saying? That whiteness performing mediocrity sets the bar so low that the generations that will eventually inherit the legacies of whiteness can do anything and feel entitled to like, riches and fortune, right? And we also accept that performance of incompetence, and that performance of mediocrity, and then accept the bare minimum from whatever white person, or whatever beneficiary of whiteness comes along and does just more than we would expect from them.

And I think the - because of anti-blackness, it's the opposite for black people, right? Like, to escape the violence of whiteness you have to perform such excellence, and inherently the bar is constantly getting higher and higher, until you have all these superhuman black people who are just getting by.

Anyway, I've gotta brush my teeth. Bye!]


Hello! My name is Male Manga Artist, and I've got a up-and-coming best seller story to pitch to you!

This is my main character Spunky Boy! He will go through amazing character development, such as remaining spunky for 95% of the story, except for one arc where he becomes dark and angsty. Yes he'll snap right out of it. The many many human atrocities he witnesses will not faze him, except during 5 minute speeches when he acts like they have.

And now we have Angry Rival Boy! It will be obvious within the first 50 chapters that I actually like Angry Rival Boy far more than Spunky Boy, and I'll spend the following 200 chapters acting like Angry Rival Boy is the real protagonist.

Can't forget the women! Here are my three female characters: Titties, Bigger Titties, and No Titties. Titties' personality is Love Interest. She'll have an arc where she realizes she should define herself by something other than her love for Spunky Boy, at which point I will effectively write her out of the story because I can't conceptualize women having any kind of inner lives that aren't about men.

Bigger Titties' personality is Refined Older Sister. She has no backstory. Her family is rich. No Titties' personality is being angry and scorned, especially when every character points out how she has no titties. No Titties will be effectively written out of the story by chapter 50 because I'm not sure what a female character without titties can even do.

Oh, haha! How could I forget! I also have Matriarchal MILF, a 40 year old with gazonga titties and a drinking problem. She is VERY smart and experienced, or at least I say so. She's stuck up and likes to yell at men. I'll release a sketch on Twitter of her lounging in her pajamas drinking wine and petting her cat, to show I understand women (her gazonga titties will be bursting out of the pajama top).

The rest of the cast? 47 male characters who all have more character and development than any of my 3 (sorry, 4) women. I'll forget about 95% of these characters when I get bored of them and write them out of the plot. This is fine because I will come up with 47 other male characters, and a few more no-speaking-role Titty characters I can use to hook new readers by releasing sketches of them on Twitter. I even have one scene planned where a Titty character does something badass and useful while her gagongahonkas flip flap floop flipperoo all over the page. My audience will brand me progressive for this.

Oh? What's the plot of my show? Haha that's obvious. Magic. Friendship. There's some gimmick in this world that is really cool and interesting, and also there is a villain. Do I have the story PLANNED? What do you mean? I already told you all the women's breast sizes. Do I have an ENDING? Why would I plan to end the story???

What's that? A 10 year contract?! Great! Yes, thank you, I do think I'm a genius as well. Can't wait for the tv adaptation to become the next international anime phenomenon!


Desi! Percy.

Happy Birthday king!

I saw a post on Percy owning a black kurta and Y E S.

@skaterannabeth,. Do you like it? :3.

Credit: me!

Do NOT repost!


The Last Olympian pg.372-374

Wanted to finish this last year but some things happened. Enjoy!


ayo anyone here whos read the friend scheme by cale dietrich? i need to know if its a good book or not


Its on my tbr 😅

im reading some reviews and the overall opinion is that its good!!

I just didnt like The Love Interest, so i've been putting it off for a while 😅

bro the love interest is on my tbr 😳

The book itself was good, but the ending was... well, to avoid spoilers, it was very disappointing?


ayo anyone here whos read the friend scheme by cale dietrich? i need to know if its a good book or not


Its on my tbr 😅

im reading some reviews and the overall opinion is that its good!!

I just didnt like The Love Interest, so i've been putting it off for a while 😅


ayo anyone here whos read the friend scheme by cale dietrich? i need to know if its a good book or not


Its on my tbr 😅

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